Queens College, City University of New York 1984
Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science and Mathematics
Courant Institute, New York University 1986
Master of Science, Computer Science
Courant Institute, New York University 1989
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science
Publications: Journal Articles
B. Aronov, V. Dujmović, P. Morin, A. Ooms and L.F. Schultz Xavier da Silveira, "More Turán-type theorems for triangles in convex point sets," Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 26(1) (2019).
B. Aronov and M.J. Katz, "Batched point location in SINR diagrams via algebraic tools," ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 14(4) 41:1{41:29 (2018).
B. Aronov, P. Bose, E.D. Demaine, J. Gudmundsson, J. Iacono, S. Langerman, and M. Smid, "Data structures for halfplane proximity queries and incremental Voronoi diagrams," Algorithmica 80(11):3316-3334 (2018).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "Almost tight bounds for eliminating depth cycles in three dimensions," Discrete Comput. Geom., 59(3) 725-741 (2018).
B. Aronov, M. Korman, S. Pratt, A. van Renssen, and M. Roelozen, "Time-space trade-o algorithms for triangulating a simple polygon," Journal on Computational Geometry, 8(1):105-124 (2017).
B. Aronov, O. Cheong, M.G. Dobbins, and X. Goaoc, "The number of holes in the union of translates of a convex set in three dimensions," Discrete Comput. Geom., 57(1): 104-124 (2017).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, J.M. Phillips, K. Yi, and W. Zhang, "Nearest neighbor searching under uncertainty II" ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 13(1):Article 3 (November 2016).
B. Aronov, A. Driemel, M.J. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, and F. Staals, "Segmentation of trajectories on nonmonotone criteria," ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 12(2):Article 26 (February 2016).
G. Moroz and B. Aronov, "Computing the distance between piecewise-linear bivariate functions," ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 12(1):Article 3 (February 2016).
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, D. Eppstein, M. Roelozen, and B. Speckmann, "Distance-sensitive planar point location," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 54 (April 2016):17-31.
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, and F. Hurtado, "Mutual witness proximity graphs," Information Processing Letters, 114(10):519-523 (2014).
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, E. Ezra, and M. Sharir, "Improved bound for the union of locally fat objects in the plane," SIAM J. Computing, 43(2):543-572 (2014).
R. Karasev, A. Hubard, and B. Aronov, "Convex equipartitions: the spicy chicken theorem," Geometriae Dedicata, 170(1):263-279 (2014).
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, and F. Hurtado, "Witness rectangle graphs," Graphs and Combinatorics, 30(4):827-846 (2014).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, and R. Silveira, "Computing correlation between piecewise-linear functions," SIAM J. Computing, 42(5):1867{1887 (2013).
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, R. Pinchasi, and M. Sharir, "On the union complexity of diametral disks," Electr. J. Comb. 20(2):P53 (2013).
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, and F. Hurtado, "Witness Gabriel graphs," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 46:894-908 (2013).
B. Aronov and M. Dulieu, "How to cover a point set with a V-shape of minimum width," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 46(3):298-309 (2013).
B. Aronov, D. Garijoy, Y. Núñez-Rodríguez, D. Rappaport, C. Seara, and J. Urrutia, "Minimizing the error of linear separators on linearly inseparable data," Disc. Applied Math., 160:1441-1452 (2012).
B. Aronov and M. de Berg, "Unions of fat convex polytopes have short skeletons," Discrete Comput. Geom., 48(1):53-64 (2012).
B. Aronov, K. Buchin, M. Buchin, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, J. Luo, R. Silveira, and B. Speckmann, "Connect the dot: Computing feed-links for network extension," Journal of Spatial Information Science (JOSYS), No. 3, 3-31 (2011).
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, and F. Hurtado, "Witness (Delaunay) graphs," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 44(6-7):329-344 (2011).
B. Aronov, M.J. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, and R.I. Silveira, "Peeling meshed potatoes," Algorithmica, 60(2):349-367(2011).
