Vijayavenkataraman Sanjairaj

  • Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering


Vijayavenkataraman Sanjairaj

Professor Vijay is directing the Vijay Lab at NYU Abu Dhabi, focussing on Additive Manufacturing and Bioprinting for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug testing and medical devices. His works include conductive scaffolds for neural tissue engineering fabricated by electrohydrodynamic jet 3D printing, bioprinting of bi-layer functional human skin constructs, biomimetic scaffolds for tendon and esophageal tissue engineering, architected meta-materials based design of bone implants for better biomimicry and mitigating the effect of stress-shielding, and development of novel bio-inks for bioprinting of soft tissues. Professor Vijay serves as the Associate Editor (Digital Manufacturing) for Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and in the editorial board of several journals including International Journal of Bioprinting (Whioce Publishers, Singapore), Bioprinting (Elsevier), and Artificial Organs (Wiley). He was also part of several life sciences and biomedical industry-oriented programs such as Singapore Stanford Biodesign (SSB) Innovation Class, NUS Lean Launch Pad Singapore (modelled after NSF I-Corps program), and P&G Serial Innovator Camp.

Before joining NYUAD, he was a Research Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS). He was the recipient of President's Graduate Fellowship (PGF), which is awarded to candidates who show exceptional promise or accomplishment in research, for his doctoral study at NUS. He was one of the six students in the whole faculty of Engineering in January 2015 intake to receive this fellowship. His research interests include Additive Manufacturing, 3D bioprinting, and biomaterials for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug testing, and medical devices applications.

Before joining NUS, he was working with Caterpillar Inc, a US-based multi-national company in the Global Purchasing division, responsible for procurement of burn-to-shape parts and fabrication category for India and ASEAN region. He managed a total spend of more than USD 2 million, including a supply base in India and ASEAN, US, and Europe. He was a certified 6Sigma Green Belt from Caterpillar University, Illinois and led several Green Belt projects on cost reduction and localization. He was the first to be a certified E-Auction expert in the ASEAN region and an expert trainer in E-sourcing.

Vijay has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from College of Engineering, Guindy (CEG), Anna University, Chennai, India. During his undergraduate years in CEG, he was selected by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) as a WISE (Working Internships in Science & Engineering) Scholar to carry out summer research internship at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. He also served as Vice-President, Industrial Relations & Quality of Students' Quality Club (SQC), AU-TVS Centre for Quality Management, which is a joint organization of Anna University and TVS group of companies. During his tenure as the VP, he earnestly worked on disseminating the quality principles of lean and 6Sigma to the student community, and inculcated the quality culture among the future industry leaders. He was also part of the organizing committees of various national and international conferences.

Vijay was the recipient of several awards and fellowships including the President's Graduate Fellowship for his doctoral studies at Singapore, Raman Memorial Award, and The Sachivothama Sir C.P.Ramasamy Aiyar Scholarship.

Research Interests
Additive Manufacturing, Bioprinting, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Medical Devices


59. Baho, I., Ahmad, S., Boutros, S., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Rivard, A.L. (2023). Three-dimensional Printing a Patient-Specific Coronary Stent Implant. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, 17 (4), S76.

58. Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2023). 3D Bioprinting: Challenges in Commercialization and Clinical Translation, Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine, 7 (2), 3DP8.

57. Elkhoury, K., Zuazola, J., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2023). Bioprinting the future using light: A review on photocrosslinking reactions, photoreactive groups, and photoinitiators. SLAS Technology (Accepted).

56. Suresh Babu, S., Mourad, A.H.I., Harib, K.H., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2023). Recent Developments in the application of Machine-Learning towards Accelerated Predictive Multiscale Design and Additive Manufacturing. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18 (1), e2141653.


55. Kanwar, S., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). 3D Printable bone-mimicking Functionally Gradient Stochastic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Bone Implants - A versatile design approach for biomimicry. Materials & Design, 223, 111199.

54. Ng, W.L., Win Naing, M., Suntornnond, R., and Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2022), Fabrication of in-vitro 3D human tissue models—From cell processing to advanced manufacturing. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10:1035601. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.1035601

53. Soman, S.S., Govindharaj, M., Al Hashemi, N.S., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). Bioprinting of human neural tissues using a sustainable marine tunicate-derived bioink for translational medicine applications. International Journal of Bioprinting, 8 (4), 604.

