Mark Green

  • Professor Emeritus


Mark M. Green graduated from the City College of New York in 1958 and received his doctoral degree from Princeton University in 1966. This degree and a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University were supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). His early career, beginning at the University of Michigan, was continuously supported by the NIH for his work on the chemistry of gas phase ions with indefinable temperatures. During the 1971-1972 academic year he was a visiting professor in Spain and in Israel. In 1978 he was an Indo-American Scholar under the Fulbright Program and spent six months in India.

In 1980 Professor Green began investigations of the cooperative properties of polymers in the Herman Mark Polymer Research Institute of Brooklyn Poly, now the New York University Tandon School of Engineering. This effort was continuously supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), from whom he has won a Special Creativity Award in 1995. In 1990 he received a Japan-US Fellowship from the NSF and spent a sabbatical year in Osaka, Japan. He was elected as chair of the Polymer Chemistry Gordon Conference for the year 2000. He served for three years on the editorial board of the American Chemical Society journal, Macromolecules and he serves on the editorial board of Topics in Stereochemistry. He was elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for “pioneering work in important new areas of polymer science.” He was elected as a Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for a visit to Japan in 2003 and has been elected as winner of the Society of Polymer Science of Japan award for “outstanding achievement in polymer science and technology” for 2005. He was awarded a Jacobs’ “Excellence in Teaching Award” by the Polytechnic University in 2006 for his innovative approach to learning organic chemistry and his textbook with Harold Wittcoff entitled, “Organic Chemistry Principles and Industrial Practice.” A textbook following this philosophy in discovering the principles of the science in complex biological, academic and industrial processes, “Organic Chemistry Principles in Context: A Story Telling Historical Approach, and directed to beginning organic chemistry students was published in 2012. A review appeared in Nature Chemistry in 2013: “This textbook offers a fascinating and dramatic change to the landscape of textbook choice.”

Professor Green's most recent research interst has moved into the area of plant based methods to discover methods to control arthropods acting as disease vectors.


Research Interests
Chiral Studies Across the Spectrum of Polymer Science: From dilute solution to the glassy state, from liquid crystals to peptide nucleic acids, to viruses and most recently investigations of plant based method of control of arthropod disease vectors.

City College of New York, 1958
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

New York University, 1964
Master of Science Equivalent (No Degree),

Princeton University, 1966
Doctor of Philosophy, Organic Chemistry

Stanford University, 1967
Postdoctoral Fellow,

Journal Articles


  • 1. Fluorescence and Absorption Spectra of Biological Dyes; S.P. Dadik, M.M. Green and H.T. Morse, Stain Techn., 38, 37 (1963).

    2. The Absolute Configuration of Menthyl Arenesulfinates; E.B. Fleischer, M. Axelrod, M.M. Green and K. Mislow, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 86, 3395 (1964).

    3. Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Absolute Configuration of Dialkyl Sulfoxides; K. Mislow, M.M. Green, P. Lauer and D.R. Chisholm, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 87, 665 (1965).

    4. Absolute Configuration and Optical Rotatory Power of Sulfoxides and Sulfinate Esters; K. Mislow, M.M. Green, P. Lauer, J.T. Melillo, T. Simmons and A.L. Ternary, Jr., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 87, 1958 (1965).

    5. Absolute Configurations of Sulfoxides by Asymmetric Oxidation of Sulfides; K. Mislow, M.M.Green and M. Raban, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 87, 2761 (1965).

    6. Configurational Correlation of Alcohols by Asymmetric Synthesis of Sulfinate Esters; M.M. Green, M. Axelrod and K. Mislow, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 88, 861 (1966).

    7. Mass Spectrometry in Structural and Stereochemical Problems. CXIX. Interaction of Remote Functional Groups in Mass Spectrometry; M.M. Green, D.S. Weinberg and C. Djerassi, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 88, 3883 (1966).

    8. Concerning the Structure of the (C4H4O)+ Ion from the Electron Impact Induced Fragmentation of 2-Pyrone; P. Brown and M.M. Green, J. Org. Chem., 32, 1681 (1967).

