Fletcher Griffis

  • Professor Emeritus (deceased)


Fletcher Griffis

The entire NYU Tandon community mourns the passing on March 20, 2021 of Professor Emeritus Fletcher H. (Bud) Griffis, a beloved and respected figure at our school for more than 20 years.  

In Memoriam


Professor Fletcher "Bud" Griffis is Professor Emeritus of Construction Engineering and Management in the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering. He was also Director of the NYS Resiliency Institute for Storms and Emergencies. He recently completed an assignment as the Class of 1953 Distinguished Chair in Civil Engineering at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Until July 2006, he was Provost, Dean of Engineering and Applied Science and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Polytechnic University. He joined the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering as a tenured professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Center for Construction Management Innovation in January 2000.  He was also in charge of all capital construction for Polytechnic University. Professor Griffis is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University, having taught there from July 1984 to December 1999. He was the head of the Construction Engineering Program and the Director of the Center for Infrastructure Studies. In addition, he is an Executive Vice President in the firm of Robbins, Pope and Griffis Engineers, P.C. of New York.

His academic specialty is the application of operation research and systems analysis principles to construction planning, operations and management. He has performed research in stochastic processes, risk analysis and the application of 3D computer models to the management of construction and has authored numerous papers in the field. He is an authority on the concepts of partnering, construction dispute resolution, construction safety, and leadership. His current research concentrates on the application of Building Information Models to the management of construction. He teaches courses in construction engineering, management, leadership, planning, capital budgeting, and risk management. During the past ten years, he has been heavily involved in research into the second generation Magnetic Levitation Vehicle and their guideways.

He retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1986 after serving as Commander and District Engineer of the New York District. In that position, he was responsible for all Army and Air Force construction from Southern New Jersey to Maine and included Greenland and Labrador. He was responsible for water resource development and regulation in the Northeast. Prior to coming to New York, he was Area Engineer, Construction Manager, and Contracting Officer for the Ramon Airbase construction in Israel. For the 20 years preceding his Israeli assignment he commanded Corps of Engineers Construction and Combat Units in the U.S., Korea, Viet Nam and Germany.

Bud Griffis has specialized in organizing and managing large projects. He is currently working on plans to improve the design and construction of facilities at ground zero in NYC. He was the Mediator on the MTA East Side Access Program ($12.0 Billion) for 11 years and was CM on the Renovation of the Brotherhood Synagogue in Manhattan.. He had Program Management oversight of the JFK Redevelopment Program ($3.44 Billion). He was District Engineer and Contracting Officer for the design and procurement of Fort Drum ($1.0 Billion). He was District Engineer and Contracting Officer for the design and rehabilitation of Thule Airforce Base Greenland Power Plant ($150 Million). He was Area Engineer and Contracting Officer for Ramon Air Base in Israel (the largest cost-plus contract awarded in history of the Corps of Engineers, $500 Million). He was the Program Manager for the Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Research Program ($30 Million).

He holds a B.S. degree from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, two Masters degrees (one in Construction Engineering and one in Operations Research) and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Construction) from Oklahoma State University. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army War College.

He is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of New York and Oklahoma. He is a Fellow and was a member of the National Board of Directors of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a Director and Past President of the Metropolitan Section, Past Chairman of the Committee on Professional Publications and Past Chairman of the Construction Division, ASCE. He is a member of the National Committee for Infrastructure Research and Policy as well as the Committee for Implementation of Vision 2025. He is Past President and a Director of the Society of American Military Engineers, N.Y. Post, a National SAME Director, and is President of the NY City Post SAME Scholarship Fund, Inc. He is a member of the New York Building Congress and was elected to the National Academy of Construction. He is a past Governor on the Board of the New York Building Congress Foundation. He is a member of Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi Engineering honorary fraternities. In 2007, he received the Golden Eagle Award from the Society of American Military Engineers.

He is the author of two textbooks: New York City Infrastructure: A Policymakers’ Guide, NICEST, 1996 and Construction Planning For Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 2000 and numerous technical papers and reports. Textbook: Leadership, Ethics and Project Execution,  is in progress.

