I am a PhD student affiliated with NYU Center for Cybersecurity(NYU-CCS) and Laboratory for Agile and Resilient Complex Systems(LARX). Together with my supervisor Prof. Quanyan Zhu, I am focusing on applied mathematics and engineering sciences.
Notice: My new hompage is here. The maintenance of the current page is indefinitely suspended.
University of Alberta
June 2017-Sept 2017
Research Assistant
Research topic: directional compact supported box spline
Publication: Bin Han, Tao Li, Xiaosheng Zhuang, Directional compactly supported box spline tight framelets with simple geometric structure, Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 91, 2019, pp 213-219
Game Theory
- Multi-agent Learning
Reinforcement Learning
- Multiscale Approximation: Adaptive representation learning in reinforcement learning
A full list of publication can be found on my google scholar
T. Li and Q. Zhu, "On Convergence Rate of Adaptive Multiscale Value Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning," 2019 IEEE 29th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6.[pdf]
B. Han, T. Li, and X. Zhuang. "Directional compactly supported box spline tight framelets with simple geometric structure." Applied Mathematics Letters 91 (2019): 213-219.[pdf]