    9. Mass Spectrometry in Structural and Stereochemical Problems. CXXXVII. Examples of Interaction of Remote Functional Groups after Electron Impact; M.M. Green and C. Djerassi, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 89, 5190 (1967).

    10. Site Selectivity and Stereospecificity in Mass Spectral Elimination Reactions; M.M. Green and J. Schwab, Tetrahedron Letters, 2955 (1968).

    11. Distinguishing Diastereotopic Hydrogens by Mass Spectrometry. A Direct Probe Into the Transition State of an Electron Impact Induced Elimination Reaction; M.M. Green, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 90, 3872 (1968).

    12. Absolute Configuration and Optical Rotatory Dispersion of Methyl Alkyl Sulfoxides; M. Axelrod, P. Bickart, M.L. Goldstein, M.M. Green, A. Kjaer and K. Mislow, Tetrahedron Letters, 3249 (1968).

    13. The Absolute Configuration of Sulfoxides and Sulfinates; M. Axelrod, P. Bickart, J. Jacobus, M.M. Green and K. Mislow, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 90, 4835 (1968).

    14. A Reasonable Accounting for Mass Spectral Stereoisomeric Effects in Substituted Cyclohexanols; M.M. Green, R.J. Cook, W. Rayle, E. Walton and M.F. Grostic, Chem. Comm., 81, (1969).

    15. A Detailed Stereochemical Analysis of Electron-Impact Induced 1,3 Elimination in Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexyl Chloride; M.M. Green and R.J. Cook, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 91, 2129 (1969).

    16. A Stereochemical Approach Toward a More Detailed Understanding of Electron-Impact Induced Elimination Reactions; M.M. Green, R.J. Cook, J.M. Schwab and R.B. Roy, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 3076 (1970).

    17. Dynamic Stereochemistry - A Comparator for Electron Impact and Pyrolytic Elimination of Acetic Acid from Acetates; M.M. Green, J.M. Moldowan, D.J. Hart and J.M. Krakower, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 3491 (1970).

    18. Hidden Stereochemistry in Mass Spectrometry; M.M. Green and R.B. Roy, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 6368 (1970).

    19. Electron Induced 1,4 Elimination. The Barton Reaction in Disguise; M.M. Green, J.G. McGrew, II and J.M. Moldowan, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 93, 6700 (1971).

    20. Dynamic Stereochemistry, Mechanistic Controversy in the Silver Oxide Bromine Induced Cyclizations of Alcohols; M.M. Green, J.M. Moldowan and J.G. McGrew, II, Chem. Comm., 451 (1973).

    21. Formation of Remote Double Bonds by Ferrous Sulphate Cupric Acetate Promoted Decomposition of Alkyl Hydroperoxides; Z. Cekovic and M.M. Green, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 96, 3000 (1974).

    22. A Stereochemical Approach Toward the Structure of Gas Phase Ions; M.M. Green, J.M. Moldowan and J.G. McGrew, II, J. Org. Chem., 39, 2166 (1974).

    23. Combined Deuterium Labeling and Appearance Potential Measurements to Uncover Competing Reaction Mechanisms in Electron Impact Induced loss of Water from Cyclohexanol; M.M.Green, D. Bafus and J.L. Franklin, Organic Mass Spectrometry, 10, 679 (1975).

    24. Textbook Errors: Which Starch Fraction is Water-soluble, Amylose or Amylopectin?; M.M. Green, G. Blankenhorn and H. Hart, J. Chem. Ed., 52, 729 (1975).

    25. The Hoffmann-Leoffler-Freytag Bridge between Mass Spectrometry and Free Radical Chemistry; M.M. Green, M.W. Armstrong, T. L. Thompson, K.J. Sprague, A.J. Hass, J.J. Artus and J.M. Moldowan, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 98, 849 (1976).