B. Aronov, O. Cheong, X. Goaoc, and G. Rote, "Lines pinning lines," Discrete Comput. Geom., 45(2):230-260 (2011).
B. Aronov, E. Ezra, and M. Sharir, "Small-size -nets for axis-parallel rectangles and boxes," SIAM J. Computing, 39 (2010), 3248-3282.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "Approximate halfspace range counting," SIAM J. Computing, 39 (2010), 2704-2725.
B. Aronov, T. Asano, and S. Funke, "Optimal triangulation of a points and segments," International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 20 (2010) 89-104.
B. Aronov, P. Carmi, and M.J. Katz, "Minimum-cost load-balancing partitions," Algorithmica, 34 (2009) 318-336.
B. Aronov, F. Aurenhammer, F. Hurtado, S. Langerman, D. Rappaport, C. Seara, and S. Smorodinsky, "Small weak epsilon-nets", Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 42 (2009),455-462.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, O. Cheong, J. Gudmundsson, H. Haverkort, M. Smid, and A. Vigneron, "Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 40 (2008) 207-219.
B. Aronov and S. Har-Peled, "On approximating the depth and related problems," SIAM J. Computing, 38 (2008) 899-921.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, and C. Gray, "Ray shooting and intersection searching amidst fat convex polyhedra in 3-space," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 41 (2008), 68-76.
B. Aronov, T. Asano, Y. Kikuchi, S.C. Nandy, S. Sasahara, and T. Uno, "A generalization of magic squares with applications to digital halftoning," Theory of Computing Systems, 42 (2008) 143-156.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and V. Koltun, "Efficient algorithms for bichromatic separability," ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2 (2006), 209-227.
B. Aronov, H. Brönnimann, A.Y. Chang, and Y.-J. Chiang, "Cost prediction for ray shooting in octrees," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 34 (2006), 159-181.
B. Aronov, T. Asano, N. Katoh, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Tokuyama, "Polyline fitting of planar points under min-sum criteria," International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 16 (2006) 97-116.
B. Aronov, A. Efrat, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, \On the union of -round objects in three and four dimensions," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 36 (2006), 511-526.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir "Lines avoiding unit balls in three dimensions," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 34 (2005), 231-250.
B. Aronov and S. Smorodinsky, "Geometric permutations induced by line transversals through a fixed point," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 34 (2005), 285-294.
B. Aronov, H. Brönnimann, A.Y. Chang, and Y.-J. Chiang, "Cost-driven octree construction schemes: an experimental study," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 31 (2005) 127-148.
B. Aronov, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, "Cutting triangular cycles of lines in space," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 33 (2005), 231-247.
B. Aronov, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, "Incidences between points and circles in three and higher dimensions," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 33 (2005), 185-206.
B. Aronov, R. Schienbauer, and M. Sharir, "On the number of views of translates of a cube and related problems," Computational Geometry: Theory & Applications, 27:179-192 (2004).
B. Aronov, J. Pach, M. Sharir, and G. Tardos, "Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions," Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 13:283-293 (2004).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "Cell complexities in hyperplane arrangements," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 32:107-115 (2004).
B. Aronov, M. van Kreveld, R. van Oostrum, and K. Varadarajan, "Facility location on a polyhedral surface," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 30:357-372 (2003).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, "On the complexity of many faces in arrangements of pseudo-segments and circles," in Discrete and Computational Geometry - The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift (B. Aronov, S. Basu, J. Pach, and M. Sharir, eds), in the series: Algorithms and Combinatorics, volume 25, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2003), 1-24.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "Cutting circles into pseudo-segments and improved bounds for incidences," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 28:475-490 (2002).
B. Aronov, "A lower bound on Voronoi diagram complexity," Information Processing Letters, 83:183-185 (2002).
B. Aronov, J.E. Goodman, and R. Pollack, "A Helly-type theorem for higher-dimensional transversals." Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 21:177-183 (2002).
B. Aronov, L. J. Guibas, M. Teichmann, and L. Zhang, "Visibility queries and maintenance in simple polygons," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 27:461-483 (2002).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, "Exact and approximation algorithms for minimum-width cylindrical shells," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 26:307-320 (2001).
