Anne Ronan ,

  • Industry Professor

Anne Ronan

Professor Ronan's main area of interest is Water Resources Engineering. She teaches across the curriculum – from the freshman Introduction to Civil Engineering course to graduate classes in groundwater hydrology and surface water pollution. Previously, Prof. Ronan was an Adjunct Professor at The Cooper Union and Assistant Professor at San Jose State University. She has won several teaching awards for her passion for undergraduate and graduate education.

Classes taught at NYU Tandon

  • CE 1002 Introduction to Civil Engineering
  • CE 2213 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
  • CE 3243 Water Resources Engineering
  • CE 7233 Groundwater Hydrology and Pollution
  • CE 7473 Modeling Fate and Transport of Surface Water Pollution
Research Interests
I am a teaching professor and do not have a funded graduate research program. My academic area of expertise is water resources engineering. I occasionally supervise masters-level projects.

The Cooper Union 1983
Bachelor of Engineering, Civil Engineering

The Cooper Union 1984
Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering

Stanford University 1993
Ph.D, Civil Engineering

Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
July 1984 to August 1986

San Jose State University
Assistant Professor
September 1993 to May 1998

The Cooper Union
Adjunct Professor
January 1999 to December 2009

I do not have a funded research program because the primary focus of my appointment is teaching. I am not seeking any PhD advisees at this time. I have advised both PhD and MS students on the following projects.

Titles of M.S. Student Research and Independent Study Projects advised by Prof Ronan at NYU:

  • Exploring the relationship between air temperature and runoff coefficient for several storm events in a watershed in northwest Oregon (2021)
  • Development of a New York City Harbor Freshwater Inflow Database and Hydrodynamic Model (incomplete)
  • New York Harbor Coastal Water Quality Database (2017)
  • Groundwater and Contaminant Transport Model of the Seymour Recycling Corporation Superfund Site (2016)
  • Water Quality in Little Neck Bay and Alley Creek, New York (2014)
  • Study of Groundwater Flow Modeling Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Geotechnical Software (2014)
  • Design and Study of Water Distribution System (2014)
  • 3D Visualization in Security Surveillance of a Parade (2014)
  • Application of VS2DI in Prediction of the Environmental Impact of a Ground Sourced Heat Pump System (incomplete)
  • GIS Database of Water Quality Parameters in the Lagos Lagoon, Lagos State, Nigeria (2013)
  • Transfer of a MODFLOW88 Model Using BCF Package to a MODFLOW2000 Model Using LPF Package (2012)
  • Remediation of Gasoline Contaminated Soil Using Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation (SEAR) (2011)
  • ArcGIS Watershed Delineation and Runoff Analysis (2011)
  • Groundwater Flow Study on a Western Long Island Aquifer Model (2011)

Ph.D. Research Projects:

  • Development of a Model to Assess Coastal Ecosystem Health using the Oyster as an Indicator Species, Ahn, J. E.,  2019. (primary advisor)
  • ANFIS Model for Forecasting Storm Surge in New York City Using Hydro- Climatological Data, Altayyar, Y., 2017. (primary advisor)
  • Ideal Color Space for Reconstruction of Contaminant Transport in Transparent Soils, Kashuk, S. R., 2014. (committee member)


Journal Articles

Ahn, J. E. and A. D. Ronan, "Using ECHO as a decision support tool to manage coastal systems subject to physical changes," Journal of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Jan. 2021.

Ahn, J. E. and A. D. Ronan, "Development of a model to assess coastal ecosystem health using oysters as the indicator species," Journal of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 233, Feb 2020.

Ahn, J. E. and A. D. Ronan, “Impact of Discrepancies between Global Ocean Tide Models on Tidal Simulations in the Shinnecock Bay Area,” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 145(2), March 2019.

Ronan, A. D., D. E. Prudic, C. E. Thodal and J. Constantz, “Field Study and Simulation of Diurnal Temperature Effects on Infiltration and Variably Saturated Flow Beneath an Ephemeral Mountain Stream” Water Resources Research, 34(9), pp. 2137-2153, 1998.

Cataldo, J. C., A. D. Ronan, M. L. Thatcher and J. Ahmad, "Modeling Stratified Flow in Combined Sewer Overflow," ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 113(2), pp. 207-224, 1987.


Conference Papers

Ronan, A. D., “A simple physical model to assist in fluid mechanics calculations,” ASEE Annual Conference, June 2019.

Ronan, A. D., “A scavenger hunt activity to welcome first-year students to the Civil Engineering Department,” ASEE Annual Conference, June 2019.

Ronan, A. D. and J. Bringardner, “Assessing Gender Differences between Student Motivations for Studying Engineering,” ASEE Annual Conference, June 2016.

Zheng, L., S. Yoon and A. D. Ronan, “Remediation of Gasoline Contaminated Soil Using Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation (SEAR)”, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 136-145, 2012.

Ronan, A. D., “Student Designs of Storm Surge Barriers for the New York Metropolitan Area,” Presented at the conference Against the Deluge: Storm Surge Barriers to Protect New York City, Mar. 30-31, 2009, Conference proceedings published by ASCE.