    26. Mass Spectrometry and the Stereochemistry of Organic Molecules; M.M. Green, Topics in Stereochemistry, Ed. by N.L. Allinger and E.L. Eliel Vol. 9, J. Wiley Publ., p.35-110 (1976).

    27. The Temperature Dependence of an Electron Impact Induced Stereoselective Rearrangement Reaction; M.M. Green, T.J. Mangner, S. P. Turner and F.J. Brown, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 98, 7082 (1976).

    28. Mass Spectrometry - A Sensitive Probe of Molecular Geometry; M.M. Green, Pure & Applied Chemistry, 50, 185 (1978).

    29. Homolytic Substitution at Saturated Carbon: Mass Spectrometry & Free Radical Chemistry; M.M. Green, R.J. Giguere and J.R.P. Nicholson, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 100, 8020 (1978).

    30. Regiospecificity of Intramolecular Hydrogen Transfer in Cyclohexanol Following Chemical Ionization; C. Fenselau, M.M. Green and I. Jardine, Organic Mass Spectrometry, 14, 326 (1976).

    31. Skeletal Rearrangements Induced by Chemical Ionization. Analogy to Solvolysis, G.S. Reddy, M. Vairamani, K.G. Das, H. Budzikiewicz and M.M. Green, Tetrahedron, 35, 2697 (1979).

    32. Hydrogen Deuterium Kinetic Isotope Effects of -Hydrogen Rearrangement in 2-Hexanone following Photochemical Excitation, Electron Impact Ionization and Anodic Oxidation; M.M. Green, G.J. Mayotte, L. Meites and D. Forsyth, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 102, 1464 (1980).

    33. A Stereochemical Bridge Between Mass Spectrometry and Free Radical Chemistry; M.M. Green, Tetrahedron, 36, 2687 (1980).

    34. The Stereospecific Formation of Equatorial Acetyl Imides from the Stereoisomers of Six-Membered Carbocyclic Amines; M.M. Green and M. Vairamani, J. Org. Chem., 46, 5037 (1981).

    35. A Comparison Between the Stereoselective Thermal Induced and Ionization Induced Elimination of Acetic Acid from 2-Butyl Acetate; M.M. Green, R.J. McCluskey and J. Vogt, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 104, 2262 (1982).

    36. The Role of Coincidence Spectroscopy in the Relationship Between Cation Radical Chemistry in Mass Spectrometers and in States of Thermal Equilibrium; M.M. Green and R.J. McCluskey, Spectro. Int. J. (Dedication Issue for Carl Djerassi), 2, 318 (1983).

    37. The Interconversion between the Cation Radicals of Toluene and Cycloheptatriene: An Evaluation of the Difference between the Gas Phase and Solution; M.M. Green, S.L. Mielke and T. Mukhopadhyay, J. Org. Chem., 49, 1276 (1984).

    38. The Configurational Stereochemistry of Atactic Vinyl Homopolymers; M.M. Green, and B.A.Garetz, Tetrahedron Letters, 25, 2831 (1984).

    39. Temperature Dependent Stereoselectivity and Hydrogen Deuterium Isotope Effect for - Hydrogen Transfer to 2-Hexyloxy Radical. The Transition State for the Barton Reaction; M.M. Green, B.A. Boyle, M. Vairamani, T. Mukhopadhyay, W. H. Saunders, Jr., P. Bowen and N.L. Allinger, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 108, 2381 (1986).

    40. Macromolecular Stereochemistry: The Effect of Pendant Group Structure on the Axial Dimension of Polyisocyanates; M.M. Green, R.A. Gross, C.C. Crosby III, F. C. Schilling, Macromolecules, 20, 992 (1987).

    41. Broken Worm and Wormlike Models for Polyisocyanates; M.M. Green, R.A.Gross, R. Cook and F.C. Schilling, Macromolecules, 20, 2636 (1987).

    42. Macromolecular Stereochemistry: The Effect of Pendant Group Structure on the Conformational Properties of Polyisocyanides; M.M. Green, R.A. Gross, F.C. Schilling, K. Zero and C.Crosby III, Macromolecules, 21, 1839 (1988).

