Reza Ghaiumy Anaraky is a postdoctoral researcher in the Technology Management and Innovation department at New York University.
- Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing, Clemson University (2022)
- Teaching certificate in Engineering and Science Education, Clemson University (2021)
- M.Sc. in Computer Science, Clemson University (2019)
- B.A. in Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (2015)
Research Interests
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Privacy decision-making
- Aging
- Technology use and well‑being
Selected Awards and Research Funding
- Facebook fellowship award, $82,000 + tuition and fees (Meta, 2021)
- Outstanding Ph.D. student in Human‑Centered Computing (Clemson University,2021)
- Best Paper Award and AIS College of Senior Scholars Best Paper Award nomination, AIS Transactions on Human‑Computer Interaction (THCI, 2020)
- The Innovative Research on Aging award for research on the older adult population (Mather Institute, 2020)
- Best paper award (SM&S, 2019)
- Best paper award (pre-ICIS SIGHCI, 2018)
- Erasmus Mundus scholarship, €45,000 + tuition and fees (European Union, 2016 - declined the program)
Selected Publications
- Ghaiumy Anaraky, R. Byrne, K. A., Page, X., Knijnenburg, B. P., & Wisniewski, P. J. (2021). To Disclose or Not to Disclose: Examining the Privacy Decision‑Making Processes of Older vs. Younger Adults. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, https://doi.org/10.1145/3411764.3445204
- Ghaiumy Anaraky, R., Li, Y., & Knijnenburg, B. P. (2021). Difficulties of Measuring Culture in Privacy Studies. Proceedings of the ACM on Human‑Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 1‑26, https://doi.org/10.1145/3479522
- Ghaiumy Anaraky, R., Knijnenburg, B. P., & Risius, M. (2020). Exacerbating Mindless Compliance: The Danger of Justifications during Privacy Decision Making in the Context of Facebook Applications. AIS Transactions on Human‑Computer Interaction (THCI), 12(2), 70‑95, https://doi.org/10.17705/1thci.00129
∗ Won the 2020 THCI Best Paper Award and was nominated for the 2020 AIS College of Senior Scholars Best Papers Awards