52. Kumawat, N., Soman, S.S., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Kumar, S. (2022). Rapid and inexpensive process to fabricate paper-based microfluidic devices using cut and heat plastic lamination process. Lab on a Chip, 22, 3377-3389.

*Featured on the front cover of Lab on Chip

51. Kanwar, S., AlKetan, O.G., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). A Novel method to Design Biomimetic, 3D Printable Stochastic Scaffolds with Controlled Porosity for Bone Tissue Engineering. Materials & Design, 110857.

50. Govindharaj, M., Al Hashemi, N.S., Soman, S.S., Kanwar.S, Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). 3D Bioprinting of human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a novel tunic decellularized ECM bioink for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. Materialia, 101457.

49. Menon, A., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). Novel Vision Restoration Techniques: 3D Bioprinting, Gene and Stem Cell Therapy, Optogenetics, and the Bionic Eye. Artificial Organs, 46 (8):1463-74.

48. Chand, R., Muhire, B., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). Computational Fluid Dynamics Assessment of the effect of Bioprinting Parameters in Extrusion-bioprinting. International Journal of Bioprinting, 8 (2), 545.

47. Al Hashemi, N.S., Soman, S.S., Govindharaj, M., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). 3D printing of complex architected metamaterial structures by simple material extrusion for bone tissue engineering. Materials Today Communications, 31, 103382.

46. Zhou, J., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). A ‘relay’ type Drug-eluting Nerve Guide Conduit: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of the Drug Eluting Efficiency of Various Drug Release Systems. Pharmaceutics, 14(2), 230. 

45. Govindharaj, M., Soman, S.S., Al Hashemi, N.S., Vijayavenkataraman, S.* (2022). Bioprinting of bioactive tissue scaffolds from ecologically-destructive fouling tunicates. Journal of Cleaner Production, 330, 129923.


44. Kanwar, S., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2021). Design of 3D-printed Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: A review. Bioprinting, e00167.

43. Zhou, J., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2021). 3D-printable Conductive Materials for Tissue Engineering and Biomedical Applications. Bioprinting, e00166.

42. Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2021). 3D Bioprinted Skin - Engineering the Skin for Medical Applications. Annals of 3D Printed Medicine, 3, 100018.

41. Muthusamy, S., Kannan, S., Lee, M., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lu, W.F., Fuh, J. Y. H., Sriram, G., Cao, T. (2021). 3D Bioprinting and Microscale Organization of Vascularized Tissue Constructs using Collagen-based Bioink. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 118(8), 3150-63.

40. Kiraly, L., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2021). Biofabrication in congenital cardiac surgery: a plea from the operating theatre, promise from science. Micromachines, 12(3), 332.  

39. Quadri, F., Soman, S.S., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2021). Progress in Cardiovascular Bioprinting. Artificial Organs, 45(7), 652-664.  

38. Srinivas, R., Pooya, D., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Jia Heng, T., Anbu Mozhi, T., Robinson, K.S., Bin, W., Fuh, J. Y. H., Dicolandrea, T., Zhao, H., Birgit, E.L., Wang, C.H. (2021). Optimized construction of a full thickness human skin equivalent using 3D bioprinting and a PCL/collagen dermal scaffold. Bioprinting, e00123.


37. Soman, S.S., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2020). Perspectives on 3D Bioprinting of Peripheral Nerve Conduits. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(16), 5762.

​36. Soman, S.S., Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2020). Applications of 3D Bioprinted induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) in Healthcare. International Journal of Bioprinting, 6(4), 280. DOI: 10.18063/ijb.v6i4.280.

​35. Ravi, S.K., Singh, V.K., Suresh, L., Ku, C., Sanjairaj, V., Nandakumar, D.K., Chen, Y., Sun, W., Sit, P.H., Tan, S.C. (2020). Hydro‐Assisted Self‐Regenerating Brominated N‐Alkylated Thiophene Diketopyrrolopyrrole Dye Nanofibers—A Sustainable Synthesis Route for Renewable Air Filter Materials. Small,16(14):1906319.

