

He holds a Ph.D. degree in computer science from New York University, the M.Sc. degree in computer engineering from Columbia University, as well as the five-year diploma degree in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens.

Research Interests
His interests include applied cryptography, hardware security, as well as private and trustworthy computation.
  • Pearl Brownstein Doctoral Research Award for doctoral research showing the greatest promise (NYU)

  • Deborah Rosenthal Award for outstanding performance on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam (NYU)

  • Advisee Honor: 1st Place Award at CSAW Embedded Security Challenge '18 for designing robust covert channels to exfiltrate sensitive data using IoT smart bulbs

  • Advisee Honor: 1st Place Award at ECE Research Day '21 for privacy-preserving neural network inference

  • Advisee Honor: Graduate Faculty Award on Computer Systems & Networks '21