Mark Lee
Adjunct Professor - People Analytics
Head of Research, Analytics, and Business Development, UL ComplianceWire

Mark Lee is the Head of Research, Analytics, and Business Development at the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) ComplianceWire unit and an adjunct Professor of Technology Management at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering People Analytics group. Mark currently helps companies bring to market and manufacture safe pharmaceuticals and medical devices by focusing on the training and development of the people involved. Mark spent many years as a Human Factors Engineer, improving the usability of a diverse range of industrial and consumer products, from fighter jets like the F-22 to Bridal Registry kiosks for department stores. Mark is a ramblin' wreck from Georgia Tech, from where he earned his doctorate in Engineering Psychology with a minor concentration in Industrial Engineering. At NYU, Dr. Lee teaches Human Factors Engineering in Design, and Workplace Design, Statistics for Data Analysts, Managing Human Resource Technology in Organizations, and Human Capital, Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and ROI.