Academic Advising | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Academic Advising

For Undergraduates in the MAE Department

Advising Overview

Undergraduate academic advising is now open for the Fall 2024 semester. Please make an appointment to have your academic hold removed.

  • Academic advising will be done remotely this semester
  • Please come prepared with a tentative schedule
  • Email requests for academic hold removal will not be accepted
  • Advising appointments are required during peak advising before registration opening
  • You may make an advising appointment by visiting our Calendly accounts below
  • General advising is available throughout the semester
  • Permission code information can be found under FAQs

Who is my Advisor?

For Sophomores, Juniors, and Transfer Students

  Ms. Jess Ferrante

For Seniors and Transfer Students

  Prof. Lee

For students in the situations listed below:
  • 3+2 program with NYUCAS,
  • BS/MS program

  Prof. Borowiec


Any course not required for the degree and begins with the prefix AE-UY, ME-U/GY, or ROB-U/GY can count as a MAE Elective. Please note:

  1. Courses that mimic those in the Mechanical Engineering program (e.g., Statics offered by Civil Engineering) cannot be used
  2. Courses offered by NYUSPS (School of Professional Studies) cannot be used toward a degree program at Tandon
  3. MAE Electives can count as either a STEM2 or Free Elective

The undergraduate course offerings are:

  • Aerodynamics, AE-UY 4613
  • Propulsion, AE-UY 4633
  • Vibration Fundamentals & Design, ME-UY 3243
  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, ME-UY 4363
  • Manufacturing Engineering and Processes, ME-UY 4853
  • Intersection of Engineering, Law, and Business, ME-UY 4983A
  • Advanced CAD, ME-UY 4983B
  • Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluids Dynamics, ME-UY 4983B
  • Robotic Manipulation and Locomotion, ROB-UY 2004
  • Robotic Vision, ROB-UY 3203

If a graduate-level course is applied to an MAE elective, it cannot be used to fulfill a graduate degree requirement.

STEM2 Electives are satisfied by the following courses:

  • Any level 2 or higher course starting with the prefix AE-UY, BMS-UY, CBE-UY, CM-UY, CE-UY, CS-UY, ECE-UY, EG-UY, FIN-UY, DM-UY, MA-UY, ME-UY, MG-UY, PH-UY, ROB-UY, STS-UY, or VIP-UY
  • Any graduate course starting with BE-GY, BI-GY, BT-GY, BTE-GY, CBE-GY, CM-GY, CE-GY, CS-GY, DM-GY, IE-GY, MG-GY, MA-GY, ME-GY, ROB-GY, or TR-GY
  • Any course that satisfies Humanities credit from the prefixes above must be more than the NYU Tandon 24 credit Humanities and Social Sciences (HuSS) requirement to be eligible for STEM2 elective credit. Double-counting HuSS credits and STEM2 credits is not permitted.
  • If a graduate course is applied to a STEM2 Elective, it cannot be used to fulfill a graduate degree requirement.

Students must complete at least 24 total credits of HuSS, which includes the first-year writing sequence. At least one elective must be:

  • Level 3 or higher
  • Intensive Writing (not including first-year writing)

The overall requirement is at least 24 credits, regardless of how the courses add up in credit value.

Starting fall 2021, the TCS Department at Tandon is replacing the Intensive Writing course with a selection of courses called: Advanced Seminar Series. View the Tandon HuSS requirements on the TCS site.

The relevant points are:

  1. If you already completed the Level 3 and W requirements, you do not need to take an Advanced Seminar Series course
  2. If you completed a Level 2W course, you do not need to take an Advanced Seminar Series course but still need to take a Level 3 course
  3. If you have not completed either a Level 3 or W course, the Advanced Seminar Series course will satisfy both requirements
  4. Regardless of your approach you still need to complete EXPOS-UA 1 or equivalent, EXPOS-UA 2 or equivalent, and 16 credits of HuSS electives

Advanced Seminar Series humanities courses end with -UY 4504, and the most current list can be found at the link above. There are also links on the TCS site for other HuSS electives and approved Advanced Seminar Series courses at various Schools of NYU.

A Math/Science Elective is any Tandon math or science course that is level 2 or higher starting with the prefix BMS-UY, CM-UY, MA-UY, or PH-UY. This elective applies to students who entered Tandon in Fall 2022 or later.

A Physics Elective is any Tandon physics course level 2 or higher starting with the prefix PH-UY. This elective applies to students who entered Tandon in Fall 2022 or later.

A Free Elective is any college level course in any department of the University for which the student has the prerequisites. Free Electives may include internships for credit (CP-UY 2xxx or Study Abroad courses). A total of six internship credits may be applied to the BSME degree. Letter graded and pass/fail approved internship courses are allowable. In general, all other Free Electives must be letter graded and do not include physical education courses.

If a graduate course is applied to a Free Elective, it cannot be used to fulfill a graduate degree requirement.

Curriculum Pre/Co-Requisite Summary

All courses with descriptions and requirements can be found in the Bulletin. View all requirements for courses contained in the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.

Tandon Global Study Away Program at London

The Tandon Global Study Away Program at London provides a curriculum-friendly approach to studying abroad. It's ideal for Sophomores who are considering such an experience. For more information, visit Tandon's Study Away page.

Graduation Checklists

Below are checklists for the curriculum as it existed at various points in time. All of the requirements in a chosen curriculum must be met to earn the degree. By default, students follow the curriculum in effect when they started their first semester at Tandon.

MAE Department Level Academic Probation/Residency

All MAE majors who started at the School of Engineering during fall 2012 or later are subject to department level GPA requirements. The School of Engineering has separate GPA requirements related to academic disqualification.

Any student who is academically disqualified from the MAE Department has until the date specified in their disqualification notice (often the week before the first day of classes in a subsequent semester) to enter a new major. If the student does not find or is not accepted by another major by this date then the student effectively becomes disqualified from the School of Engineering.

In general, the MAE Department requires a 2.5 GPA for students wishing to change their major to MAE.

As part of the MAE Department's residency requirement, all junior and senior mechanical engineering courses must be taken at Tandon (unless the students is part of an approved Study Abroad experience).

Frequently asked Questions

Each department administers any permission numbers for their courses. The MAE Department only provides permission numbers for courses beginning with the prefixes AE-UY, ME-UY, and ROB-UY. View the Permission Numbers Contact List for all Departments.

To request a permission code for MAE courses only, please fill out this form.

The only way to drop a class that is a co-requisite to another course is via a paper form process. Please use the Waiver of Co-Requisite Form found on the Registration Forms page

Minor changes to the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree may occur during your tenure at the School of Engineering. In general, students continue to follow the curriculum in existence during their first semester of attendance.

However, a student can change from their original curriculum to a newer one. But it is not permissible to mix and match requirements from differing curriculums. Each requirement from a particular curriculum must be met in order to graduate. Please feel free to stop by if you have questions.