B. Aronov, J.E. Goodman, R. Pollack, and R. Wenger, "A Helly-type theorem for hyperplane transversals to well-separated convex sets," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 25:507-517 (2001).
B. Aronov and T.K. Dey, "Polytopes in arrangements," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 25:51-63 (2001).
B. Aronov, A. Efrat, D. Halperin, and M. Sharir, "On the number of regular vertices of the union of Jordan regions," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 25:203-220 (2001).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, and M. Sharir, "Approximation algorithms for minimum-width annuli and shells," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 24:687-705 (2000).
B. Aronov, J.E. Goodman, R. Pollack, and R. Wenger, "On the Helly number for hyperplane transversals to unit balls," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 24:171-176 (2000).
B. Aronov, J.E. Goodman, R. Pollack, and R. Wenger, "On the Helly number for hyperplane transversals to unit balls," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 24:171-176 (2000).
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, F. van der Stappen, P. Švestka, and J. Vleugels, "Motion planning for multiple robots," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 22:505-525 (1999).
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, F. van der Stappen, P. Švestka, and J. Vleugels, "Motion planning for multiple robots," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 22:505-525 (1999).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, "Motion planning for a convex polygon in a polygonal environment." Discrete and Computational Geometry, 22:201-221 (1999).
B. Aronov and S. Fortune, "Approximating minimum-weight triangulations in three dimensions," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 21:527-549 (1999).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, "Line transversals of balls and smallest enclosing cylinder in three dimensions," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 21:373-388 (1999).
B. Aronov, A.R. Davis, T.K. Dey, S.P. Pal, and D.C. Prasad, "Visibility with multiple reflections," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 20:61-78 (1998).
B. Aronov, A.R. Davis, T.K. Dey, S.P. Pal, and D.C. Prasad, "Visibility with one reflection," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 19:553-574 (1998).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, T.M. Chan, and M. Sharir, "On levels in arrangements of lines, segments, planes, and triangles," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 19:315-331 (1998).
F. Aurenhammer, F. Homann, and B. Aronov, "Minkowski-type theorems and least-squares clustering," Algorithmica, 20:61-76 (1998).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, J. Pach, R. Pollack, and M. Sharir, "Quasi-planar graphs have a linear number of edges," Combinatorica, 17:1-9 (1997).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "The common exterior of convex polygons in the plane," Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 8 (1997):139-149.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, J. O'Rourke, and C.A. Schevon, "Star unfolding of a polytope with applications," SIAM J. Computing, 26:1689-1713 (1997).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "On translational motion planning of a convex polyhedron in 3-space," SIAM J. Computing, 26:1785-1803 (1997).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "On translational motion planning of a convex polyhedron in 3-space," SIAM J. Computing, 26:1785-1803 (1997).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, "Computing envelopes in four dimensions with applications," SIAM J. Computing, 26:1714-1732 (1997).
B. Aronov and J. Matoušek, "On stabbing triangles by lines in 3-space," Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 36(1):109-113 (1995).
P. Agarwal, B. Aronov, N. Alon, and S. Suri, "Can visibility graphs be represented compactly?" Discrete and Computational Geometry, 12:347-365 (1994).
B. Aronov, P. Erdős, W. Goddard, D.J. Kleitman, M. Klugerman, J. Pach, and L.J. Schulman, "Crossing families," Combinatorica, 14(2):127-134 (1994).
B. Aronov, M. Bern, and D. Eppstein, "On the number of minimal 1-Steiner trees," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 12(1):29-34 (1994).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "Castles in the air revisited," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 12(2):119-150 (1994).
B. Aronov, J. Matoušek, and M. Sharir, "On the sum of squares of cell complexities in hyperplane arrangements," Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 65:311-321 (1994).
B. Aronov, D.Q. Naiman, J. Pach, and M. Sharir, "An invariant property of balls in arrangements of hyperplanes," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 10:421-425 (1993).
