English Conversation Groups | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

English Conversation Groups

For English Language Learners

Hands holding a globe

Weekly Conversation Groups

Meet with a small group of your fellow students and a group leader for one hour each week for 10 weeks.

  •  Speak English more comfortably
  •  Express your thoughts more clearly
  •  Understand lectures and class discussions
  •  Understand American idioms
  •  Learn current slang expressions
  •  Learn about life and culture in New York
  •  Make friends with Tandon students from different places and different academic departments

To join a conversation group:

a. Fill out an electronic conversation group application form when they become available.

b. Once we have collected all the applications, we will assign you to a conversation group based on your interests and availability.

c. Your group will have 10 meetings, one meeting per week for 10 weeks. Once you are assigned to a group, you are expected to attend all of the meetings.

d. PTC conversation groups are non-credit bearing and are only open to currently enrolled NYU students.

e. There is no fee for this service.

Spring 2025 Conversation Groups

  • Conversation Group electronic applications will be available from January 14 through January 22. Applications are due no later than Wednesday, January 22. We cannot accommodate late applications.
  • Spring Conversation Groups will begin the week of January 27 and continue through the week of April 7.

Questions? Please visit us in 2 MetroTech, 983, or contact: 646-997-3425 or englishconversation@nyu.edu