Rui Li ,

  • Industry Assistant Professor



Dr. Rui Li has an educational background in chemical and robotic engineering. He has professional experience in the telecommunication and medical industries. He has a few medical devices being used for human trials at the Center for Clinical Oncology, National Institute of Health. He was the PI of one NSF-STTR grant as well as a technical lead on NSF ICORP and VentureWell Stage 2. He is a member of ASEE and has a strong passion for improving student motivation in STEM education.

Research Interests
Engineering Education, First-Year Engineering, Educational Robotics, Medical Robotics, Medical Devices, Stroke Rehabilitation

University of Georgia  2020

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Imperial College London  2009

M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering

American Society for Engineering Education

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Biomedical Engineering Society

Institution of Chemical Engineers

EG 1004: Introduction to Engineering Design