​34. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Anna, G.S., & Teo, J.C.M. (2020). Specialized multi-material printheads for 3D hydrogel printing. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, 14(3), 42-52. doi: 10.1109/MNANO.2020.2966065.

33. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lai, Y.K., & Lu, W. F. (2020). A new design of 3D-printed orthopedic bone plates with auxetic structures to mitigate stress shielding and improve intra-operative bending. Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 3, 98-108.

​32. Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2020). Nerve guide conduits for peripheral nerve injury repair: A review on design, materials and fabrication methods. Acta Biomaterialia, 106, 54-69.

​31. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lai, Y.K., & Lu, W. F. (2020). 3D-printed ceramic triply periodic minimal surface structures for design of functionally graded bone implants. Materials & Design, 108602.


​30. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Kannan, S., Cao, T., Fuh, J.Y.H., Sriram, G., & Lu, W. F. (2019). 3D-Printed PCL/PPy Conductive Scaffolds as Three-dimensional Porous Nerve Guide Conduits (NGCs) for Peripheral Nerve Injury Repair. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7, 266.

​29. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2019). Bioprinting and Biofabrication for Tissue Engineering in Asia. International Journal of Bioprinting, 5(2.1), 1-2. doi: 10.18063/ijb.v5i2.1.231

​28. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Vialli, N., Fuh, J. Y. H., & Lu, W. F. (2019). Conductive Collagen/PPy-b-PCL hydrogel for bioprinting of neural tissue constructs. International Journal of Bioprinting, 5(2.1), 31-43. doi:10.18063/ijb.v5i2.1.229

​27. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Zhang, S., Thaharah, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2019). 3D-Printed PCL/rGO Conductive Scaffolds for Peripheral Nerve Injury Repair. Artificial Organs, 43(5), 515-523.

26. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Zhang, S., Thaharah, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2019). Electrohydrodynamic Jet 3D-Printed PCL/PAA Conductive Scaffolds with Tunable Biodegradability as Nerve Guide Conduits (NGCs) for Peripheral Nerve Injury Repair. Materials & Design, 162, 171-184.

​25. Zhang, S., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Chong, G.L., Fuh, J. Y. H., & Lu, W. F. (2019). Computational Design and Optimization of Nerve Guidance Conduits for Improved Mechanical Properties and Permeability. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 141(5), 051007. doi:10.1115/1.4043036

​24. Zhang, S., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2019). A Review on the Use of Computational Methods to Characterize, Design, and Optimize Tissue Engineering Scaffolds, with a Potential in 3D Printing Fabrication. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 107(5), 1329-1351.

​23. Jia Heng, T., Anbu Mozhi, T., Pooya, D., Srinivas, R., Vijayavenkataraman, S.,Yang, Q., Dicolandrea, T., Zhao, H., Fuh, J. Y. H., Liou, Y.C., Wang, C.H. (2019). Investigation of the Application of a Taylor-Couette Bioreactor in the Post-processing of Bioprinted Human Dermal Tissue. Biochemical Engineering Journal 151, 107317.


22. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Zhang, S., Thaharah, S., Sriram, G., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2018). Electrohydrodynamic Jet 3D Printed Nerve Guide Conduits (NGCs) for Peripheral Nerve Injury Repair. Polymers, 10(7), 753.

21. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Zhang, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2018). Electrohydrodynamic-jetting (EHD-jet) 3D-printed functionally graded scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Journal of Materials Research, 1-13.

​20. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Fuh, J. Y. H., & Lu, W. F. (2018). Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces Sheet Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications: An Optimization Approach towards Biomimetic Scaffold Design. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 1 (2), 259-269. DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.8b00052

​19. Bin, W., Nobuyoshi, T., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Khek, Y.H., Yang, W., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2018). Pluronic F127 blended Polycaprolactone scaffolds via e-jetting for esophageal tissue engineering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 29 (9), 140.

​18. Bhargav, A., Sanjairaj, V., Rosa, V., Feng, L. W., & Fuh YH, J. (2018). Applications of additive manufacturing in dentistry: A review. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 106(5), 2058-2064.