    43. Macromolecular Stereochemistry: A Cooperative Deuterium Isotope Effect Leading to a Large Optical Rotation; M.M. Green, C. Andreola, B. Munoz, M. P. Reidy and K.Zero, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 110, 4063 (1988).

    44. Macromolecular Stereochemistry: The Out-of-Proportion Influence of Optically Active Comonomers on the Conformational Characteristics of Polyisocyanates: The Sergeants and Soldiers Experiment; M.M. Green, M.P. Reidy, R.D. Johnson, G. Darling, D.J. O'Leary and G. Willson, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 111, 6452 (1989).

    45. A Statistical Thermodynamic Analysis of the Cooperative Source of Helix Sense Preference in Polyisocyanates: The Amplification of a Conformational Equilibrium Deuterium Isotope Effect; S. Lifson, C. Andreola, N.C. Peterson and M.M. Green, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 111, 8850 (1989).

    46. Solvent Dependence of the Chain Dimensions of Poly(n-hexyl isocyanate); R. Cook, R.D. (sic) Johnson, C.G. Wade, B. Munoz and M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 23, 3454 (1990).

    47. The Macromolecular Stereochemistry of Poly(p-Biphenyl--methyl-L-glutamate): (1) Linkage between Biphenyl Twist Sense and Polypeptide Conformation; (2) The Observation of
    Sudden Temperature Dependent Chiral Optical Changes; M.P. Reidy and M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 23, 4225 (1990).

    48. Induction and Variation of Chirality in Discotic Liquid Crystalline Polymers; M.M. Green, H. Ringsdorf, J.Wagner and R.Wusterfeld, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 29, 1478 (1990).

    49. The Larvicidal Activity of Tagetes Minuta L. Toward Aedes Aegypti (L); M.M. Green, J.M. Singer, D.J. Sutherland and C.R. Hibben, J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc., 7 (2), 282 (1991).

    50. Structural Studies on Alkyl Isocyanate Polymers by Thermal Degradation Tandem Mass Spectrometry; T.K. Majumdar, M.N.Eberlin, R.G. Cooks, M.M. Green, B. Munoz and M.P. Reidy, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2, 130 (1991).,

    51. Cooperation in a Deep Helical Energy Well; M.M. Green, S. Lifson and A.Teramoto, Chirality (P. Pino Memorial Volume), 3, 285 (1991).

    52. Biphenyl Twist Sense Linkage Between Side-Chain and Main-Chain Conformations in a Polyglutamate Ester; M. Sisido, M.P. Reidy and M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 24, 6860 (1991).

    53. An Unusual Interplay Between Macromolecular and Supramolecular Helicity in Polyisocyanates Dissolved in a Chiral Liquid Crystal; M.M, Green, D.Weng, W. Shang and M.M. Labes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 31, 88 (1992).

    54. Helical Conformation, Internal Motion and Helix Sense Reversal in Polyisocyanates, and the Preferred Helix Sense of an Optically Active Polyisocyanate; S. Lifson, C.E. Felder, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 25, 4142 (1992).

    55. An Unexpected Chiral Spiro Tetramer Offers Mechanistic Insight into an Improved Sodium Cyanide Initiated Polymerization of n-Hexyl Isocyanate in Toluene; Y. Okamoto, Y. Nagamura, K. Hatada, C. Khatri and M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 25, 5536 (1992).

    56. A Macromolecular Conformational Change Driven by a Minute Chiral Solvation Energy; M.M. Green, C. Khatri and N.C. Peterson, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 115, 4941 (1993).

    57. Polyisocyanates and the Interplay of Experiment and Theory in the Formation of Lyotropic Cholesteric States; T. Sato, Y. Sato, Y. Umemura, A. Teramoto, Y. Nagamura, J. Wagner, D. Weng, Y. Okamoto, K. Hatada and M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 26, 4551 (1993).