USA War College, 1980

Oklahoma State University, 1972
MSIE, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Oklahoma State University, 1971
Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Construction)

Oklahoma State University, 1965
MSCE, Civil Engineering (Construction)

USMA, West Point, NY 1960
BS, Civil Engineering

Robbins, Pope, and Griffis Engineers, PC


Engineering and Construction Consulting

From: January 1989 to present

US Army Corps of Engineers


Commander and District Engineer, USACE District, New York

Deputy Commander, North Atlantic Division, USACE

Commander and Contracting Officer, Ramon Airbase, Israel

Director, Planning and Control, Near East Project Office, Israel

US Army War College

Deputy Commander, Karlsruhe Military Community, Germany

Commander, 79th Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy), Germany

Program Manager, Dredged Material Research Program, USAWES, Vicksburg

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater

US Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS

S-3, 36th Engineer Battalion, Republic of Viet Nam

Director, Highway Construction Program, USACAV, Viet Nam

Asst Professor, Dept of Math, USMA, West Point

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater

US Army Engineer Officer Advanced Course

Commander, Company B, 11th Engineer Battalion, Republic of Korea

Commander, Company A; XO and Platoon Leader, Company B, 307th Airborne Engineer Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division

US Army EOBC, airborne and Ranger Schools

Columbia University

Professor of Civil Engineering (Construction)

Director, National Center for Infrastructure Studies

From: September 1986 to December 1999

Polytechnic University

Professor of Civil Engineering (Construction)

From: January 2000 to December 2001

Polytechnic University

Provost, Dean of Engineering, VP for Academic Affairs

From: January 2002 to July 2006

Journal Articles


Choi, Hyunchul and F.H. (Bud) Griffis, “Inhouse versus Out Sourcing of Design”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 2012


Liu, Mei, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, and Andrew Bates, “Project specific, driven based contingency estimating model in construction”, Journal of Management in EngineeringJ, ASCE, 2012

Liu, Mei, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, Andrew Bates,Owner's Leadership Role in Integrated Project Delivery Success”, Journal of Engineering in Management, ASCE, submitted 2012

Gelisen, Gokhan and F.H. (Bud) Griffis, “Automated Productivity Based Schedule Animation (APBSA): A Simulation Based Approach to Time-Cost Trade-Off Analysis”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 2012

Shih-Ming Chen , F.H. (Bud) Griffis, Po-Han Chen, and Luh-Maan Chang, "Simulation and Analytical Techniques for Construction Resource Planning and Scheduling”, Journal for Computing in Engineering, ASCE, 2011

Griffis, F.H., H. Choi, “NYS DOT Design, In-house or Out-source?”, Journal for Management in Engineering, ASCE, 2011

Griffis, F.H., “Engineering Failures Exposed by Hurricane Katrina”, Journal of Science and Technology, March 2007.


Sturts, Carrie S. and F.H. Griffis, “Pricing Engineering Services”, Journal of Management in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 2005

(Best paper award, 2005)


Sturts, Carrie S. and F.H. Griffis, “Addressing Pricing: Value-Bidding for Engineers and Consultants”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, May 2005


Griffis, F.H. and Symeon Christodoulou, “Qualifications-Based Selection of Professional A/E Services”, Journal of Management in Engineering”, 20, 34 (2004)


Griffis, F.H. and Symeon Christodoulou, “Construction Risk Analysis Tool for Determining Liquidated Damages Insurance Premiums: Case Study”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers,126, 407, (2000).


Griffis, F.H, Wenqing Li and Daniel B. Hogan, “Benefit-Cost Analysis of 3D Computer Models in the Management of Construction”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, October 1997.


Griffis, F.H, "Re-engineering Infrastructure Research", The Journal of Professional and Educational Issues, American Society of Civil Engineers, 121, 11, (1995).


Griffis, F.H, "Bidding Strategy - Winning Over Key Competitors" Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, March, 1992


Griffis, F.H., "ADR, TQM, Partnering and Other Management Fantasies" , Journal of Professional Issues, American Society of Civil Engineers, October 1992.


Griffis, F.H., "The Application of Total Quality Management on JFK2000", Transportation Research Board, January, 1991


Griffis, F.H., Kenneth F. Reinschmidt and Patrick L. Bronner, "CADD - Integration of Engineering, Design and Construction" , Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Sept, 1990, (Thomas Roland Finch Prize - ASCE best paper award)


Griffis, F.H, Maciej P. Bieniek, Sanjiv Gokhale, and Samuel I. Schwartz, “Issues of Preventive Maintenance for New York City Bridges" Professional Issues in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, October, 1990


Griffis, F.H and Fred Butler "A Case for Cost-Plus Contracting", Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1988


Griffis, F.H., Bob Meccia, and Bill Allanach, "Engineering Challenges of Dredged Material Research", Journal of the Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1975


Griffis, F.H, "Airport Upgrading Versus Landing Gear Optimization", Journal of the Air Transport Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1975


Griffis, F.H, "Optimizing Haul Fleet Size Using Queuing Theory", Journal of the Construction Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1968



Authored/Edited Books



Griffis, F.H., New York Infrastructure: A Policymakers’ Guide, National Infrastructure Center for Engineering and Systems Technology, 1996.



