Daniel Speyer has a varied background in engineering having worked in (University Heights) NYU Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, consultant in natural gas safety analysis, and principally nuclear power plant thermo-fluids.
He was project leader and lead analyst developing Indian Point Unit 1 Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) analysis, and two associated experimental test programs in multi-channel flooding and heat transfer. Subsequently he was manager responsible for analysis affecting the safe operation of Indian Point Unit 2.
After the Three Mile Island Unit 2 nuclear accident he was Chairman of the Analysis Subcommittee of the Westinghouse Owners Group, responsible for the generic safety analysis for all operating Westinghouse nuclear reactors in the US. More recently he was consultant to nuclear utility companies in the area of power plant efficiency and thermal-hydraulic safety analysis.
At NYU he currently teaches courses for the nuclear minor: Nuclear Power Plant Systems (basically power plant thermodynamics) and Nuclear Engineering (basically neutron diffusion theory). And previously taught course in thermo-fluids: Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics, etc.
Professor Speyer has a varied academic background and interests — for example teaching courses in meteorology, chemistry, physics and astronomy, and serving as theater photographer, at a community college.
He joined the Polytechnic Institute of NYU faculty in 2008. Prior to this he had taught in NYU Department of Applied Science, and earned undergraduate and graduate degrees (PhD in 1973) at NYU Department of Chemical Engineering.
Speyer, D.M., et al, "Better Estimate Analysis for Use in Emergency Operating Procedures During a LOCA," ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Engineering Summer Meeting, Montreal, August 2010.
Speyer, D.M., "Single-Phase Natural Circulation Loops," Chapter 30 in Heat Transfer
Calculations, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Myer Kutz (editor), 2005.
Sheppard, K., Speyer, D.M., et al., "Analysis of Zircaloy Oxide Thickness Data from PWRs,"
NP-6698, EPRI Research Project 1250-18, February 1990.
(Author of) utility comments on "Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluation of the H.B. Robinson Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant," NUREG/CR-4183, ORNL/TM-9567/V2, Appendix K, 971-976, September 1985 (Prepared for Carolina Power and Light).
Speyer, D.M. and Kmetyk, L., "Flooding in Multi-Channel Two-Phase Counterflow," l977 Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, Atlanta Georgia, November 27 - December 2, l977, Publication No. H00l05, Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, 55-62.
Speyer, D.M. and Parker, R.O., "Heat Transfer and Pressure Loss for Baffled Heat Exchangers," VI Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering, Caracas Venezuela, July l975.
Speyer, D.M., doctoral dissertation "Shell-Side Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Baffled Shell- and-Tube Heat Exchangers," May 1973.
Zakkay, V. and Speyer, D.M., "A High Reynolds Number Facility for Operation at l0,000 psi
and 3,500°F," United States Air Force, Aerospace Research Laboratories, A.R.L. Report
No. 7l-0084, May 1971.
Speyer, D.M., Blank, Z., Brenner, W., Letter to the Editor "Diffusion from Gels," Journal of
Chemical Education, August l969, 536. [Commented on/correct published solution for
one-dimensional unsteady state diffusion.]
Speyer, D.M., Brenner, W. and Okamoto, Y., "Growth of Single Crystals of Silver Halides in Silica Gels at Near Ambient Temperatures," Nature, 216, l967, ll03-ll04.
Jerussi, R.A. and Speyer, D.M., "Selenium Dioxide Oxidation of 5α-Adrostane-3, l7 Dione. The Stereochemistry of Dehydrogenation." The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 3l, l966, 3l99-3203.