    58. Dilute-Solution Chiral Optical Changes Signal the Thermally Reversible Gelation of Poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) in Hydrocarbon Solvents; M.M. Green, C.A. Khatri, M.P. Reidy and K. Levon, Macromolecules, 26, 4723 (1993).

    59. Cooperativity and Chirality in a Wormlike Helical Macromolecule; M.M. Green, N.C. Peterson, S. Lifson, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, Makromol. Chem. Macromol. Symp., 70/71, 23 (1993).

    60. Helix Reversals as Bad Neighbors to Liquid Crystal Organizations in Cholesteric States and Thermally Reversible Gels of Poly(alkyl isocyanates); M.M. Green, C. Khatri, Macromol. Symp., 77, 277 (1994).

    61. Cholesteric Lyotropic Liquid Crystals and Thermally Reversible Gels from Polyisocyanates; M.M. Green, A. Teramoto, T. Sato, Prog.Polym.Sci., 19, 1083 (1994).

    62. Majority Rules in the Copolymerization of Mirror Image Isomers; M.M. Green, B.A. Garetz, B. Munoz, H. Chang, S. Hoke, R.G. Cooks, J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 117, 4181 (1995).

    63. Microstructure of Alky Isocyanate Copolymers Comprised of Enantiomeric Monomers Determined by Desorption Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry; S.H. Hoke, R.G. Cooks, B. Munoz, H. Chang, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 28, 2955 (1995).

    64. Molecular Weight Dependence of the Optical Rotation of Poly((R)-2-deuterio-n-hexyl isocyanate); H. Gu, Y. Nakamura, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, M.M. Green, C. Andreola, N.C. Peterson, S. Lifson, Macromolecules, 28, 1016 (1995)

    65. Synthesis and Molecular Composites of Functionalized Polyisocyanates; C.A. Khatri, M.M. Vaidya, K. Levon, S.K. Jha, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 28, 4719 (1995).

    66. A Helical Polymer with a Cooperative Response to Chiral Information; M.M. Green, N.C. Peterson, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, S. Lifson, Science, 268,1860 (1995).

    67. Following the Polyisocyanate Helix Reversal from Dilute Solution through the Liquid Crystal and into the Solid State; M.M. Green, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, S. Lifson, Macromol. Symp., 101, 363 (1996).

    68. Molecular Weight Dependence of the Optical Rotation of Poly((R)-1-deuterio-n-hexyl isocyanate) in Dilute Solution; N. Okamoto, F. Mukaida, H. Gu, Y. Nakamura, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, M.M. Green, C. Andreola, N. C. Peterson, S. Lifson, Macromolecules, 29, 2878 (1996).

    69. Intermolecular Association and Supramolecular Organization in Dilute Solution. 2. Light Scattering and Optical Activity of Poly(p-biphenylmethyl-L-glutamate); S. Yue, G. C. Berry, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 29, 7175 (1996).

    70. Molecular Mechanisms for the Optical Activities of Polyisocyanates Induced by Intramolecular Chiral Perturbations; H. Gu, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, L. Varichon, M.M. Green, Polymer J., 29, 77 (1997).

    71. Block Microstructural Characterization of Copolymers Formed from Fluorinated and Non
    Fluorinated Alkyl Isocyanates Using Desorption Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry, G. Chen, R. G. Cooks, S. K. Jha, D. Oupicky, M.M. Green; Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 165/166, 391 (1997).

    72. Thermoreversible Aggregation and Gelation of Poly(n-hexyl isocyanate); J. M. Guenet, H. S. J. Jeon, C. Khatri, S.K. Jha, N.P. Balsara, M.M. Green, A. Brulet, A. Thierry, Macromolecules, 30, 4590 (1997).

    73. Chiral Solvation as a Means to Quantitatively Characterize Preferential Solvation of a Helical Polymer in Mixed Solvents, C.K. Khatri, Y. Pavlova, M.M. Green, H. Morawetz, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 119, 6991 (1997).