B. Aronov, R. Seidel, and D. Souvaine, "On compatible triangulations of simple polygons," Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 3:27-35 (1993).
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, M. Sharir, and S. Suri, "Selecting distances in the plane," Algorithmica 9:495-514 (1993).
B. Aronov, S. Fortune, and G. Wilfong, "Furthest-site geodesic Voronoi diagram," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 9:217-255 (1993).
B. Aronov, M. Pellegrini, and M. Sharir, "On the zone of a surface in a hyperplane arrangement," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 9(2):177-188 (1993).
B. Aronov and J. O'Rourke, "Nonoverlap of the star unfolding," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 8:219-250 (1992).
B. Aronov, H. Edelsbrunner, L. Guibas, and M. Sharir, "The number of edges of many faces in a line segment arrangement," Combinatorica, 12:261-274 (1992).
P.K. Agarwal and B. Aronov, "Counting facets and incidences," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 7:359-369 (1992).
B. Aronov, B. Chazelle, H. Edelsbrunner, L.J. Guibas, M. Sharir, and R. Wenger, "Points and triangles in the plane and halving planes in space," Discrete and Computational Geometry, 6:435-442 (1991).
P.K. Agarwal, A. Aggarwal, B. Aronov, S.R. Kosaraju, B. Schieber, and S. Suri, "Computing external farthest neighbors for a simple polygon," Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 31:97-111 (1991).
B. Aronov, S. Fortune, and G. Wilfong, "Minimum speed motions," International Journal of Robotics Research, 10(3):228-239 (1991).
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, "Triangles in space, or building (and analyzing) castles in the air," Combinatorica, 10(2):137-173 (1990).
B. Aronov, "On the geodesic Voronoi diagram of point sites in a simple polygon," Algorithmica, 4(1):109-140 (1989).
Publications: Edited Volumes
Boris Aronov and Matthew J. Katz, eds., 33rd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2017), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 77, SoCG 2017, July 4-7, 2017 - Brisbane, Australia, ISBN: 978-3-95977-038-5.
B. Aronov, S. Basu, J. Pach, and M. Sharir, eds., Discrete and Computational Geometry – The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift, Algorithms and Combinatorics, volume 25, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-00371-1.
Publications: Articles in Proceedings of Referenced Conferences
B. Aronov, O. Filtser, M.J. Katz, and K. Sheikhan, Bipartite Diameter and Other Measures Under Translation, Proc. 36th Intern. Symp. Theor. Asp. Comput. Sci. (STACS’19), 2019, accepted.
B. Aronov, E. Esther, and J. Zahl, Constructive polynomial partitioning for algebraic curves in R3 with applications, Procs. 15th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discr. Algor. (SODA’19), 2019.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, A. Markovic, and G.J. Woeginger, “Non-monochromatic and conflictfree coloring on tree spaces and planar network spaces,” Proc. 24th Intern. Conf. Computing Combinatorics (COCOON’18), pp. 567–578, 2018. Invited to Algorithmica.
B. Aronov, G. Bar-On, and M.J. Katz, “Resolving SINR queries in a dynamic setting,” Proc. 45th Intern. Colloq. Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP’18), 2018, pp. 145:1–145:13.
B. Aronov, A. Efrat, M. Li, J. Gao, J.S.B. Mitchell, V. Polishchuk, B. Wang, H. Quan, and J. Ding, “Are friends of my friends too social?: Limitations of location privacy in a socially-connected world,” Proc. 19th ACM Intern. Symp. Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc’18), 2018, pp. 280–289.
B. Aronov, E.Y. Miller, and M. Sharir, “Eliminating depth cycles among triangles in three dimensions,” Proc. ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discr. Alg. (SODA’17), 2017, pp. 2476–2494.
B. Aronov, M. Korman, S. Pratt, A. van Renssen, and M. Roeloffzen, “Time-space trade-offs for triangulating a simple polygon,” Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT’16), 2016, pp. 30:1-30:12.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “Almost tight bounds for eliminating depth cycles in three dimensions,” Proceedings of Forty-Eighth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC’16), 2016, pp. 1–8.
