Daniel Vignon ,

  • Assistant Professor



Dr. Vignon's research seeks to inform the design, regulation and operation of emerging mobility services and of smart infrastructure systems. Drawing from his background in both engineering and economics, he models and analyzes the interactions of these systems with different markets, studies their performance and their impact on social welfare, and designs policies to optimally and parsimoniously regulate them.

Research Interests
Transportation economics, urban and emerging transportation systems, operations research, smart infrastructure systems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2017

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Master of Arts, Economics, 2022

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, 2022

NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Civil and Urban Engineering Department

Assistant Professor, 2022-

Daniel A. Vignon and Yin, Yafeng, Safety and Liability Under Infrastructure-Assisted Automated Driving. Working Paper

Liu, Tianming, Xu, Z., Vignon, D.A.M.C., Yin, Y., Li, Q. and Qin, Z. (2022) ”Effects of Threshold-Based Incentives on Drivers’ Labor Supply Behavior”. Under review, https://ssrn.com/abstract=4190573

Liu, Tianming and Xu, Zhengtian and Vignon, Daniel and Yin, Yafeng and Qin, Zhiwei and Li, Qingyang, Threshold-Based Incentives for Ride-Sourcing Drivers: Implications on Supply Management and Welfare Effects (November 29, 2022). Under Review , https://ssrn.com/abstract=4288873

Daniel Vignon, Yafeng Yin, Jintao Ke, "Regulating the ride-hailing market in the age of uberization",Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 169, 2023, 102969, ISSN 1366-5545, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2022.102969.

Vignon, D.A.M.C., Yin, Y., and Bahrami, S., Laberteaux, K. (2022) ”Economic Analysis of Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation for Driving Automation”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 142:103757, Sept 2022

Vignon, D.A., Y. Yin, and J. Ke. Regulating Ridesourcing Services with Product Differentiation and Congestion Externality. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 127:103088, June 2021. ISSN 0968-090X

Bahrami, S., Vignon, D.A.M.C., Yin, Y. and Laberteaux, K. (2021) ”Parking Management of Automated Vehicles in Downtown Areas”. Transportation Research Part C, 121:103001, May 2021

Xu, Z., Vignon, D.A.M.C., Yin, Y., and Ye, J. (2020). “An empirical study of the labor supply of ride-sourcing drivers”. Transportation Letters, 1-4, July 2020

Research News

November 11, 2024

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