Computer Science, M.S. | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Computer Science, M.S.

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Students Collaborating on laptop

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We offer a highly adaptive M.S. in Computer Science program that lets you shape the degree around your interests. Besides our core curriculum in the fundamentals of computer science, you have a wealth of electives to choose from. You can tailor your degree to your professional goals and interests in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, information visualization, machine learning and AI, graphics, game engineering, responsible computing, algorithms, and web search technology.

Job opportunities in computer science are challenging and diverse, and we expect to see steady demand for highly qualified graduates at all levels. As a graduate, you can explore careers in areas such as applications programming, big data, software engineering, game design and programming, peer-to-peer networks, computer vision and imaging, machine learning and AI, urban computing, and interactive data visualization.

With our M.S. program in Computer Science, you will have significant curriculum flexibility, allowing you to adapt your program to your ambitions and goals as well as to your educational and professional background. You will gain a solid grounding in the fundamentals of computer science, along with access to professional-level courses, and an opportunity to specialize in selected technology areas of your choice.


Admissions Requirements

Admission to this program requires you to have an undergraduate degree in computer science, mathematics, science, or engineering, with a superior undergraduate record from an accredited institution. Applicants with degrees in other fields are considered individually for admission.

Find out more about general Admission Requirements.

  • At least 1 year of university-level science.
  • A working knowledge of a high-level, general-purpose programming language (preferably C++).
  • A basic understanding of computer fundamentals such as computer organization and operation, data structures, and computer architecture.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in written and spoken English is required for regular status (see below). Foreign students and others for whom English is a second language may be required to undertake preparatory work to improve their language skills.

Students entering with a bachelor’s in computer science or with a bachelor’s in a technical area and a strong minor in computer science should be able to satisfy entrance requirements for the master’s degree program. Generally, entering students are expected to know mathematics through calculus.

Admission with advanced standing is accepted in accordance with the School of Engineering regulations. A maximum of 9 credits may be applied to the M.S. degree from previous graduate work at an acceptable institution.

Students who are lacking the computer science skills needed for the Computer Science Master's Degree are encouraged to enroll into the preparatory Bridge to NYU Tandon program. Pending satisfactory completion, students would be considered for admission towards the master's degree program.

Applicants who satisfy one of the following conditions are not required but encouraged to submit a GRE score:

  1. M.S. Applicants without a Computer Science or similar background who successfully complete the NYU Tandon Bridge.
  2. Applicant completes 9 credits under Visiting Student Registration from an approved list of CSE courses and maintains an average grade of B+ or better.
  3. Applicant has a B.A. or B.S. degree in computer science or computer engineering from NYU, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Preparatory Course

NYU Tandon Bridge

The 100% online NYU Tandon Bridge course prepares students without a Computer Science degree or other substantial programming experience to apply for select NYU Tandon master’s degree programs. In the course, students will learn computer science fundamentals and programming with C++.

Students’ performance in the Bridge will count toward their master’s degree application decisions. The Bridge is a non-credit certificate course, and those who complete the Bridge with a final grade of C or above will earn a Certificate of Completion, and those who earn a B+ or above will receive a Certificate of Completion with Distinction. Note: regardless of performance, successful completion of the Bridge course does not guarantee admission to any academic program.

The NYU Tandon Bridge course is taught by faculty members of the Computer Science department at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, aided by NYU Tandon Graduate student teaching assistants. Students will participate in interactive online modules, live webinars, assignments, and tests.

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