​17. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Yan, W.C., Lu, W. F., Wang, C.H., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2018). 3D Bioprinting of Tissues and Organs for Regenerative Medicine . Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 132, 296-332.

​16. Yan, W.C., Pooya, D., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Tian, Y., Ng, W.C., Fuh, J. Y. H., Robinson, K.S., & Wang, C.H. (2018). 3D-bioprinting of skin tissue: From pre-processing to final product evaluation. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 132, 270-295.

​15. Bin, W., Shihao, L., Jia, S., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Dieter, T., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2018). Homogeneous Cell Printing on Porous PCL/F127 Tissue Engineering Scaffolds. Bioprinting, e00030.


14. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Shuo, Z., Fuh, J. Y., & Lu, W. F. (2017). Design of Three-Dimensional Scaffolds with Tunable Matrix Stiffness for Directing Stem Cell Lineage Specification: An In Silico Study. Bioengineering, 4(3), 66.

​13. Singh, V. K., Chitumalla, R. K., Ravi, S. K., Zhang, Y., Xi, Y., Sanjairaj, V., Zhang, C., Jang, J., & Tan, S. C. (2017). Inkjet-Printable Hydrochromic Paper for Encrypting Information and Anticounterfeiting. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(38), 33071-33079.

12. Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2017). 3D bioprinted skin: the first ‘to-be’successful printed organ?. Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine, 1(3).

11. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Fuh, J. Y., & Lu, W. F. (2017). 3D Printing and 3D Bioprinting in Pediatrics. Bioengineering, 4(3), 63.

​10. Wu, Y., Wu, B., Vijayavenkataraman, S., San Wong, Y., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2017). Crimped fiber with controllable patterns fabricated via electrohydrodynamic jet printing. Materials & Design, 131, 384-393.

9. Jie, S., Haoyong, Y., Chaw, T. L., Chiang, C. C., & Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2017). An Interactive Upper Limb Rehab Device for Elderly Stroke Patients. Procedia CIRP, 60, 488-493.

8. Sun, J., Vijayavenkataraman, S., & Liu, H. (2017). An Overview of Scaffold Design and Fabrication Technology for Engineered Knee Meniscus. Materials, 10(1), 29.

​7. Liu, H., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Wang, D., Jing, L., Sun, J., & He, K. (2017). Influence of electrohydrodynamic jetting parameters on the morphology of PCL scaffolds. International Journal of Bioprinting, 3(1).


6. Vijayavenkataraman, S. (2016). A Perspective on Bioprinting Ethics. Artificial Organs, 40(11), 1033-1038. (Invited Editorial)

​5. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2016). 3D bioprinting of skin: a state-of-the-art review on modelling, materials, and processes. Biofabrication, 8(3), 032001.

​4. Vijayavenkataraman, S., Lu, W. F., & Fuh, J. Y. H. (2016). 3D bioprinting–An Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) framework. Bioprinting, 1, 11-21.

​3. Wang, H., Vijayavenkataraman, S., Wu, Y., Shu, Z., Sun, J., & Hsi, J. F. Y. (2016). Investigation of process parameters of electrohydro-dynamic jetting for 3D printed PCL fibrous scaffolds with complex geometries. International Journal of Bioprinting, 2(1).

2011 - 2015

b. Narasimhan, V., Vijayavenkataraman, S., & Sungyong, P. (2015). Low-cost spin-coatable, Transferable, and High-k Ion Gel Dielectric for Flexible Eletrowetting. TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Exposition, Washington DC, USA, June 14-17, 2015.

​2. VijayaVenkataRaman, S., Iniyan, S., & Goic, R. (2012). A review of solar drying technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(5), 2652-2670.

​1. VijayaVenkataRaman, S., Iniyan, S., & Goic, R. (2012). A review of climate change, mitigation and adaptation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(1), 878-897.

a. VijayaVenkataRaman, S., Iniyan, S., Suganthi, L., & Goic, R. Wind Energy Potential Estimation in India. TechConnect World, Clean Technology Conference & Expo, June 21-24, 2010, Anaheim, CA