Roger Roess

  • Professor Emeritus

Roger Roess
Research Interests
Highway Capacity and Level of Service Analysis Traffic Control and Operations Traffic Engineering Public Transportation Operations Transportation Economics Engineering Pedagogy

Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 1968
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering

Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 1969
Master of Science, Transportation Planning and Engineering

Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn 1972
Doctor of Philosophy, Transportation Planning and Engineering

Journal Articles


  • Author, “Freeway Speed-Flow Curves in the 2010 HCM,” Transportation Research Record 2257, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. 2011.
  • Principal Author (with Vandehey and Kittelson), “Level of Service: 2010 and Beyond,” Transportation Research Record 2173, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2010.
  • Co-Author (with Prassas), “A New Critical Movement Analysis Approach for Signalized Intersections,” Transportation Research Record 2173, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2010.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio), “Capacity of Freeway Weaving Segments,” Transportation Research Record 2130, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2009.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio), “Level of Service Analysis of Freeway Weaving Segments,” Transportation Research Record 2130, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Washington D.C., 2009.
  • Co-Author (with Elefteriadou et al), “Methodology for Evaluating Operational Performance of Interchange Ramp Terminals,” Transportation Research Record 1920, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Washington D.C., 2006.
  • Co-Author (with Kittelson), “Highway Capacity Analysis After the HCM2000,” Transportation Research Record 1776, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2001.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio), “Weaving Area Analysis in the Year 2000 “Highway Capacity Manual,” Transportation Research Record 1710, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2000.
  • Co-Author (with Ulerio and Lee), “A Comparative Analysis of FRESIM and the 1994 HCM Models for Ramp Junctions with an Independent Data Base,” Transportation Research Record 1572, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1997.
  • Co-Author (with Prassas and McShane), “Stochastic Modeling of the Left-Turn Process and its Effect on Saturation Flow,” Transportation Research Record 1555, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1996.
  • Co-Author (with Prassas and McShane), “Cluster Analysis as a Tool in Traffic Engineering,” Transportation Research Record 1566, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1996.
  • Co-Author (with Elefteriadou and McShane), "Breakdowns at Freeway-Merge Junctions," Transportation Research Record 1489, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1995.
  • Co-Author (with Prassas), "Left-Turn Adjustment Factors for Shared-Permissive Left-Turn Lane Groups - Another Look," Transportation Research Record 1398, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1993.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio and Papayannoulis), "Modeling the Left-Turn Adjustment Factor for Permitted Left Turns Made from Shared Lane Groups," Transportation Research Record 1287, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1992.
  • Author, "Development of Analysis Procedures for Signalized Intersections in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual," Transportation Research Record 1112, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1987.
  • Author, "Development of Weaving Area Analysis Procedures for the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual," Transportation Research Record 1112, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1987.
  • Principal Author (with McShane), "Concepts of Capacity and Level of Service in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual," ITE Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington DC, April 1987.
  • Principal Author (with McShane), "Changing Concepts of Level of Service in the 1985 HCM: Some Examples," ITE Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington DC, April 1987.
  • Author, "Level of Service Concepts: Development, Philosophies, and Implications," Transportation Research Record 971, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1985.
  • Co-Author (with Grealy), "Economic Analysis Procedure for Evaluating Ferry Operations," Transportation Journal of the ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York NY, 1985.
  • Principal Author (with Messer), "Passenger Car Equivalents for Uninterrupted Flow: Revisions to Circular 212 Values," Transportation Research Record 971, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1985.
  • Principal Author (with Kramer and Pignataro), "Re-Entry of Women into the Transportation Profession: A Program and a Potential," Transportation Research Record 929, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1984.
  • Co-Author (with Schreier and Allison), "Design of Training Programs for Transit Middle-Managers," Transportation Research Record 929, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1984.
  • Co-Author (with Paaswell, Pignataro, Jasper, and Falcocchio), "Transportation Workshop for Minority Institution Faculty," Transportation Research Record 929, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1984.
  • Principal Author (with Grealy), "The Use of High-Speed Vessels in Urban Ferry Services: Issues and Economic Evaluation," Transportation Research Record 922, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1984.
  • Author, "The Role of Waterborne Transportation in Urban Transit," Transportation Research Record 824, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1982.
  • Co-Author (with Habib), "Functional Design Elements for Ferry Terminals," Transportation Research Record 817, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1981.
  • Principal Author (with Pignataro), "Transportation and the University: Challenges for the Future," Transportation Research Record 793, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1981.
  • Author, "Development of Modified Capacity Analysis Procedures for Ramps," Transportation Research Record 772, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1980.
  • Principal Author (with McShane and Pignataro), "A Revision of the NCHRP Weaving Area Capacity Methodology," Transportation Research Record 772, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1980.
  • Co-Author (with McShane, Menaker, and Falcocchio), "Transit Ridership in an Intense Transit Environment," Transportation Research Record 746, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1980.
  • Princ ipal Author (with Linzer, McShane, and Pignataro), "A Revised Procedure for the Capacity Analysis of Basic Freeway Sections," Transportation Research, Vol 14A, Pergamon Press, London ENG, 1980.
  • Co-Author (with Linzer and McShane), "Effect of Trucks, Buses, and Recreational Vehicles on Freeway Capacity and Service Volume," Transportation Research Record 699, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1979.
  • Principal Author (with McShane and Pignataro), "Freeway Level of Service: A Revised Approach," Transportation Research Record 699, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1979. (Winner of 1979 D. Grant Mickle Award).
  • Co-Author (with Huss), "A Procedure for Optimizing Rapid Transit Car Design," Transportation Research Record 627, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1978.
  • Principal Author (with Huss and Kwicklis), "Operating and Maintenance Costs for Rail Rapid Transit," Transportation Journal of the ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York NY, May 1977.
  • Co-Author (with Pignataro, McShane, and Lee), "Recommended Procedure for Weave-Area Operations and Design," Transportation Research Record 538, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1974.
  • Principal Author (with McShane and Pignataro), "Configuration and the Design and Analysis of Weaving Areas," Transportation Research Record 489, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1974.
  • Co-Author (with Pignataro, McShane, and Lee), "Weaving Area Operations Study: Analysis and Recommendations," Transportation Research Record 398, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1972.
  • Co-Author (with Pignataro and Falcocchio), "Selected Bus Demonstration Projects," Transportation Journal of the ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York NY, 1970.