B. Aronov, O. Cheong, M.G. Dobbins, and X. Goaoc, “The number of holes in the union of translates of a convex set in three dimensions,” Proceedings of 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2016, pp. 10:1–10:16. Best paper award.
B. Aronov and M.J. Katz, “Batched point location in SINR diagrams via algebraic tools,” 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP’15), 2015, pp. 65–77.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, M. Roeloffzen, and B. Speckmann, “Distance-sensitive planar point location,” Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS’13), 2013, pp. 49–60.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, J.M. Phillips, K. Yi, and W. Zhang, “Nearest neighbor searching under uncertainty II” PODS, 2013, pp. 115–126.
B. Aronov, A. Driemel, M.J. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, and F. Staals, “Segmentation of trajectories on non-monotone criteria,” Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA’13), 2013, pp. 1897–1911.
G. Moroz, B. Aronov, “Computing the distance between piecewise-linear bivariate functions,” Proceedings of Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA’12), 2012, pp. 288– 293.
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, “How to cover a point set with a V-shape of minimum width,” Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS’11), 2011, pp. 61–72.
B. Aronov, M. Dulieu, F. Hurtado, “Witness rectangle graphs,” Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS’11), 2011, pp. 73–85.
M.A. Abam, B. Aronov, M. de Berg, and A. Khosravi, “Approximation Algorithms for Computing Partitions with Minimum Stabbing Number of Rectilinear and Simple Polygons,” Proceedings of 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2011, pp. 407–416.
E. Ezra, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, “Improved bound for the union of fat triangles,” Proceedings of Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA’11), 2011, pp. 1778–1785.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, and R. Silveira, “Computing similarity between piecewise-linear functions,” Proceedings of 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2010, pp. 375-383.
B. Aronov, K. Buchin, M. Buchin, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, J. Luo, R. Silveira, and B. Speckmann, “Connect the dot: Computing feed-links with minimum dilation,” Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS’09), 2009, pp. 49–60.
B. Aronov, E. Ezra, and M. Sharir, “Small-size ɛ-nets for axis-parallel rectangles and boxes,” Proceedings of Forty-First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2009), pp. 639–648.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, and S. Thite, “The complexity of bisectors and Voronoi diagrams on realistic terrains,” Proc. European Symp. Algorithms (ESA’08), 2008, LNCS 5193, pp. 100–111.
B. Aronov, K. Buchin, M. Buchin, B. Jansen, T. de Jong, M. van Kreveld, M. Löffler, J. Luo, R.I. Silveira, and B. Speckmann, “Feed-links for Network Extensions,” 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2008), 2008, pp. 308–316.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, C. Gray, and E. Mumford, “Cutting cycles of rods in space: Hardness results and approximation algorithms,” Proceedings of 19th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2008), 2008, pp. 1241–1248.
B. Aronov, T. Asano, and S. Funke, “Optimal triangulation of a polygon with Steiner points,” Proceedings of 18th Annu. Int. Sympos. Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2007), 2007, pp. 681-691.
B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, and M. Sharir, “On approximate halfspace range counting and relative epsilon-approximations,” Proceedings of 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2007, pp. 327–336.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, and C. Gray, “Ray shooting and intersection searching amidst fat convex polyhedra in 3-space,” Proceedings of 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2006, pp. 88–94.
B. Aronov, P. Carmi, and M.J. Katz, “Minimum-cost load-balancing partitions," Proceedings of 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2006, pp. 301–308.
B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, C. Knauer, Y. Wang, and C. Wenk, “Fréchet distance for curves, revisited,” Proceedings of 14th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2006), 2006, pp. 52–63.
B. Aronov, P. Bose, E.D. Demaine, J. Gudmundsson, J. Iacono, S. Langerman, and M. Smid, “Data structures for halfplane proximity queries and incremental Voronoi diagrams,” Proceedings of Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium (LATIN’2006), 2006, pp. 80-92.
