Dr. Marone is an expert in biomedical imaging. In his work, he focuses on modeling physiological systems and developing advanced machine learning and neural network techniques for medical image analysis. In recent years, he has applied these techniques to gain a better understanding of vascular effects in various diseases, such as diabetic foot syndrome, breast cancer, lupus arthritis, and prostate cancer. He has shown that combining physiological models with medical imaging data and advanced image analysis techniques substantially increases diagnostic accuracy. Dr. Marone holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electronic Engineering and earned a Ph.D. degree in Information Technology from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. Afterwards, he obtained a Biotechnology Certificate from Columbia University, New York (NY), where he was first a Postdoctoral Fellow and then an Associate Research Scientist in the Biomedical Engineering Department. Now is part of the Clinical Biophotonics Laboratory at New York University.