    74. The Road to Chiral Amplification in Polymers Originated in Italy; M.M. Green, S.K. Jha, Chirality (Honorary Issue for Koji Nakanishi), 9, 424 (1997).

    75. An On/Off Circular Dichroism Signal Reveals a pH Dependent Competition between a Cyclodextrin and a Polyelectrolyte for an Atropisomeric Aromatic Guest; S.Y. Yang, M. M. Green, G. Schultz, S. K. Jha, A. H. E. Mueller, J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 119, 12404 (1997).

    76. Microstructure of Alkoxy and Alkyl Substituted Isocyanate Copolymers Determined by Desorption Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry; G. Chen, R. G. Cooks, S. K. Jha, M.M. Green, Analytica Chimica Acta, 356, 149 (1997).

    77. Fighting Dengue in Cuba (Letter to Science); M.M. Green, Science, 277, 623 (1997).

    78. A Chiral Polymeric Analogy to a One Dimensional Paramagnetic Material; J.V. Selinger, R.L.B. Selinger, S.K. Jha, M.M. Green, Chirality (Honorary Issue for Kurt Mislow), 10, 41 (1998).

    79. Cholesteric Pitch of Lyotropic Polymer Liquid Crystals; T. Sato, J. Nakamura, A.Teramoto, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 31, 1398 (1998).

    80. The Mechanism of the Transformation of a Stiff Polymer Lyotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal to the Cholesteric State by Dopant Mediated Chiral Information Transfer; M.M. Green, S. Zanella, H. Gu, T. Sato, G. Gottarelli, S.K. Jha, G.P. Spada, A.M. Schoevaars, B. Feringa, A.Teramoto, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 120, 9810 (1998).

    81. Optical Rotation of Random Copolyisocyanates of Chiral and Achiral Monomers: Sergeants and Soldiers Copolymers; H. Gu, Y. Nakamura, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, M.M. Green, S.K. Jha, C. Andreola, M.P. Reidy, Macromolecules, 31, 6362 (1998).

    82. Cosmic Chirality (Letter to Science); M.M. Green, J.V. Selinger, Science, 282, 880 (1998).

    83. Dynamic NMR Determination of the Barrier for Interconversion of the Left and Right Handed Helical Conformations in a Polyisocyanate; K. Ute, Y. Fukunishi, S.K. Jha, K.S. Cheon, B. Munoz, K. Hatada, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 32, 1304 (1999).

    84. The Chiral Optical Properties of a Helical Polymer Synthesized from Nearly Racemic Chiral Monomers Highly Diluted with Achiral Monomers; S.K. Jha, K.S. Cheon, M.M. Green, J.V. Selinger, J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 121, 1665 (1999).

    85. The Clustering of Poly(methacrylic acid) around Appended Binaphthyl Labels as Reflected by the Disruption of -Cyclodextrin Complexation and Racemization Kinetics; S.Y. Yang, G. Schultz, M.M. Green, H. Morawetz, Macromolecules, 32, 2577 (1999).

    86. Global Conformations of Chiral Polyisocyanates in Dilute Solution; H. Gu, Y. Nakamura, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, M.M. Green, C. Andreola, Polymer, 40, 849 (1999).

    87. The Macromolecular Route to Chiral Amplification; M. M. Green, J.-W. Park, T. Sato, A. Teramoto, S. Lifson, R.L.B. Selinger, J.V. Selinger, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 38, 3139(1999).

    88. A Model for How Polymers Amplify Chirality; M.M. Green, Chapter 17 in “Circular Dichroism-Principles and Applications,” Second edition, edited by N. Berova, K. Nakanishi, R.W. Woody, Wiley-VCH, 2000.

    89. Switching a Helical Polymer Between Mirror Images Using Circularly Polarized Light; J. Li, K.S. Cheon, G.B. Schuster, M.M. Green, J.V. Selinger, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 122, 2603(2000).

    90. Designing a Helical Polymer that Reverses Handedness at a Selected, Continuously Variable Temperature; K.S. Cheon, J.V. Selinger, M.M. Green, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 39, 1482(2000).

