Prospective Student FAQs
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Common questions we hear from students
Yes, the Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Program encompasses a set of project-based learning courses that enable students to participate on real-world projects for course credit. Each section of VIP corresponds to a particular VIP team. These multidisciplinary teams are each supervised by a faculty in their area of expertise, advising the team to accomplish objectives across research, design, entrepreneurship, and service. As with any other course, the course will appear on students' transcripts and students will receive a grade for this course. (The grade may be lettered or Pass/Fail.)
Students earn repeatable course credit for participation on a VIP team and are expected to participate for at least three semesters. Long-term participation provides students with the time and opportunity to gain disciplinary insights, hone professional skills, and grow into positions of leadership within the team organization. Many students are able to earn elective credit toward their graduation requirements. Learn more about the credit policies for VIP.
"Vertically Integrated" refers to the composition of a VIP team which incorporates students from across academic years and expertise levels.
Previous experience is not required. It is important to have a willingness to learn and to work with others.
All enrolled students attend regular team meetings, collaborate on tasks to accomplish team objectives, and maintain documentation of their work. The specific VIP team objectives are diverse, and so are the student activities. The workload can vary week to week, and team to team. The VIP teams are open-ended and student-driven; this means that students are expected to be motivated, accountable, and creative. Learn more about student expectations.
When joining a VIP team, students should expect to be integrated into the communication and documentation processes of the VIP team. Depending on the team, more advanced VIP team members may provide onboarding resources and/or training for new members. Regardless, be ready for a fruitful and rewarding journey with other like-minded students.
The VIP courses are graded A through F, for which each student is primarily evaluated for their individual contributions to the team objectives and their documentation of that work. Students are also evaluated based on their consistent engagement and accountability to the team. The final deliverable from the VIP team also factors into the VIP grade.
The VIP Program is open to all undergraduate students! There are no prerequisite or major requirements.
The VIP team applications open before each semester begins and close about a. month after they open. Applications are reviewed by individual teams. Contact the team representative listed on this website with any questions about the status of your application to a particular team. All students must be enrolled in VIP prior to NYU's add/drop deadline. This is regardless of whether they are enrolled for credit or no credit. Exceptions will not be made to this timeline.
You can apply to all the VIP teams that interest you, then enroll on one VIP team of your choice.
When accepted, you will be given an enrollment permission code that you can use to enroll in the correct course section for the correct number of credits. Check out this guide to add classes.