Weihua Jin

  • Industry Professor


Weihua Jin
Research Interests
Sustainable infrastructure materials Waste to resource recovery (W2R) Robotic and additive manufacturing

Tongji University (China) 1985
Bachelor of Science, Materials Science and Engineering

Tongji University (China) 1988
Master of Science, Materials Science and Engineering

Columbia University 1998
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering

NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Industry Professor
From: September 2012 to present

The City College of New York
Associate Professor
From: September 2010 to August 2012

Journal Articles

  1. H. K. Bas, W. Jin, and N. Gupta, “Chemical stability of hollow glass microspheres in cementitious syntactic foams,” Cement and Concrete Composites, Feb, 2021.
  2. H. K. Bas, W. Jin, N. Gupta, and D. D. Luong, “Strain rate-dependent compressive behavior and failure mechanism of cementitious syntactic foams,” Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 95, 2019.
  3. H. K. Bas, W. Jin, N. Gupta, and R. K. Behera, “In-situ micro-CT characterization of mechanical properties and failure mechanism of cementitious syntactic foams,” Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 90, 2018.
  4. F. Rosso, W. Jin, A. L. Pisello, M. Ferrero, M. Ghandehari, “Optical Characterization of Translucent Stone Subject to Degradation,” Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. 28, 2018.
  5. F. Rosso, A. L. Pisello, V. L. Castaldo, C. Fabiani, F. Cotana, M. Ferrero, and W. Jin, “New cool concrete for building envelopes and urban paving: Optics-energy and thermal assessment in dynamic conditions,” Energy Build., vol. 151, 2017.
  6. E. Liu, M. Ghandehari, C. Brückner, G. Khalil, J. Worlinsky, W. Jin, A. Sidelev, and M. A. Hyland, “Mapping high pH levels in hydrated calcium silicates,” Cem. Concr. Res., vol. 95, 2017.
  7. F. Rosso, A. L. Pisello, W. Jin, M. Ghandehari, F. Cotana, and M. Ferrero, “Cool marble building envelopes: The effect of aging on energy performance and aesthetics,” Sustain., vol. 8, no. 8, 201
  8. F. Rosso, W. Jin, A. L. Pisello, M. Ferrero, and M. Ghandehari, “Translucent marbles for building envelope applications: Weathering effects on surface lightness and finishing when exposed to simulated acid rain,” Constr. Build. Mater., vol. 108, 2016.
  9. J. Narain, W. Jin, M. Ghandehari, E. Wilke, N. Shukla, U. Berardi, T. El-Korchi, and S. Van Dessel, “Design and Application of Concrete Tiles Enhanced with Microencapsulated Phase-Change Material,” J. Archit. Eng., vol. 22, no. 1, 2016.
  10. M. Ghandehari, C. S. Vimer, I. Ioannou, A. Sidelev, W. Jin, and P. Spellane, “In-situ measurement of liquid phase moisture in cement mortar,” NDT E Int., vol. 45, no. 1, 2012.
  11. Suwito, W. Jin, Y. Xi, and C. Meyer, “A Mathematical Model for the Pessimum Size Effect of ASR in Concrete”, Concrete Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, March 2002.
  12. W. Jin, C. Meyer, and S. Baxter, “‘Glascrete’ - Concrete with glass aggregate,” ACI Struct. J., vol. 97, no. 2, 2000.

Other Publications

  1. E. Liu, M. Ghandehari, W. Jin, A. Sidelev, C. Brückner, G. Khalil. “Imaging the pH profiles in cement based materials”, 2nd R. N. Raikar International Conference and Banthia- Basheer International Symposium, Lalit, Mumbai, India, Dec. 18-19, 2015.
  2. E. Liu, M. Ghandehari, W. Jin, A. Sidelev, C. Bruckner, G. Khalil, “Optical pH imaging in cementitious materials”, 1st International Conference on Ageing of Materials and Structures, Delft, the Netherlands, May 26-28, 2014.
  3. D. Jahnke, W. Jin, and Y. Andreopoulos, “Dynamic fracture of cellular cementitious plates under blast/shock loading,” in Poromechanics V - Proceedings of the 5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, 2013.
  4. A. Sidelev, E. Liu, W. Jin, G. E. Khalil, C. Bruckner, and M. Ghandehari, “Sensing high pH and ASR detection in cementitious materials,” in fib Symposium 2012: Concrete Structures for Sustainable Community - Proceedings, 2012.
  5. M. Ghandehari, A. Sidelev, and W. Jin, “Cure Monitoring in Mass Concrete, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2011), June 2-4, Boston, MA, 2011
  6. Y. Xi, A. Suwito, X. Wen, C. Meyer and W. Jin, “Testing and Modeling Alkali-Silica Reaction and the Associated Expansion of Concrete”, Mechanics of Quasi-Brittle Materials and Structures, A Volume in Honor of Prof. Z.P. Bazant’s 60th Birthday, G. Pijaudier-Cabot et al, eds., Hermes Science Publications, Paris, 1999.
  7. Z.P. Bazant, W. Jin, and C. Meyer, “Microfractures Caused by Alkali-Silica Reaction of Waste Glass in Concrete”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Gifu, Japan, October 1998.
  8. W. Jin and C. Meyer, “ASR in Concrete with Glass Aggregate - A Chemo-Physical-Mechanical Approach”, Concrete Materials Science, Vol. V, S. Cohen, S. Mindess, J. Skalny, eds, August 1998.
  9. W. Jin, C. Meyer, A. Suwito, and Y. Xi, “A Mathematical Model for Expansion of Concrete due to ASR”, Proceedings of ASCE 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, San Diego, May 1998.
  10. Z.P. Bazant, W. Jin and C. Meyer, “Microfractures Caused by Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete with Glass Particles of Different Sizes”, Proceedings of ASCE 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, San Diego, May 1998.
  11. C. Meyer, W. Jin, and S. Baxter, Concrete with Waste Glass as Aggregate, Proceedings of FIP Congress, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 1998.
  12. C. Meyer, S. Baxter and W. Jin, “Glascrete - Concrete with Crushed Glass Aggregate”, Proceedings of the CSCE, CGC/JSCE International Conference on Engineering Materials, Ottawa, Canada, June 1997.
  13. C. Meyer, S. Baxter and W. Jin, “Laboratory Studies of Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete with Waste Glass Aggregate Using ASTM C-1260”, Columbia University, New York, June 1997.
  14. C. Meyer, S. Baxter and W. Jin, “Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete with Glass as Aggregate”, Materials for the New Millennium - Proceedings of ASCE 4th Materials Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, November 1996.
  15. C. Meyer, S. Baxter and W. Jin, “Potential of Waste Glass for Masonry Blocks”, Materials for the New Millennium - Proceedings of ASCE 4th Materials Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, November 1996.


General/Collaborative Research

1. NSF-IDR Award (2010 - 2013), "Optical Imaging of High pH Dependent Degradation in Infrastructure Materials" (Co-PI with Prof. Masoud Ghandehari of NYU-Poly and Prof. Christian Brückner of UConn)

2. NYU-Poly Seed Grant (2010 - 2011), "Carbon Sequestering Infrastructure Materials Through Biomineralization" (Co-PI with Prof. Masoud Ghandehari of NYU-Poly and Prof. Rachel LeGeros of NYU)


1. US Patent No. 6296699, W. Jin, “Inorganic binders employing waste glass”, 2001

2. US Patent No. 5810921, S. Baxter, C. Meyer and W. Jin, “Use of waste glass in concrete, 1998

Faculty of the Year Award (2008-2009), Student Council, Polytechnic Institute of NYU