Dũng (Dzung) Luong ,

  • Industry Associate Professor


Dung Luong

Dũng (Dzung) Dinh Luong is Industry Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He received his B.S and M.S. degrees from Hanoi University of Science and Technology. He graduated the Ph.D program in Polytechnic Institute of Technology in 3 years. His research focus on the light-weight materials and material characterization. He is intensively interested in the simulations using the finite element method and molecular dynamics.

Research Interests
Light-weight Composite Materials Material Characterization Finite Element Method

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2004
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Hanoi University of Science and Technology 2007
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Polytechnic School of Engineering, NYU 2012
Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering

Journal Articles


  1. Kumar, B. R. B., Singh, A. K. Doddamani, M., Luong, D. D., and Gupta, N., Quasi-Static and High Strain Rate Compressive Response of Injection-Molded Cenosphere/HDPE Syntactic Foam. JOM, 2016.
  2. Luong, D. D., Lehmhus, D., Gupta, N., Weise, J., and Bayoumi, M., Structure and Compressive Properties of Invar-Cenosphere Syntactic Foams. Materials, 2016. 9(2): p. 115.
  3. Licitra, L., Luong, D. D., Strbik, O. M., and Gupta, N., Dynamic properties of alumina hollow particle filled aluminum alloy A356 matrix syntactic foams. Materials & Design, 2015. 66: p. 504-515.
  4. Luong, D. D., Shunmugasamy, V. C., Gupta, N., Lehmhus, D., Weise, J., and Baumeister, J., Quasi-static and high strain rates compressive response of iron and Invar matrix syntactic foams. Materials & Design, 2015. 66: p. 516-531.
  5. Luong, D. D., Shunmugasamy, V. C., Cox, J., Gupta, N., and Rohatgi, P. K., Heat treatment of AZ91D Mg-Al-Zn Alloy: microstructural evolution and dynamic response. JOM, 2014. 66(2): p. 312-321.
  6. Luong, D. D., Shunmugasamy, V. C., Strbik III, O. M., and Gupta, N., High Strain Rate Compressive Behavior of Polyurethane Resin and Polyurethane/Al2O3 Hollow Sphere Syntactic Foams. Journal of Composites, 2014. 2014.
  7. Cox, J., Luong, D. D., Shunmugasamy, V. C., Gupta, N., Strbik, O. M., and Cho, K., Dynamic and thermal properties of aluminum alloy A356/Silicon carbide hollow particle syntactic foams. Metals, 2014. 4(4): p. 530-548.
  8. Luong, D. D., Strbik, O. M., Hammond, V. H., Gupta, N., and Cho, K., Development of high performance lightweight aluminum alloy/SiC hollow sphere syntactic foams and compressive characterization at quasi-static and high strain rates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013. 550: p. 412-422.
  9. Luong, D. D., Pinisetty, D., and Gupta, N., Compressive properties of closed-cell polyvinyl chloride foams at low and high strain rates: Experimental investigation and critical review of state of the art. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2013. 44(1): p. 403-416.
  10. Gupta, N., Luong, D. D., and Cho, K., Magnesium matrix composite foams—density, mechanical properties, and applications. Metals, 2012. 2(3): p. 238-252.
  11. Rohatgi, P. K., Gupta, N., Schultz, B. F., and Luong, D. D., The synthesis, compressive properties, and applications of metal matrix syntactic foams. JOM, 2011. 63(2): p. 36-42.
  12. Luong, D. D., Gupta, N., and Rohatgi, P. K., The high strain rate compressive response of Mg-Al alloy/fly Ash cenosphere composites. JOM, 2011. 63(2): p. 48-52.
  13. Gupta, N., Luong, D. D., and Rohatgi, P. K., A method for intermediate strain rate compression testing and study of compressive failure mechanism of Mg-Al-Zn alloy. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011. 109(10): p. 103512.
  14. Luong, D. D., Gupta, N., Daoud, A., and Rohatgi, P. K., High strain rate compressive characterization of aluminum alloy/fly ash cenosphere composites. JOM, 2011. 63(2): p. 53-56.






Authored/Edited Books



  1. Luong, D. D. and Gupta, N., Modeling and Simulations, in Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams: Processing, Microstructure, Properties and Applications, N. Gupta and P.K. Rohatgi, Editors. 2014, DEStech Publications, Inc. p. 247.
  2. Gupta, N., Luong, D. D., and Pinisetty, D., Weight Saving Potential of Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams, in Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams: Processing, Microstructure, Properties and Applications, N. Gupta and P.K. Rohatgi, Editors. 2014, DEStech Publications, Inc. p. 301.
  3. Luong, D. D., Gupta, N., and Rohatgi, P. K., Aluminum/Fly Ash Syntactic Foams: Synthesis, Microstructure and Properties, in Advanced Carbon Materials and Technology. 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 377-417.






Other Publications



  1. Luong, D. D., Lehmhus, D., Gupta, N., Weise, J., A Review of Iron Based Syntactic Foams Synthesized by Metal Powder Injection Molding (MIM), in MS&T. October 23-27, 2016. Salt Lake, UT. Accepted.
  2. Luong, D. D. Mechanical Properties of Amorphous Metallic Alloys at High Strain Rate, in TMS. February 14-18, 2016. Nashville, TN, USA.
  3. Gupta, N., Luong, D. D., Pinisetty, D., and Daoud, A. High Strain Rate Deformation of Al-Si-Mg Matrix Composites, in TMS. March 3-7, 2013. San Antonio, TX, USA.
  4. Luong, D. D., Pinisetty, D., Gupta, N., Lehmhus, D., Weise, J., Baumeister, J., and Busse, M. Mechanical Performance of Fe99.7 and FeNi36 Syntactic Foams at Varied Strain Rates, in European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes. September 8-13, 2013. Sevilla, Spain.
  5. Luong, D. D., Gupta, N., and Daoud, A. Investigation of High Strain Rate Properties of A356-Fly Ash Syntactic Foams, in 1st TMS-ABM International Materials Congress. July 26-30, 2010. Rio de Janerio, Brazil.
  6. Luong, D. D., Gupta, N., and Rohatgi, P. Characterization of AZ91/fly ash syntactic foams at high strain rates, in MS&T' 10. Octorber 17-21, 2010. Houston, TX, USA.


Research Centers, Labs, and Groups