Griffis, F.H., “Chapter 1 Contractor’s Organization”, Standard Handbook of Heavy Construction, 3rd Ed.,  James J. O’Brien, Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1996


Griffis, F.H. and John Farr, Construction Planning for Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Company; 2000


Griffis, F.H. and Carrie Sturts, Chapter 3 “Fully Integrated and Automated Project Process (FIAPP) for the Project Manager and Executive., 4D CAD and Visualization in Construction: Developments and Applications. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Exton, PA, 2003


Other Publications



  1. Refereed Conference Proceedings and Refereed Special Publications



Liu, Mei, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, and Andrew Bates., “Compensation Structure and Contingency Allocation in Integrated Project Delivery System”, Fifth International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM-2013)

Liu, Mei, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, and Andrew Bates., “Connecting Technology, Industry and Research: a Vertical Integrated Project Course for BIM Education”, Fifth International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM-2013).

Griffis, F.H., James Powell, Gordon Danby, James Jordan, “Maglev 2000 System Grand Central Terminal to Stewart International Airport”, Maglev 2011, Daejong, South Korea., October 2011

James Powell, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, Gordon Danby, “Power Storage Using Maglev 2000”, Maglev 2011, Daejong, South Korea., October 2011

James Powell, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, Gordon Danby, James Jorday, “The Maglev Network”, Maglev 2011, Daejong, South Korea., October 2011

James Powell, F.H. (Bud) Griffis, Gordon Danby, Ernie Fazio and James Jordan,” Adaptation of the LIRR System to Maglev for Faster, More Convenient and Lower Cost Service”, 2nd Advanced Energy Conference, Stony Brook, Long Island, NY, Nov 18-19, 2009

Griffis, F.H., James Powell, Gordon Danby, James Jordan, and Ernst Fazio, “How Maglev Can Enable Stewart Airport To Become the 4th Major Airport For the NYC Region , 2nd Advanced Energy Conference, Stony Brook, Long Island, NY, Nov 18-19, 2009

Gokhan Gelisen,. F.H. (Bud) Griffis, “Automated Productivity Based Schedule Automation (APBSA) Case Study: Systems Engineering Facility III, Hanscom AFB, MA, 2010 ASCE Construction Congress, Banff, Canada, May 2010


Griffis, F.H., Pooyan Aslani, and L. Chiarelli  “Building Information Models: the Role and Need of Constructors”, Proceedings, ASCE Construction Congress, April 2009.


Griffis, F.H, “Structural Engineering Aspects of Maglev Second Generation Technology”, Proceedings, Structural Engineering Technical Conference, ASCE, May 15, 2008


Griffis, F.H, “Future Developments in New York Infrastructure”, Proceedings, Annual Infrastructure Conference, ASCE, March 31, 2008.


Griffis, F.H, “Critical Need of New York City Infrastructure”, National Infrastructure Conference, Iona College, February 19, 2008


Griffis, F.H, “How to use BIM in Construction”, American Council of Engineering Companies, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 8, 2008.


Griffis, F.H, “Building Information Model in the Management of Construction”, American Society of Civil Engineers, Met Section Structures Group, December 2007


Griffis, F.H, Maglev Technology, Theory and Practice” Emeritus Professors in Columbia, October 2007.


Griffis, F.H.,  “Construction Challenges Associated with Maglev Guideways”, Proceedings, ASCE Construction Congress, May 2007.


Griffis, F.H. and Major Andrew Bates, “The Owners Role in Project Success”, Proceedings of the Construction Industry Institute Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, August 2006


Griffis, F.H., “Construction Challenges Associated with Maglev Research”, Proceedings of the Annual Construction Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers,(Submitted) May 2007


Griffis, F.H. and Norm Brown, “Leadership and the Management of Construction”, Proceeding of the Annual Construction Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Honolulu, 120, 67 (2003).


