Services and Subjects

PTC Hours of Operation
Our general office hours are Monday through Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm during the fall and spring semesters. However, for specific course schedules please call us at 646-997-3425 or come by the PTC in 2 MetroTech, Room 983 for information. Please keep in mind that schedules may vary according to tutor availability. For questions regarding our services, you can email us at
We are a drop-in tutoring center, so no appointment is necessary. Most of our tutoring is in-person, however we have a limited number of hours online via Zoom for computer science and physics.
We offer tutoring for: PH1013 (Mechanics), PH2023 (Electricity, Magnetism and Fluids) and PH2033 (Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics), as well as PH1213 (Motion and Sound) and PH1223 (Electricity & Light).
We offer tutoring for CM1003 (General Chemistry for Engineering) and CM1013 (General Chemistry 1) and CM1023 (General Chemistry 2), as well as CM2213 (Organic Chemistry 1), CM2223 (Organic Chemistry 2), and CBE 3213 (Transport 1).
Computer Science
We offer tutoring for CS 1113 (Problem Solving I), CS 1121 (Problem Solving Via Programming), CS1114 (Python), CS1134 (Data Structures & Algorithms using Python), and CS2124 (Object Oriented Programing, C++).
Tutoring is now offered for BMS1003.
EE 2004 (Fundamentals of Electric Circuits)
ME 2213 (Statics)
*For all writing services, we encourage you to visit the Tandon Writing Center, offered by NYU's Expository Writing Program, where you can work closely with a faculty consultant or experienced undergraduate peer tutor. You can bring with you any piece of writing (except for exams) from an essay to a lab report, at any stage of the writing process. For more information, please see EWP's Writing Center information page, and to make an appointment, please click here.
Review Sessions for Midterm and Final Exams
PTC Review Sessions will help you prepare for your exams, and are very popular with students. Review sessions are held for courses including: CS1114, CS1134, PH1013, PH2023, PH2033, CM1004, CM1014 and CM1024. In a review session, you will practice solving problems on a “mock exam.” The tutor will then explain the problems and answer any questions you have about the material. Space is limited, so come to the PTC to sign up in advance for the review session you want. More Information
English Conversation Groups
We offer weekly English Conversation Groups to interested international students whose first and primary language is not English. Students can practice their spoken English with other international students led by a group leader. For more information, click HERE.
Collaborative Working Spaces
We have a self-study space, and no appointment is necessary. We also offer the use of two conference rooms to reserve for students working together to study or complete projects. For more information, please click HERE.