Abhishek Shah
Site Reliability Engineer

What will you be doing?
As an SRE, I will work to ensure smooth service deployments and write codes to maintain integrity of the deployed cluster.
Tell us about the job search. Was it more difficult or easier than you expected?
The job hunt for a full time position was more difficult than I had anticipated. I started the process in Aug 2020.
Initially, I didn't get any calls and faced constant rejection.
This continued for almost 5 months However, things started to turn up in January 2021 and I was able to secure a job offer from Twitter and LinkedIn
What was the interview process like?
I did an internship in Summer 2020 and got a return offer in Feb 2021.
For the internship, I had 1 hackerrank round followed by 3 interviews (Management, Coding/Design, and Troubleshooting)
Do you have any job search tips for fellow students?
Make sure to apply for as many as possible :)
It's frustrating to see rejections but don't take it personally as there might be a better opportunity waiting for you.
If you used job boards, which one(s) did you think was the most effective?
Google, AngelList, LinkedIn
When did you first start the job search & how long did it take you to get an interview?
For Full-time, Aug 2020 - Feb 2020. For Internship: Aug 2019 - Jan 2020
Please select which method(s) led you to the job?
Traditional Method: Applying on Job Boards, Network: Someone you connected with on LinkedIn or other introductions to the company, Events: In person/Virtual Conference, Events or Webinars