Transportation Faculty
Students benefit from an award-winning faculty, with expertise ranging from traditional traffic engineering to state of the art technologies in smart and connected cities.

Linda Ng Boyle
Vice Dean for Research; Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering
Joseph Chow
Institute Associate Professor; Deputy Director of C2SMARTER University Transportation Center
John Falcocchio
Professor of Transportation Planning and Engineering (Emeritus)
Kaan Ozbay
Professor; Director of C2SMARTER
Roger Roess
Professor Emeritus
Jose Ulerio
Industry Professor
Daniel Vignon
Assistant Professor
Eugene Vinitsky
Assistant Professor
Affiliated Faculty
Monica Menendez
Professor NYUAD; Global Network Professor NYU
Saif Eddin Jabari
Associate Professor, NYUAD; Global Network Associate Professor NYU
Samer Madanat
Dean of Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi
Zhong-Ping Jiang
Institute Professor
Adjunct Faculty
Philip Habib
Adjunct Professor
Richard Malchow
Adjunct Professor
Raman Patel
Adjunct Professor
Luis Sanchez
Adjunct Professor
Gennaro Sansone
Adjunct Professor
Mohamad Talas
Adjunct Professor
Gerard Soffian
Adjunct Faculty
C2SMARTER Center Staff
Oishi Ahmed
Grants Manager
Jingqin Gao
Senior Research Associate
Shri Iyer
Managing Director, C2SMART Center
Elizabeth Pohl
Research Project Manager, C2SMARTER Center