Authored/Edited Books



Books and Manuscripts


  • Principal Author (with Sansone), The Wheels That Drove New York: A History of the New York City Transit System, Springer-Verlag, 2013.
  • Principal Author (with Prassas and McShane), Traffic Engineering, 4rd Edition, Pearson/Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle Brook, NJ, 2011.
  • Principal Author (with McShane), An Executive Overview of the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington DC, 1986.
  • Principal Investigator, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1985 (served as Editor and major contributing author, prepared under contract to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program; also major contributor to 1994, 1997, and 2000 editions; principal author, Vol. II, Uninterrupted Flow, 2010 edition).
  • Contributor (with Pignataro, et al), Traffic Engineering: Theory and Practice, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1973.
  • Author, Configuration and the Design and Analysis of Weaving Sections, Doctoral Dissertation, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn NY, June 1972.

Course Notes

  • Principal Author (with Huss), Urban Public Transportation, Course Notes, Polytechnic University, 1969.
  • Author, Transportation Economics, Course Notes, Polytechnic University, 1975.

Other Publications


Other Journal Articles and Published Reports


  • Co-Author (with Elefteriadou, et al), Issues in Defining Capacity, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Highway Capacity, Okinawa, Japan, August 2006.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio), “Comparison of the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual’s Ramp Analysis Procedures with the FRESIM Model, NCHRP Report 385, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1997.
  • Author, “Progress Towards the Year 2000 Highway Capacity Manual,” (abridgement), Proceedings: Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference, Pennsylvania DOT and Penn State University, State College, PA, December 1995.
  • Author, “Towards the Year 2000 of the Highway Capacity Manual,” Proceedings: Summer Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April 1995.
  • Principal Author (with Tooney), "Institutionalizing a New Curriculum for Engineering Majors at Polytechnic University," Proceedings: Frontiers in Education Conference, San Jose, CA, Nov. 1994.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio), "New Capacity Procedures for Ramp-Freeway Terminals," Proceedings: 2nd International Conference on Highway Capacity, Sydney, Australia, August 1994.
  • Author, "A Core Curriculum for Engineering Majors at Polytechnic University," Proceedings: First Annual Conference of the Gateway Engineering Education Coalition, Philadelphia PA, Oct. 1993
  • Author, "Highway Capacity Manual Revisited," Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York NY, Nov. 1985.
  • Author, "Efforts Towards the Third Edition of the 'Highway Capacity Manual'," Traffic Engineering and Control, Printhall Ltd, London ENG, Aug. 1983.
  • Principal Author (with McShane, Linzer, and Pignataro), "Freeway Capacity Analysis Procedures," ITE Journal, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington DC, Dec. 1980.
  • Principal Author (with McShane, Linzer, and Pignataro), "Freeway Capacity Procedures," Interim Materials on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Circular 212, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 1980.
  • Co-Author (with McShane, Menaker, and Falcocchio), "A Study of Rider Characteristics," NTIS Report No. PB 295-107/AS, National Technical Information Service, Washington DC, 1979.
  • Principal Author (with Pignataro), "A New Approach to Technical Education - A School of Technology Planning and Policy," Proceedings of the 86th Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Educators, Vancouver BC (Canada), June 1978.
  • Author, "Methodologies for Evaluating Graduate Courses Within the Context of Overall Curricula," Proceedings of the 88th Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Amherst MA, June 1980.
  • Author, "Criteria for Rail Transit Efficiency," Proceedings of the Joint ASCE/ITE Conference on Urban Transportation Efficiency, New York NY, July 1977.
  • Author, "An Evaluation of Existing and Potential Mechanisms for Financing Transit in New York State," Resource Paper, Financing Transit in New York State: Workshop Report, Polytechnic Institute of New York, Brooklyn NY, June 1977.
  • Co-Author (with Kwicklis), "Operating Costs of Rail Rapid Transit," NTIS Report No. PB 251-560, National Technical Information Service, Washington DC, 1976.
  • Co-Author (with Pignataro, McShane, and Lee), "Weaving Areas: Design and Operation," National Cooperative Highway Research Report 159, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC. 1975.
  • Co-Author (with Caruolo), "The Effect of Fare Reduction on Public Transit Ridership," NTIS Report No. PB 244-578, National Technical Information Service, Washington DC, 1975.
  • Co-Author (with Tomazinis and Schlaefi), "Analytic Aspects in Financing Public Transportation," Proceedings of the ORSA/TSS Urban Transportation Workshop, Port Deposit MD, 1972.
  • Author, "Internal Analysis of the Highway Capacity Manual Weaving Algorithms," Compendium of Papers, 42nd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, New York NY 1972.
  • Author, "Characteristics of Existing Mass Transportation Facilities," Transportation and the Aging, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington DC, 1971.