Subsomboon, S. Christodoulou, and F.H. Griffis, “Fully Integrated and Automated Project Processes (FIAPP) in Building Construction and Renovation, ASCE Conference Proceedings, 116, 37 (2003).


Christodoulou, S., Lisa Barrett, F.H. Griffis, and Max Okungbowa, “In Pursuit of Catalysts for New Technology --- A Case for Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) of Professional Services”, ASCE Conference Proceedings, 120, 122 (2003).


Subsomboon, K., Symeon Christodoulou, and F.H. Griffis, “Procurement of Services and Materials Using a FIAPP-Based System --- New York City Case Studies”, ASCE Conference Proceedings, 120, 122, (2003).


Chang Eric Hsiao-Hua, Symeon Christodoulou and F.H. Griffis, “Improving The Construction Project Process by A Collaborative Construction Information System (CCIS) -An Approach to Integrating Construction Systems in FIAPP”, Specialty Conference on Fully Integrated and Automated Project Processes, VPI, September 2001.


Subsomboon, Kumpon, Symeon Christodoulou and F.H. Griffis  “The Fully Integrated and Automated Project Process (FIAPP) in Procurement and Materials Management”, Specialty Conference on Fully Integrated and Automated Project Processes, VPI, September 2001.


Chen, Shih-Ming, Symeon Christodoulou and F.H. Griffis, “Four-Dimensional Computer Models and Simulation for the Support of the Fully Intergrated and Automated Project Process (FIAPP)”,  Specialty Conference on Fully Integrated and Automated Project Processes, VPI, September 2001.


Griffis, F.H. and Carrie Sturts, “FIAPP for the Project Manager and Executive”, Proceedings of the Construction Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Orlando, March 2000.


Griffis, F.H. “Some Thoughts on Construction Education”, Education in Construction Management, Proceedings of the Second A.J. Etkin International Seminar, Haifa, Israel, May 1998.


Griffis, F.H, E. Golub, J. Greenfeld, R. Dresnack, and L. Pignataro, “Safe Separation Distances Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Incidents”, Proceedings International Pipeline Conference, June 1998


Griffis, F.H, E. Golub, J. Greenfeld, R. Dresnack, and L. Pignataro, “Effectiveness of U.S. and International Pipeline Regulations with Regard to Land Use Planning, International Pipeline Conference, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Calgary, Alta, June 1996


Griffis, F.H, J.R. Shoff, and Paul Zoltanetsky “A Few Good Men and Women Too”, Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute, April 1997


Griffis, F.H, "Design of Urban Construction Processes", Proceedings, 1993 Joint Triennial Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, September 26, 1993


Griffis, F.H, "Productivity Applications: 3D Models and Simulation", Proceedings, Second Annual Construction Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, April, 1991


Griffis, F.H, "Dredging and the Environment", Proceedings, Pacific Coast Dredging Conference, 1975


Griffis, F.H, "A Project Management System for Complex Environmental Research Programs", Fourth International Congress, INTERNET, 1974


Griffis, F.H, "Structuring the Project Management Concept for Complex Environmental Research", Proceedings, Sixth Annual Symposium of the Project Management Institute, 1974


Griffis, F.H, John Harrison and Ray Montgomery, "Problem Identification and Assessment for the Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Research Program", Proceedings, Washington Management and Environmental Control Symposium, 1974


Griffis, F.H and Carl Estes, "A Dynamic Analysis of the Competitive Bidding Problem", Proceedings, National Transportation Engineering,American Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal, 1974


Griffis, F.H and A.J. Green, "The Sanitary Engineering Aspects of Dredged Material Research", Proceedings, International Association for Pollution Control, Washington, 1974


Griffis, F.H, "The Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Research Program Management System", Proceedings, Fifth Annual Symposium of the Project Management Institute, Toronto, 1973


Griffis, F.H, Ray Montgomery, "The Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Research Program", Congress of WODCON V, the World Dredging Conference, Hamburg, FRG, 1973


  1. Other Publications:


Griffis, F.H, et. al. Inspection and Other Strategies for Assuring Quality in Government Construction, Building Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press, 1991


Griffis, F.H, "Revamping Fort Drum", The Military Engineer, 1986


Griffis, F.H, "Time-Cost Trade-Off at Hanscom AFB", The Military Engineer, 1986


Griffis, F.H, "The Community Life Master Plan, Karlsruhe Military Community", USAREUR Model Plan, 1976


