Centers and Institutes
NYU Tandon is home to a number of renowned interdisciplinary research centers and institutes developing innovative solutions to society's pressing problems.
Faculty and students work closely with their peers, other research institutions, and industry partners to advance their fields.

Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT)
Created in 1983 as one of the State of New York's four original Centers for Advanced Technology, CATT continues to fulfill its mission to stimulate economic development in information technology through research and education.
Center for Responsible AI

The Center for Responsible AI is a comprehensive laboratory for accelerating responsible AI practices. We are building a future in which responsible AI is the only kind accepted by society. While important work in responsible data science and AI is already happening throughout New York, the Center for Responsible AI will become a place where that work can coalesce in a fuller ecosystem of research, collaboration, innovation, and expansion.
Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP)
The Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the application of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the service of urban communities across the globe. Using New York City as our laboratory and classroom, we strive to develop novel data- and technology-driven solutions for complex urban problems.
C2SMARTER is a U.S. Department of Transportation Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) for research, education, workforce development, and technology transfer activities. The main research priority of this solution-oriented center is “Mobility of People and Goods in Urban Areas” with a focus on “Smart and Connected Cities.” Rather than just focusing on developing technologies to make a city smarter, C2SMART is dedicated to a related critical step: how to connect these disparate technologies with cities of different population and infrastructure scales and different systems of systems.
NYU Center for Cybersecurity (CCS)
The NYU Center for Cybersecurity (CCS) is an interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to training the next generation of cybersecurity professionals and to shaping the public discourse and policy landscape on issues of technology and security. The Center is a collaboration among NYU School of Law, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, and other NYU schools and departments. The Center has physical locations in New York City and at NYU’s campus in Abu Dhabi, as well as a network of scholars and practitioners in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America.
NYU WIRELESS is a vibrant academic research center that is pushing the boundaries of wireless communications, sensing and networking. Centered at NYU Tandon and involving leaders from industry, faculty and students throughout the entire NYU community, NYU WIRELESS offers its industrial affiliate sponsors, students, and faculty members a world-class research environment that is creating the fundamental theories and techniques for future mass-deployable wireless devices across a wide range of applications and markets.
Visualization and Data Analytics Center (VIDA)

Data scientists at VIDA are working on a variety of projects to better harness the power of big data, including focused web crawlers, open-source scientific workflow and provenance management systems, domain discovery tools, and methods for ensuring computational reproducibility.