About Vertically Integrated Projects | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

About Vertically Integrated Projects

The VIP Program is the next revolution in higher education research.

The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Model creates long-term, large-scale projects that unite undergraduate education and faculty research, innovation, design, and entrepreneurship through multidisciplinary teams.

vertical farming research


The NYU VIP Program encompasses project-based learning courses in which students participate on multidisciplinary teams for academic credit. Each VIP team has large-scale and multi-faceted objectives in research, design, entrepreneurship, and/or community outreach & service. A NYU faculty and/or subject matter expert advises each VIP team composed of 1st through 4th year students — with each student participating from one to three years. New VIP students learn from and replace those who graduate by engaging in peer-to-peer learning and mentorship which sustains each VIP team beyond any one student. The vertical integration of students and faculty from across different levels of expertise onto a team inspired the Vertically Integrated Projects name.

Three essential characteristics of the VIP Model are:

  1. Projects based on faculty advisor’s innovation projects and expertise;
  2. Undergraduate participation for course credit over several semesters; and
  3. Learning outcomes focused on the development of disciplinary and professional skills.

VIP Course Policies

All NYU students are welcome to apply and enroll in a VIP course. There are no major or prerequisite requirements to join any VIP team other than being in good academic standing, and most students earn elective credit toward graduation for their VIP experiences.

Undergraduate Students. All new and most returning undergraduate students enroll in a VIP course for one (1) credit per semester. Students may grow into positions of leadership and specialization over time can enroll for two (2) credits per semester, commensurate with their increased responsibilities and workload.

Over multiple semesters, a student can earn up to six (6) VIP credits. In most cases, this VIP credit is recognized as elective credit toward graduation. Undergraduate students are expected to enroll on the same VIP Team for at least three consecutive semesters.

If an undergraduate student cannot enroll for credit, they may be approved on a case-by-case basis to enroll for zero (0) credits, which can be taken for up to two semesters.

Graduate Students. Some VIP Teams also have the opportunity for graduate student enrollment. Graduate students earn 1.5 credits per semester, for up to two semesters.

Read more about VIP Course Credit & Enrollment policies.

All students must apply to join a VIP team for the first time. There is one application for each team, accessible via an "Apply to this Team" link on each VIP Team page. The application is simple, with new student acceptance decisions made each semester. Students are not screened based on GPA or interviews. Prospective students may choose to apply to several VIP teams, but must select only one team to enroll.

Read more about VIP Recruitment.

Contact Us

VIP Email: vip@nyu.edu