Lorcan Folan

  • Retired Associate Professor and Department Chair

Research Interests
Spectroscopic characterization of aerosol particles. Optical properties of micro-cavities. Energy transfer in condensed matter. Electron capture beta decay.

Trinity College, Dublin
Bachelor of Science, Applied Science (Physics & Chemistry)

Polytechnic University
Doctor of Philosophy, Physics

Journal Articles


  • Enhanced energy transfer within a microparticle. L.M. Folan, S. Arnold and S.D. Druger, Chemical Physics Letters 118 322-327 (1985).
  • Microparticle Fluorescence and Energy Transfer, L.M. Folan and S. Arnold, a chapter in "Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Volume 3", J.R. Lakowicz editor, Plenum Press, New York, 1992, pages 345-386.
  • Effects of the hyperfine interaction on orbital electron capture. L.M. Folan and V.I. Tsifrinovich, Physical Review Letters 74 499-501 (1995).
  • “Modern Physics and Technology for Undergraduate Students,” by L.M. Folan, V.I. Tsifrinovich, and G.P. Berman, World Scientific, Singapore, 2003.
  • Exposing undergraduates to contemporary science and technology through physics problems. L.M. Folan and V.I. Tsifrinovich. Proceedings of the UNESCO 5th Global Congress on Engineering Education, pages 51-54, 2006.
  • Generation and monitoring of directed neutrino beams using electron capture beta-decay sources, C.DeAngelis, L.M. Folan and V.I. Tsifrinovich, Physical Review C86 034615 (2012).