Step 3: Application, Deadlines, Acceptance | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Step 3: Application, Deadlines, Acceptance



Interested students must complete the Tandon Exchange Application by the deadlines listed below

Spring Semester: September 1st

Fall Semester: February 15th


For GE3 schools:

  • Upon submission and review in the Tandon Study Abroad Portal, you will be sent a notification and instructions on how to submit your application through the GE3 website. Please do not submit an application to GE3 prior to receiving this email notification.
  • Although you can apply through the GE3 website prior to receiving notification from Tandon Global that your application has been accepted, Tandon Global WILL NOT APPROVE any GE3 applications that were not submitted initially through the Tandon Study Abroad Portal for review. No exceptions! Failure to read and follow directions has proven to be a strong indicator of a student's success and ability to study abroad through the exchange programs. As such, your ability to follow instructions will weigh heavily in our application review process.

Please refer to the Study Away Application webpage on the Global Programs website.

Tandon Global does not manage this process so all questions should be sent to Global Programs.


Acceptance & Pre-Departure


NYU Study Away (Global Sites)

  1. Download the NYU Study Away Course Equivalency form
  2. List all of the courses you plan to take abroad in the leftmost column (we recommend adding more courses than you're enrolled in so that you can make changes without having to go through extra steps once abroad)
  3. Review the courses listed on the pre-approved spreadsheets: Study Away or HUSS. If the course you want to enroll in is already listed and pre-approved as a Tandon course, you can fill in the pre-approved course equivalent from the sheet into the Tandon course column
  4. If the course is not listed, or you are requesting that the course be counted as something else other than what is listed on the approved spreadsheet, obtain the course description and the course syllabus (online or contact and send it to the Tandon corresponding academic department for review/approval
  5. Once all of the courses and their Tandon equivalencies are listed, send over to your major academic adviser for review and fill in the equivalent major requirement
  6. Gather all of the necessary signatures at the bottom and then submit to for final review/approval

Exchange and GE3 Programs

  1. Students should review the partner school's website to determine if they will be offering the types of courses they wish to take in order to stay on track for graduation. While many of the courses within participating schools are taught in English, some are not. Students are required to conduct their own personal research via the schools websites to find out if the courses they want to take are taught in English. We recommend reviewing 2-3 schools course catalogs and submitting all possible courses to be evaluated.
  2. Once you have compiled a list of courses and their syllabi, you will then submit each course to be evaluated through the Tandon Study Abroad Portal


    • For example, you locate a course in Hanyang University that looks to cover the exact same topics as our Linear Algebra. You would submit the syllabus and other relevant information to the Math department through the online portal to be evaluated.
    • While you are not required to have a finalized list of evaluated courses in the Study Abroad Portal prior to submitting your application, it is in your best interest to get as many courses reviewed as possible up front rather than waiting until closer to your departure should you be nominated/accepted to a partner institution.
  3. Once you have been nominated and accepted to a partner institution, you will return to the Tandon Study Abroad Portal and add your course preferences to your "cart". You will then make an appointment with your academic advisor so they can indicate how each course will count towards your degree progress/completion (i.e. major requirement, tech elective, HUSS, free elective etc.). This will need to be completed at least one month prior to your program's start date.

(In order to access this portal, you will need to be sure to fill out the Tandon Study Abroad Interest Form in order to be granted log-in access. For a tutorial on how to navigate and utilize the portal, please view the “Tandon Study Abroad Portal Tutorial”. You will need to use your NYU credentials to access.)

While abroad, all students must remain in contact with their academic advisor and Tandon Global and keep them apprised of their academic progress and any changes in their academic plan.

