Professional engineer in New York with 15 years of experience as project engineer with New York State DOT. He has worked in a number of roles on large scale infrastructure projects, including Route 9A Reconstruction ($380 million) and Replacement of Kosciuszko Bridge ($550million) which involved design management tasks for the design-build contract.
Polytechnic Institute of New York University 2011
Ph.D., Civil Engineering
IHE Delft, The Netherlands 1998
Master of Science, Water Resources Engineering
University of Khartoum 1994
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
Journal Articles
- Ahmed, M. and Iskander, M. (2011) “Analysis of Tunneling-Induced Ground Movements Using Transparent Soil Models”, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 137, No. 5, pp. 525-535.
- Ahmed, M. and Iskander, M. (2012) “Evaluation of Tunnel Face Stability by Transparent Soil Models”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 101–110.
- Ahmed, M., (2013) “Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Sinkhole” Transportation Research Board TRB 92nd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Report #:13-0108, TRB Washington, DC, USA
- Ahmed, M., (2013) “Application of Digital Image Cross Correlation to Study Sinkhole Collapse”, ISRN Soil Science, Vol. (2013), Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 478547.
Other Publications
- Ahmed, M. and Iskander, M. (2011), “Transparent Soil Model Tests and FE Analyses on Tunneling Induced Ground Settlement”, ASCE, Proceedings of the Geo-Frontiers 2011 Conference, Dallas, Texas pp. 3381-3390
Ahmed, M. and Iskander, M. (2011), “Tunnel Face Support Pressure and Associated Risk” ASCE, Proceedings of Risk Assessment and Management Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, ASCE, GSP (224), pp. 939-947.
Ahmed, M. and Iskander, M. (2011), “Investigation of Shield Face Stability by Transparent Soil Models.” Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Tunnelling Conference (The AusIMM), Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 329-336.
Ahmed M. and Iskander, M. (2011) “Investigation of Subsurface Settlement Profiles above Tunnels”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-American Conference on Teaching and Learning of Geotechnical Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Ahmed, M (2011) “Investigation of Tunnel Face Stability using Digital Image Correlation”, Proceedings of the Sixth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Ahmed, M (2009) “Tunnel Induced Ground Movement in Cohesionless Soils”, Proceedings of Northeast Geotechnical Research Symposium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.