Conference Presentations

  • Author, Speed-Flow Curves in the Highway Capacity Manual: A Historical Perspective, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2011.
  • Principal Author (with Ulerio), Analysis of Four Weaving Areas, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2007.
  • Co-Author (with Vu, et al), Simulation of a Weaving Section, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2007.
  • Author, Development of a New Weaving Analysis Procedure, Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Metropolitan Section, Astoria NY, November 2006.
  • Author, “Workshop on Software for the 1997 Highway Capacity Manual,” Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference, Pennsylvania DOT and Penn State University, State College, PA, Dec 1998.
  • Author, “Upcoming Changes in the Highway Capacity Manual,” New York Regional Transportation Consortium Forum, World Trade Center, New York NY, February 1998.
  • Author, “The 1997 Highway Capacity Manual: Revisions to Chapters 1-9,” Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference, Pennsylvania DOT and Penn State University, State College, PA, December 1997.
  • Author, “Workshop on Signalized Intersection Analysis Procedures Using Highway Capacity Software for the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual,” Traffic Engineering and Safety Conference, Pennsylvania DOT and Penn State University, State College, PA, December 1995.
  • Author, “An Overview of the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual,” presented at the mid-Atlantic section meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Philadelphia PA, June 28, 1995.
  • Author, “The 1994 Revision of the HCM: Basic Freeways and Ramp Junctions,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 1995.
  • Author, "New Freeway Chapters in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for Transportation Engineers, Dallas TX, Oct. 1994.
  • Author, "New Approaches in Engineering Education: Ramifications on Secondary Preparation," presented at the Annual Meeting of the NCSSMST, New York NY, April 1994.
  • Author, "New Capacity Procedures for Basic Freeway Sections," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 1994.
  • Co-Author (with Theophilopoulos), "A Turbulence Modeling Approach at Ramp Junctions," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 1990.
  • Author, "Design Aspects of the 1985 HCM Methodology for Signalized Intersections," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Atlantic City NJ, April 17, 1987.
  • Author, "Freeways and Rural Highways in the New Highway Capacity Manual," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Denver CO, May 2, 1985.
  • Author, "Development of the Third Edition of the Highway Capacity Manual," presented at the Metropolitan Section Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Brooklyn NY, Feb. 16, 1984.
  • Principal Author (with Grealy), "Ridership Characteristics of Urban Waterborne Commuters," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 1983.
  • Principal Author (with Grealy), "Characteristics of Urban Ferry Commuters," presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the International Marine Transit Association, Copenhagen DENMARK, Sept 29-Oct 2, 1981.
  • Co-Author (with Habib), "Planning Urban Ferry Services: Issues and First Year Results," presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Marine Transit Association, New Orleans LA, Nov 5-7, 1980.
  • Author, "A Transportation Curriculum for Students from Developing Countries," presented at the 87th Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Baton Rouge LA, June 1980.


  • D. Grant Mickle Award, Transportation Research Board, 1979.
  • Outstanding Service Commendation, Transportation Research Board Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, 2000.
  • Elected Emeritus Member (Life Member), Transportation Research Board Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, 2004.