B. Aronov, A.R. Davis, J. Iacono, and A.S.C. Yu, “The complexity of diffuse reflections in a simple polygon,” Proceedings of Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium (LATIN’2006), 2006, pp. 93–104.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, O. Cheong, J. Gudmundsson, H. Haverkort, and A. Vigneron, “Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation,” Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2005), 2006, pp. 50-59.
B. Aronov and S. Har-Peled, “On approximating the depth and related problems,” Proceedings of 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005), 2005, pp. 886–894.
B. Aronov and S. Smorodinsky, “On geometric permutations induced by lines transversal through a fixed point,” Proceedings of 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005), 2005, pp. 251–256.
B. Aronov, T. Asano, N. Katoh, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Tokuyama, “Polyline fitting of planar points under min-sum criteria,” Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2004), 2004, pp. 77–88.
B. Aronov, T. Asano, Y. Kikuchi, S.C. Nandy, S. Sasahara, and T. Uno, “A Generalization of Magic Squares with Applications to Digital Halftoning,” Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2004), 2004, pp. 89–100.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, “On lines avoiding unit balls in three dimensions,” Proceedings of 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2004, pp. 36–45.
B. Aronov, A. Efrat, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, “On the union of κ-round objects in three and four dimensions,” Proceedings of 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2004, pp. 383–390.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, V. Koltun, “Efficient algorithms for bichromatic separability,” Proceedings 15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2004), 2004, pp. 682–690.
B. Aronov, H. Brönnimann, A.Y. Chang, and Y.-J. Chiang, “Cost-driven octree construction schemes: an experimental study,” Proceedings of 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2003, pp. 227–236.
B. Aronov, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, “Cutting triangular cycles of lines in space,” Proceedings of Thirty-Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2003), pp. 547–555.
B. Aronov, J. Pach, M. Sharir, and G. Tardos, “Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions,” Proceedings of Thirty-Fifth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2003), pp. 541-546.
B. Aronov, H. Brönnimann, A.Y. Chang, and Y.-J. Chiang, “Cost prediction for ray tracing,” Proceedings of 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2002, pp. 293–302.
B. Aronov, V. Koltun, and M. Sharir, “Incidences between points and circles in three and higher dimensions,” Proceedings of 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2002, pp. 116–122.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, “On the complexity of many faces in arrangements of circles,” Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, 2001, pp. 74–83.
B. Aronov, H. Brönnimann, D. Halperin, and R. Schiffenbauer, “On the number of views of polyhedral scenes,” Proceedings of the Japanese Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry (JCDCG 2000), Tokai University, Japan, October 2000, volume 2098 in Lecture Notes In Computer Science, pp. 81–90.
B. Aronov, J.E. Goodman, R. Pollack, and R. Wenger, “A Helly-type theorem for hyperplane transversals to well-separated convex sets,” Proceedings of 16th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2000, pp. 57–63.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, “Exact and approximation algorithms for minimum-width cylindrical shells,” Proceedings of 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2000), pp. 510-517.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, and M. Sharir, “Approximation and exact algorithms for minimum-width annuli and shells,” Proceedings of 15th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1999, pp. 380–389.
B. Aronov and T.K. Dey, “Polytopes in arrangements,” Proceedings of 15th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1999, pp. 154–162.
B. Aronov, L. J. Guibas, M. Teichmann, and L. Zhang, “Visibility queries in simple polygons and applications,” Proceedings of Ninth Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC’98), 1998, pp. 357–366.
B. Aronov, M. van Kreveld, R. van Oostrum, and K. Varadarajan, “Facility location on terrains,” Proceedings of Ninth Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC’98), 1998, pp. 19–28.
B. Aronov, A. Efrat, D. Halperin, and M. Sharir, “On the number of regular vertices of the union of Jordan regions,” Proceedings of 6th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT’98), 1998, pp. 322–334.
B. Aronov, M. de Berg, F. van der Stappen, P. Švestka, and J. Vleugels, “Motion planning for multiple robots,” Proceedings of 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1998, pp. 374–382.