Ronan, A. D, A. E. Stewart and J. Constantz, “Modeling Heat and Water Movement beneath Streams in Arid Environments.” U. S. Geological Survey Middle Rio Grande Basin Study --Proceedings of the First Annual Workshop, Denver, Colorado, Nov. 12 - 14, 1996. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-116, pp. 46-47.

Ronan, Anne Dudek, “Flow Parameter Uncertainty in the Pajaro Valley Aquifer System: A Case Study using MODFLOWP,” Groundwater Management, Proceedings of the International Symposium sponsored by the Water Resources Engineering Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Antonio, TX, Aug. 14-16, 1995, pp. 211-216.

Ronan, Anne, “Flow Parameter Uncertainty in the Pajaro Valley Aquifer System,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Groundwater Management, San Antonio, TX, Aug. 14-16, 1995, Charbeneau, R. J., ed., 1995, pp. 211-216. Presented Aug. 1995.

Apps, J. A., M. Zhu, P. K. Kitanidis, A. D. Ronan and S. Itagaki, "Modeling the Reactive Chemical Transport of Leachates for a Utility Fly-Ash Disposal Pond," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ground Water, Nashville, Tennessee, July 29-Aug. 2, 1991, pp. 52-57.

Ronan, A. D. and J. C. Cataldo, "Dynamic Behavior of Stratified Flow," Proceedings of the Conference on Stormwater and Water Quality Modeling, Toronto, Canada, Dec. 5-6, 1985, pp. 315-326.



Ahn, J. E. and A. D. Ronan, “Develop Three-dimensional Numerical Model of Shinnecock Bay, Long Island, New York,” Presented (by J. E. Ahn) at New York Water Environment Association 89th Annual Meeting, New York, Feb. 2017.

Ahn, J. E. and A. D. Ronan, “Comparison of open boundary condition options for modeling at Shinnecock Bay, Long Island, New York,” Presented (by J. E. Ahn) at FVCOM Users Workshop, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth,Ontario, Oct. 2016.

Kenku, O. and A. D. Ronan, “GIS Database of Pollutants in the Lagos Lagoon, Lagos State, Nigeria,” Presented at the New York Water Environment Association 85th Annual Meeting, New York, Feb. 2013.

Ronan, A. D., D. E. Prudic and J. Constantz, “Effects of Diurnal Stream Temperature Variation on Infiltration beneath an Ephemeral Stream,” Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall 1997 Meeting.

Stewart, A., A. Ronan, J. Constantz and D. Freyberg, “The Influence of Temperature and Layering Heterogeneity on Transmission Loss from an Ephemeral Stream,” Presented (by A. Stewart) at American Geophysical Union Fall 1997 Meeting.

Wanta, M. J. and A. D. Ronan, “Automated Parameter Estimation Using MODFLOWP - A Case Study,” Presented (by M. Wanta) at American Geophysical Union Fall 1996 Meeting.

Ronan, A. D., “Modeling Heat and Water Fluxes Beneath Streams,” San Jose State University Seventh Annual Research Review. Presented Mar. 13, 1996.

Wanta, M. J. and A. D. Ronan, “Variation in Parameter Estimation Using MODFLOWP,” San Jose State University Seventh Annual Research Review. Poster presented (by M. Wanta) Mar. 13, 1996.

Ronan, A. D., R. W. Healy, and C. E. Thodal, “Numerical Simulation of Diurnal Variation in Recharge Beneath an Ephemeral Mountain Stream near Carson City, Nevada,” Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 76, No. 46, Nov. 7, 1995, p. F242. Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall 1995 Meeting in Dec. 1995.

Ronan, A. D. and D. L. Freyberg, “Comparison of Methods for Estimation of Ensemble Moments of Groundwater Velocity in Bounded Aquifers,” Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 75, No. 44, Nov. 1, 1994, p. 256. Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall 1994 Meeting in Dec. 1994.

Ronan, Anne Dudek, "Using MODFLOWP to Estimate Parameters of a Groundwater Flow Model," San Jose State University Sixth Annual Research Review. Presented Nov. 16, 1994.

Ronan, Anne Dudek, "Groundwater Velocity Uncertainty for Contaminant Transport Prediction," San Jose State University Fifth Annual Research Review. Presented Oct. 27, 1993.


Other Publications

Healy, R. W. and A. D. Ronan, Documentation of Computer Program VS2DH for Simulating Energy Transport in Variably Saturated Porous Media -- Modification of the U. S. Geological Survey’s Computer Program VS2DT, U. S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4230, 45 pp., 1996.

Stanford University, Department of Civil Engineering, Applications Handbook for Fastchem* Final Report RP2485-15, Prepared for Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 1992.

  • NYU School of Engineering Distinguished Teacher Award, 2015
  • Chi Epsilon Excellence in Teaching Award, Metropolitan District, 2008 and 2013
  • The Cooper Union Students’ List, recognizing professors for their passion and dedication, 2008
  • American Geophysical Union Editors Citation for Excellence in Refereeing, 2002
  • SJSU College of Engineering Applied Materials Excellence in Teaching Award, 1997


  • American Society of Civil Engineers
  • American Association for Engineering Education
  • National Ground Water Association