    91. Chiral Studies in Amorphous Solids: The Effect of the Polymeric Glassy State on the Racemization Kinetics of Bridged Paddled Binaphthyls; J.-W. Park, M. D. Ediger, M. M. Green, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123, 49(2001).

    92. The Glassy State and the Secondary Structures of Chiral Macromolecules: Polyisocyanates and Polyketones; B. T. Muellers, J.-W. Park, M. S. Brookhart, M. M. Green, Macromolecules, 34, 572(2001).

    93. A Molecular Orbital Approach to Conformational Study of the Polyisocyanates; C. Aleman, M. M. Green, Macromol. Theory, Simul., 10, 100-107(2001).

    94. Chiral Studies across the Spectrum of Polymer Science. M. M. Green, K. S. Cheon, S. Y. Yang, J. W. Park, W. H. Liu and S. Swansburg, Accounts of Chemical Research, 34, 672(2001).

    95. The Racemization Kinetics of Bridged Binaphthyls do not Reflect Microviscosities of Rubber Polymer Matrices. J. W. Park, M. M. Green, H. Morawetz, Macromolecules, 34, 5719(2001).

    96. Atropisomerism as a Probe of Restrictions to Motion Above and Below the Glass Transition Temperature of Polymers. J.-W. Park, M. M. Green, Chirality (Award Issue for Ernest Eliel), 14, 209(2002).

    97. Lasing from a Stiff Chain Polymeric Lyotropic Liquid Crystal. P.V. Shibaev, K. Tang, A.Z. Genack, V. Kopp, M.M. Green, Macromolecules, 35, 3022 (2002).

    98. NMR Spectra of Polyelectrolytes in Poor Solvents are Consistent with the Pearl Necklace Model of the Chain Molecules. M.-J. Lee, M.M. Green, F. Mikes, H. Morawetz, Macromolecules, 35, 4216 (2002).

    99. Chemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization Studies of a pH-Dependent Free Radical Cage Formed in a Photoinitiator Labeled Poly(methacrylic acid). A. Maliakal, M. Weber, N.J. Turro, M. M. Green, S. Y. Yang, S. Pearsall, M.-Y. Lee, Macromolecules, 35, 9151(2002).

    100. Chiral Conflict. The effect of temperature on the helical sense of a polymer controlled by the competition between structurally different enantiomers: From dilute solution to the lyotropic liquid crystal state. Kai Tang, Mark M. Green, Kap Soo Cheon, Jonathan V. Selinger, and Bruce A. Garetz, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125, 7313 (2003).

    101. Encapsulation of Magnetic Self-assembled System in Thermoreversible Gels. J.-M. Guenet, S. Poux, D. Lopez, A. Thierry, A. Mathis, M. M. Green, W. Liu, Macromol. Symp. 2003, 200, 9-19.

    102. Amorphous Thin Films of Chiral Binaphthyls for Photonic Waveguides. W. N. Herman, Y. Kim, W. L. Cao, J. Goldhar, C. H. Lee, M. M. Green, V. Jain, M. M-J. Lee, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A-Pure and Applied Chemistry, A40(12), 1369(2003).

    103. Self-assembling Complexes with Magnetic Properties. S. Poux, A. Thierry, C. Rochas, M. M. Green, J.-M. Guenet, Macromol. Symp., 2003, 203, 265-270.

    103. Counterintuitive Influence of Microscopic Chirality on Helical Order in Polymers. K.-S. Cheon, J. V. Selinger, M. M. Green, Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (80th Birthday Issue for Kurt Mislow), 2004, 17, 719-723.

    104. Chiral Effect on a Self-Assembling Bicopper Complex. W. Liu, J.-M. Guenet, M. M. Green, Chirality, 16, 661 (2004).

    105. Titration of Polycarboxylic Acids in Methanol Solution. Polymer Chain Extension, Ionization Equilibria and Conformational Mobility. S. K. Pearsall, M. M. Green, H. Morawetz. Macromolecules, 37, 8773 (2004).