Griffis, F.H, Inflationary Impact Statement, Section 404(b), Public Law 92-500 Regulations, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1975


Griffis, F.H, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Section 404(b), Public Law 92-500 Regulations, Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1975


Griffis, F.H, "The Cable-Tramway System on Hill 651", The Military Engineer, May 1966


Griffis, F.H and Maciej Bieniek A Preventive Maintenance System for the Bridges of New York City, Technical Report No. 1, The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, 1989


Griffis, F.H, Patrick L. Bronner and William J. O'Brien, "The Application of Three-Dimensional Computer Models on Construction Sites" ,Architecture and Engineering Systems, May, 1990



  1. Some Technical Reports:


Griffis, F.H, "Aircraft - Pavements Compatibility Study", FAA-RD-73-206, Federal Aviation Administration, 1974, with Max Gammon


Griffis, F.H, "The Corps of Engineers Dredged Material Research Program Management System", WES Technical Report 74-10, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, 1974


Griffis, F.H., “Identification of the Objectionable Conditions Associated With Confined Dredged Material Disposal Areas”, WES Technical Report 75-7, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, 1975


Griffis, F.H., "Planning Model for 57th Street Concrete Batch Plant", Technical Report No. 87-1, The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1987


Griffis, F.H., "Preventive Maintenance Management System for New York City Bridges", Technical Report No. 90-1, The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1990, with Maciej Bieniek and others.


Griffis, F.H., Technical Report No. 91-1,"Network Planning and Scheduling", The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1991


Griffis, F.H., Technical Report No. 91-2, "Innovative Construction Approach for the Reconstrucltion of Broadway North of 125th Street", The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1981 with William J. O'Brien


Griffis, F.H., Technical Report No. 92-1, "Construction Procedures Recommendations to the Economic Development Corporation", The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1992


Griffis, F.H., Technical Report No. 92-2, "Reconstruction Plans for Columbus Avenue", The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1992


Griffis, F.H., Confidential Technical Report No. 93-1, "Total Staffing Analysis of the School Construction Authority", The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1993


Griffis, F.H., WES Technical Report, "Dredging Research Program Benefits Analysis", Coastal Engineering Research Laboratory, US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1994


Griffis, F.H., Construction Industry Institute (CII) Technical Report, "Cost and Benefits Analysis of the Application of Three-dimensional Computer Models in the Management of Construction", The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, 1995


Griffis, F.H., Report No. DTRS56-94-C-0006-1H, “Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting Policies and Practices and a Comparison of U.S. with Foreign Pipeline Land Use and Siting Standards”, U.S. Department of Transportation, RSPA, 1996 with R. Dresnack and Sophia Evans.


Griffis, F.H., “Public Works Program: Performance Evaluation”, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Final Report, May 1997 with R. Burchell, L. Pignataro, J. Epling, and D. Varady.


Griffis, F.H., Technical Report No. 98-1, “Costs and Benefits Associated with the Application of Environmentally Responsible Guidelines to New York City Buildings”, The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1998.


Griffis, F.H., et. al. Technical Report No. 99-1, “New Preventive Maintenance Management System for New York City Bridges”, The Center for Infrastructure Studies, Columbia University, New York, 1999.


Griffis, F.H., Construction Industry Institute (CII) Technical Report, "Applications of the Fully Integrated and Automated Project Process in the Management of Construction", The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, 2003


Griffis, F.H., “The Owners Role in Project Success” Construction Industry Institute, Technical Report RT152, 2005.



General/Collaborative Research



1- Rapid Response Plan to protect against future climate-induced storms, starting in the 2013 Hurricane and Nor'easter Season
Leader: Dr. Griffis
1.1 Assessment of base plans and evacuation zones.
NYU Griffis and Azimi
1.2 Scenario-driven storm and evacuation exercise.
NYU Ozbay
SBU Bokuniewicz and Bowman
1.3 Long lead forecasting (projection) of extreme events.
NYU Holland
SBU Zhang


2- Assessment of cause and effect (cascading) dynamics – Infrastructure Resiliency:
Leader: Dr. O'Rouke,
2.1 Interactions of water bodies with transportation   infrastructure
NYU Ghandehari
2.2 Carrying capacity of energy and energy distributions
NYU De Leon, O'Rouke & Zimmerman
2.3   Wastewater infrastructure
NYU Vasiliadis, O'Rouke & Zimmerman
2.4   Telecommunication

3- Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Strategies:
Leader: Dr. Ozbay
3.1 Identification and prioritization of hazards and vulnerabilities to critical facilities, economic, social and environmental resources
NYU Lall             SBU Swanson
3.2 Vulnerability assessment of communities in CRZs planning
NYU Schechtman, Zimmerman   SBU Swanson
3.3  Assessment of economic vulnerability and investment strategies of NYS coastal communities
NYU Loucks & Kontokosta
3.4   Development of unified resiliency quantification techniques for infrastructure and investment assessment
NYU Kontokosta, Ozbay & O'Rourke

- Storm and Environmental Risks Under Climate Change:
Leader: Dr. Zimmerman
4.1   Improved evacuation zone modeling based on climate variability data and potential incorporation of social media and other internet technologies for a more robust early warning system
NYU Ozbay (climate professor is needed)
4.2 Refine planning procedures to better account for climate change effects on infrastructure
SBU Bokuniewicz/Walker   NYU Zimmerman
4.3   Continuous monitoring and public internet reporting on ecosystem conditions, including algae, shell fishing conditions, water quality, and marine animals
SBU Gobler

- Communications and Public Outreach:
Leader: Dr. Tidball
5.1 Platform for public outreach and education on storm emergency management
NYU Ghandehari, Ozbay
SBU Swanson
5.2 Web-based visualization of storm surge levels
SBU Minghua Zhang/BNL/Ari Kaufman
5.3   Forum of information exchanges among stakeholders, government and emergency management agencies
NYU Ghandehari, Zimmerman
SBU Swanson
5.4 Integrated management monitoring and assessment systems
SBU Bokuniewicz





1. National organization memberships/officerships


                                    National Academy of Construction

                                                      Elected Member

                                    American Society of Civil Engineers

                                                      Fellow and Life Member

                                                      Past District I National Director

  Past Chairman, Committee on Continuing Education

                                                      Past-Director and Past President, Metropolitan Section                               Past-Chairman, Committee on Professional                                     Publications

                                                      Past-Chairman, Construction Division

                                                      Past-Chairman, 1992 National Convention

Past-Member, Board of Governors, Architectural Engineering Institute

Past-Member, Committee on Continuing Education

Member, Implementation Committee for Vision 2025

Member, National Committee for Infrastructure and Research Policy

Chairman, New York State Infrastructure Report Card Committee

                                    Society of American Military Engineers

                                                      Fellow and Life Member

                                                      National Director (2 terms)

                                                      Co-chairman, National Convention 1998

                                                      Director and Past President, NYC Post, SAME

President, NYC Post Scholarship Fund Inc. A scholarship fund with over $3.4 million in inviolate principle, giving over $185,000 in scholarships each year.

                                    Chi Epsilon, member

                                    Sigma Tau, member

                                    Sigma Xi, member

                                    Tau Beta Pi, member

                                    Past member, Building Research Board, NRC, Committee on             Inspection for Quality Control on Federal Construction Projects

                                    New York Building Congress, Member

Governor, Board of Governors, New York Building Congress Foundation

  1. External professional committee memberships/chairmanships.

City of New York University Consortium Board Representative

Pennsylvania Ave. and Fountain Ave. Technical Advisory Group

New York Harbor Dredging Advisory Group

New York Building Congress Capital Needs Assessment Group

Mayors Commission on Peer Review for NYC Design Projects

Advisory Committee, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, USMA, West Point, NY

  1. Editorship of journals and other publications.           None.
  2. University Activities.

Chairman, Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 1991 – 1999.

Faculty Advisor, Student Chapter, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1990 – 1998

Executive Committee, The Earth Engineering Institute, 1996 -     1999

Member, Tenure and Appointments Committee, Polytechnic University 2001-2002


1960 - 1986                 Legion of Merit (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), Vietnamese Honor Medal First Class, other military awards

1966                           Who's Who in the South and Southwest

1987                           Society of American Military Engineers NYC Post Gold Medal

1993                           Thomas Roland Finch Prize - ASCE best paper award

1993                           "Civil Engineer of the Year" award – ASCE Metropolitan Section

1993                           Who's Who in Science and Technology Today

1998 Great Teacher Award by the Society of Columbia Graduates

1998                           Who’s Who in the World

2001                           Good Scout Award

2003                           Elected to the National Academy of Construction

2005                           Journal of Management in Engineering Best Paper Award

2007                           Golden Eagle Award, Society of American Military Engineers