C2SMART researchers hit the road for TRB 2023

Once again, Tandon’s Tier-1 USDOT University Transportation Center, under the direction of Professor Kaan Ozbay, sent dozens of presenters to the Transportation Review Board’s high-profile annual meeting

C2SMART Researchers at the Transportation Review Board’s high-profile annual meeting

Presenters at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board

How can we best help pedestrians with visual disabilities navigate busy city streets? How might cargo bikes be used to facilitate package deliveries in congested areas? Those were just a few of the topics that researchers from C2SMART — a U.S. Department of Transportation Tier 1 University Transportation Center that uses cities as living laboratories to study challenging transportation problems and find solutions — explored at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), held in Washington, D.C., in mid-January.

As in years past, the C2SMART contingent was impressively large and robust: almost 40 affiliated students and researchers presented their ongoing work at the event, which brings together some 14,000 transportation experts and practitioners from around the globe each year to discuss emerging trends in mobility and infrastructure.

Several C2SMART researchers were recognized during the multiday gathering, including:

Zilin Bian taking home the second place prize
Zilin Bian

  • Zilin Bian, who took home the second-place prize in the TRB Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications Committee (AED50) Best Dissertation competition
  • Chenxi Liu, C2SMART student at the University of Washington, co-authored TRBAM-23-05178: Cooperative and Comprehensive Multi-task Surveillance Sensing and Interaction System Empowered by Edge Artificial Intelligence, which won the 2023 Best Paper Award from TRB's AED30 Information Systems and Technology Committee.

Center Director Kaan Ozbay also chaired the podium session for ACP80, the TRB Traffic Simulation Committee, where he has been serving for the last three years as the chair of the paper review committee in charge of reviewing more than 80 papers every year. The overall theme for this year’s event was “Rejuvenation Out of Disruption: Envisioning a Transportation System for a Dynamic Future,” and that dynamic future seems certain with researchers like those from C2SMART working towards it.