Inclusion, Diversity, Belonging, And Equity in MAE | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Inclusion, Diversity, Belonging, And Equity in MAE

MAE Department Statement On IDBE

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering is committed to creating an environment where diversity, equity, and inclusion are considered organizational and service imperatives.

The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department with its inherent diversity of studies and subdisciplines encompasses a wide variety of viewpoints and skills. Mechanical Engineers, in particular, work in a rich assortment of fields, technologies, and companies upon graduation.

As our world becomes more diverse and interconnected, we seek to engage our students and to expose them to different views and cultures, races and ethnicities, and genders and identities, as well as new modes of analysis, discoveries, and problem-solving.

The goal of a university experience should not be limited to technical learning and should strive to include a broad exchange of ideas and approaches to help combat complacency and unlock collective potential. Tandon's support of STEM education programs, various associations in sustainability, and collaborations with the medical and health science areas of NYU, all contribute to our Department's efforts to turn those goals into realities.

Further Reading:

Why Should I Care About Diversity In Engineering?

ASME Statement On Diversity