NYU Tandon Bridge | NYU Tandon | Digital Learning | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

NYU Tandon Bridge

Develop skills that will help prepare you for a STEM degree with our 100% online program.

Request Info

Brooklyn Bridge

About the Bridge Program

The Bridge application cycle is currently closed. To be notified when the next application cycle opens, submit the Request Info Form.

The NYU Tandon Bridge course was developed to build foundational skills in those without a technical background in order to prepare for applying to our select STEM graduate programs. Taught by faculty of the NYU Tandon Computer Science department, this 100% online course covers topics that include discrete math, data structures and algorithms, and principles of operating systems. All course instruction is conducted exclusively in English.

Available in a 21- or 28-week asynchronous format, the Bridge program is a non-credit immersive experience utilizing interactive online modules, live webinars, assignments, and exams. Students who successfully complete the program will earn a certificate of distinction or certificate of completion. All Bridge certificates will be considered toward your master’s degree application, and entitle you to a waiver of the master’s application fee and GRE requirements. Before enrolling, you should ensure that participation in this program will meet your objectives.

Helpful links:

Program Benefits

Engineering background not required

Fully online

Bridge students receive a master’s application fee waiver

Cost: $1,850*

Apply to master’s with an additional credential

Flexible learning

*If you are located outside of the United States, the fee for this program may be subject to local taxes, which are the sole responsibility of participants.


Course Calendar and Time Commitment


Course Duration

Bridge Application Deadline

Course Start Date

Course End Date

Winter 2025



1/2/25 5/25/25

Winter 2025



1/2/25 7/13/25

Spring 2025



4/7/25 10/19/25



To Be Announced

To Be Announced To Be Announced



Bridge Exam Dates

Bridge exams are scheduled in advance at a specific date and time. Exams must be completed via an online proctor. Speak to your instructor if you anticipate any conflicts with the exam schedule.

Interested in Chip Design?

Check out our BASICS program (Bridge to Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) – a groundbreaking program from NYU Tandon designed to provide foundational skills in chip design to learners of all backgrounds.

 Learn More

Applying from Bridge to a Master’s Program

Students who attend the NYU Tandon Bridge course are eligible to apply for one of the following NYU Tandon Master’s degree programs, in addition to any number of our Partner Institution programs. Visit our Applying from Bridge to Master’s page for details on applying as a current or past Bridge student.





Contact Us

Email Address: Tandon.Bridge@nyu.edu

Phone: +1 646.997.5903