A. Andrzejak, B. Aronov, S. Har-Peled, R. Seidel, and E. Welzl, “Results on k-sets and j-facets via continuous motion,” Proceedings of 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1998, pp. 192–199.
B. Aronov and S. Fortune, “Average-case ray shooting and minimum weight triangulations,” Proceedings of 13th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1997, pp. 203–211.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, “On levels in arrangements of lines, segments, planes, and triangles,” Proceedings of 13th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1997, pp. 30–38.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, “Line transversals of balls and smallest enclosing cylinder in three dimensions,” Proceedings 8th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA’97), 1997, pp. 483–492.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, N. Amenta, and M. Sharir, “Largest placements and motion planning of a convex polygon,” Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR’96), 1997, pp. 143–154.
. Aronov, A.R. Davis, T.K. Dey, S.P. Pal, and D.C. Prasad, “Visibility with multiple reflections,” Proceedings of 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT’96), (R. Karlsson, A. Lingas, eds.), 1996, pp. 284–295.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, J. Pach, R. Pollack, and M. Sharir, “Quasi-planar graphs have a linear number of edges,” Graph Drawing, Proceedings of Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD’95), LNCS 1027, (F.J. Brandenburg, ed.), 1995, pp. 1–7.
“Visibility with reflection,” B. Aronov, A.R. Davis, T.K. Dey, S.P. Pal, and D.C. Prasad, Proceedings of 11th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1995, pp. 316–325.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and S. Suri, “Stabbing triangulations by lines in 3D,” Proceedings of 11th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1995, pp. 267–276.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, and M. Sharir, “Computing envelopes in four dimensions with applications,” Proceedings of 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1994, pp. 348–358.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “On translational motion planning in 3-space,” Proceedings of 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1994, pp. 21–30.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “On translational motion planning in 3-space,” Proceedings of 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1994, pp. 21–30.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “The union of convex polyhedra in three dimensions,” Proceedings of 34th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1993, pp. 518–527.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “The union of convex polyhedra in three dimensions,” Proceedings of 34th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1993, pp. 518–527.
P. Agarwal, B. Aronov, N. Alon, and S. Suri, “Can visibility graphs be represented compactly?” Proceedings of 9th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1993, pp. 338–347.
F. Aurenhammer, F. Hoffmann, and B. Aronov, “Minkowski-type theorems and least-squares partitioning,” Proceedings of 8th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1992, pp. 350–357.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “Castles in the air revisited,” Proceedings of 8th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1992, pp. 146–156.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “On the zone of a surface in a hyperplane arrangement,” Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, 1991, pp. 13–19.
B. Aronov, P. Erdős, W. Goddard, D.J. Kleitman, M. Klugerman, J. Pach, and L.J. Schulman, “Crossing families,” Proceedings of 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1991, pp. 351–356.
B. Aronov, J. Matoušek, and M. Sharir, “On the sum of squares of cell complexities in hyperplane arrangements,” Proceedings of 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1991, pp. 307–313.
B. Aronov and J. O’Rourke, “Nonoverlap of the star unfolding,” Proceedings of 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1991, pp. 105–114.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, J. O’Rourke, and C.A. Schevon, “Star unfolding of a polytope with applications,” Proceedings of 2nd Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, 1990, pp. 251–263.
P.K. Agarwal, B. Aronov, M. Sharir, and S. Suri, “Selecting distances in the plane,” Proceedings of 6th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1990, pp. 321–331.
B. Aronov, B. Chazelle, H. Edelsbrunner, L.J. Guibas, M. Sharir, and R. Wenger, “Points and triangles in the plane and halving planes in space,” Proceedings of 6th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1990, pp. 112–115.
B. Aronov and M. Sharir, “Triangles in space, or building (and analyzing) castles in the air,” Proceedings of 4th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1988, pp. 381–391.
B. Aronov, S. Fortune, and G. Wilfong, “The furthest-site geodesic Voronoi diagram,” Proceedings of 4th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1988, pp. 229–240.
B. Aronov, “On the geodesic Voronoi diagram of point sites in a simple polygon,” Proceedings of 3rd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 1987, pp. 39–49.