Patricio Yeo Del Real
B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

UN Sustainability Goals
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Areas of Excellence
- Health
- Urban
Global Challenge: Integration of technology with medicine to enhance human development
Not all light guides, nor does all darkness consume. Equilibrium finds its path without interference."
I am a Sophomore majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with a minor in Finance. Prosthesis and tissue engineering deeply intrigue me, driving me to pursue a career in Biomedical Engineering. I grew up in Mexico City, where I became accustomed to the buzzing and vibrant community of a metropolis. Moving to New York City, I gained momentum, taking advantage of diverse opportunities, channeling them to fulfill my goals.
At Tandon, I am an active member of the Society of Hispanic Engineers (SHPE), The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), and the Undergraduate Latin American Business Association (ULABA). Additionally, I am a GLASS Peer Ambassador, orchestrating behind-the-scenes efforts for unique events that foster community engagement. The diversity of settings, clubs, and events has allowed me to connect with inspiring like-minded colleagues and friends. At the core of great institutions lay strong relationships, and I have been fortunate to sprout meaningful connections.
Whenever I need to energize, I reach for my racquets and play tennis in the nearest available courts. Alternatively, I put on my headphones and go for walks, scouting the city for my next go-to dinner spot.