Annual Student Leader Awards honor those who enhance NYU Tandon's community

2 women students holding award

Student Leaders of the Year: Vyshali Anand and Florence Tong

This month, as the semester prepared to draw to a close, Tandon’s Office of Student Activities and Resource Center (OSARC) festively honored the efforts and accomplishments of the student leaders, organizations, and faculty advisers who spent the past year building a stronger, more vibrant school culture.

The annual Student Leader Awards, always a highlight of pre-commencement season, featured food, balloons, and plenty of cheering. Brittney Anne Bahlman, Tandon’s Director of Student Affairs and Student Activities, set the tone, saying: “Today is not just about our award recipients. This afternoon provides a time and space for us to come together to celebrate all the accomplishments in our community this past year.”

Among the reasons to celebrate: during the fall semester alone, Tandon student organizations hosted more than 450 programs and engaged almost 3,000 unique students — more than half the student body.

“I know that the investment of your time as student leaders contributes directly to enriching the student experience for all and brings pride to the NYU Tandon name wherever you go, and this ceremony is one small way for us to appreciate your efforts,” Bahlman said. “But one night is not enough. We encourage each of you to take time throughout the next year to recognize the accomplishments of others, both big and small. Tell someone in person the impact they have had on you. Thank someone for showing you the way. Mentor a younger student with leadership potential. The greatest test of our impact as leaders is the legacy we leave behind, so we encourage you to leave a legacy of gratitude and paying it forward for the next class of leaders.”


Join us in celebrating this year’s winners

Organization of the Year: Institute of Transportation Engineers

Student Leaders of the Year: Florence Tong and Vyshali Anand

Distinguished Engagement Awards: Richelle Newby and Nengi Charles-Ogen

Emerging Leaders Awards: Gladwin Osakwe and Shreya Gossain

Faculty Advisers of the Year: Christopher DiMauro and Mike Driscoll


Outstanding Programming Awards

Community Engagement and Civic Responsibility: Theta Tau

Diversity and Cultural Competency: Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers

Innovation and Creative Thinking: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Interpersonal and Leadership Development: Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering and the American Institute for Chemical Engineers

Connection to the Global Network University: Muslim Students Association


Outstanding Organizational Performance Awards

Outstanding Financial Management: Poly Anime Society

Outstanding Event Management: oSTEM

Outstanding Student Engagement: American Society of Civil Engineers

Outstanding Organizational Management Award: Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers

Outstanding Organizational Growth Award: Institute of Transportation Engineers

Outstanding Organizational Collaboration Award: New York Water and Environment Association and the National Society of Black Engineers

Groups recognized for their service also included the Graduate and Undergraduate Student Councils, the International Student Advisory Board, First Year Mentorship Program, Orientation Captains, the Poly Project, SOEciety, Tandon Leadership Lab, and WoMentorship.