    106. Color Changing Cholesteric Polymer Films Sensitive to Amino Acids. P.V. Shibaev, D. Chiappetta, R. L. Sanford, P. Palffy-Muhoray, M. Moreira, W. Cao, M. M. Green, Macromolecules, 39, 3986(2006).

    107. C-H to O Hydrogen Bonding: The Attractive Interaction in the Blend between Polystyrene and Poly(vinyl methyl ether). M.M. Green, J.L. White, P. Mirau, M.H. Scheinfeld, Macromolecules, 39, 5971(2006).

    108. DNA-Protein Interactions as the Source of Large Length Scale Chirality Evident in the Liquid Crystal Behavior of Filamentous Bacteriophages. S. Tomar, M. M. Green, L. A. Day, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 129, 3367(2007).

    109. Structural Deuterium Isotope Effects Reveal the Cooperativity of Polymers. K.-S. Cheon, M. M. Green, Published in a special issue on ‘Recent Developments in the
    use of Isotopically Labelled Molecules in Chemistry and Biochemistry’, in Journal of Labeled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 50, 961 (2007).

    110. Conformational Heterogeneity in PNA:PNA Duplexes. Filbert Totsingan, Vipul Jain, W. Clay Bracken, Andrea Faccini, Tullia Tedeschi, Rosangela Marchelli, Roberto Corradini, Neville R. Kallenbach, and Mark M. Green, Macromolecules (2010), 43(6), 2692-2703.

    111. Homochirality in Life: Two Equal Runners, One Tripped. Mark M. Green, Vipul Jain, Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biospheres, 40, 1; 111; 65 (2010). Editors’ Choice Science, February 5, 2010.

    112. Chiral Cooperativity in Helical Polymers. Vipul Jain, Kap-Soo Cheon, Kai Tang, Salil Jha and Mark M. Green, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 51, 1 – 8

    113. Chiral Consequences of Cooperativity in Racemizing Supramolecular Systems. Seda Cantekin, Huub M. M. ten Eikelder, Albert J. Markvoort, Martijn A. J. Veld, Peter A. Korevaar, Mark M. Green, Anja R. A. Palmans, E. W. Meijer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume 51, 426-6431 (2012).
    114. Helix control in polymers: case of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs). F. Totsingan, V. Jain, M M Green, , Artificial DNA, PNA&XNA, 2012, 3(2): 31-44.
    115. Amplification of chirality in PNA:PNA duplexes is limited. F. Totsingan, V. Jain, N. Kallenbach, M.M. Green, The Biochemist, 2013, 35(2), 20-23.
    116. Stereochemical Studies at the Herman F. Mark Polymer Research Institute. M. M. Green, Hierarchical Macromolecular Structures: 60 Years after the Staudinger Nobel Prize, Advances in Polymer Science, 261, edited by V. Percec, Springer Publ., 2014, page 263.
    117. Polymers Offer the Opportunity to Discover Foundational Principles of Organic Chemistry. Introduction of Macromolecular Science/Polymeric Materials into the Foundational Course in Organic Chemistry, ACS Symposium Series 1151, edited by B. A. Howell, Oxford Press, 2014, page 71.



Authored/Edited Books



Topics in Stereochemistry volume titled "Materials-Chirality," co-edited with Bert Meijer and Roeland Nolte, Wiley-Interscience, 2003.


"Organic Chemistry Principles and Industrial Practice," written with Harold Wittcoff of Chem Systems-Nexant, Wiley-VCH, 2003. Reprinted, 2006.

“Organic Chemistry Principles in Context: A Story Telling Historical Approach,” SciencefromAway Publ., 2012.


Controlled Switching Using Change in Helical Sense


Temperature Measurement and Temperature Controlled Switching


Hydrogels and Methods for their Production


Chiral Optical Polymer Based Information Storage


Reversible Chiral Optical Data Storage


Thermally Reversible Gels in Liquid Media