Relevant Links

Students must present proper travel documents in order to be eligible for study abroad. Don't worry, for students going to NYU Sites they will be assigned an advisor from the Office of Global Services. For students participating on an exchange program, your host institution and Tandon Global will assist you

  • U.S. citizens are required to have valid passports
  • Lawful Permanent Residents are required to have a valid passport from their home country, or a Reentry Permit issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service
  • Individuals granted asylum or refugee status in the United States are required to have Refugee Travel Documents issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service

Students are responsible for checking with the host country's consulate to determine whether they need a visa or other entry requirement. Please remember that the entry requirement for U.S. citizens may be different than for lawful permanent residents, or citizens of other countries residing in the United States. For additional information or assistance on visa requirements, please contact the Office of Global Services.
For additional information, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Academics.

Students are required to complete the online application and depending on the program, supplementary application materials required by the host academic university or program.

  • Students participating in any semester or year long study abroad are automatically enrolled in Geoblue International Health insurance at no cost to you!
  • Every global site and exchange partner will provide guidance and information on all of your healthcare concerns while abroad.

  • Students with special physical and health conditions and chronic illnesses should discuss their travel plans with their health care provider, who can determine how best to address on-going treatment, therapy, or other concerns.
  • Students should determine if their current health care insurance provides the same level of coverage overseas. New York University provides a medical insurance plan for all domestic students enrolled for 9 or more credits. While coverage under this policy is available 24 hours a day worldwide, international heath care providers vary in their acceptance of particular plan provisions.
  • Students participating in the study abroad program to certify that they have adequate health and medical insurance for the duration of their stay overseas. This includes medical evacuation/repatriation coverage comparable to that offered by HTH Worldwide Insurance Services.
  • The Center for Disease Control (CDC) offers information about geographic health recommendations, specific disease outbreaks and other information related to health concerns in foreign countries. We encourage you to visit the CDC's website for more information.

Safety and Security

Students going abroad must familiarize themselves with conditions in the country to which they are traveling. The Department of State provides current information about country conditions, and how they may impact Americans traveling abroad. Consular Affairs also contains information about entry regulations, health conditions, crime and security, as well as the locations and addresses of consulates and embassies. If you have questions or need additional information please contact the Office for Undergraduate Academics.

NYU Traveler

NYU Traveler was created to provide the NYU community with tools and services for their travel needs and to help keep them safer. University-related travel may be booked or registered through NYU Traveler. Only NYU netID holders are eligible for direct access to the NYU Traveler booking and registration tools.

By booking through Egencia, your travel plans will be automatically registered with the NYU Traveler trip registration tool, which NYU has created to provide you with up-to-the-minute information of potential threats to your safety during your travels, and to enable NYU to get in touch with you to render aid in the event of an emergency.

If you choose to book with another travel agency, you should register your travel and/or update your itinerary on NYU's safety service.

Pre-Departure Requirements/Planning

The Office of Global Programs will grant you access to a personalized pre-departure portal where you will need to complete various forms, upload documents, and review important information.

For assistance with pre-departure for these programs, Tandon Global can only refer you to the appropriate contacts that can actually assist you.  Global Programs oversees the entire study away process and as such will be your main resource. Tandon Global does not have any authority or knowledge of their processes but rather just a general understanding.

Please email the following for any and all concerns:

General Inquires (Housing, Arrival, Departure Dates, Booking Flights, Orientation)

Registration Issues (Permission Codes, Waitlists, Syllabi, Sections, Pre-Requisites, Time Conflicts) (For Shanghai) (For Abu Dhabi)

Immigration (Visa Issues, Immigration Concerns, Passport)

Upon acceptance to one of our exchange program you will be granted access to a personalized admitted students portal managed by Tandon Global. Here you will:

  • Submit passport information, contact information, etc.
  • Learn about the pre-departure orientation and sign off on the study abroad agreement.
  • Finalize your course preferences and review those with your academic advisor
  • Share social media links and photos once you arrive in country.

Tandon Global will work with the exchange partners on registration, immigration, and housing. However, it is your responsibility to stay on top of these things and notify Tandon Global as information is given as they are not always included on all communications.