ECE Seminars | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

ECE Seminars

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Spring 2025

Sina Alemohammad
Ph.D. candidate at Rice University

Generative AI in the Age of Synthetic Data: Challenges and Solutions

Thursday, January 9 |

Dr. Andrea Goldsmith
Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Princeton University

NYU Ecosystem Hub Seminar : Dr. Andrea Goldsmith

Wednesday, February 5 |

Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, Washington University

Achieving AI Safety in a Contested World

Thursday, February 6 |

Urbi Chatterjee
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

New Emerging Attacks in Hardware Security: Embedded Systems to ML Accelerators

Thursday, February 13 |

Mark Schmidt
Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia

Why does Adam work so well for LLMs? And can we find optimal per-variable step sizes?

Tuesday, February 18 |

Souvik Biswas
Ph.D. graduate in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University

Programming Quantum Materials for Next-Gen Photonics

Wednesday, February 19 |

Eugene Vinitsky
Assistant professor, Civil and Urban Engineering, New York University

An empirical foundation for multi-agent reinforcement learning at scale

Thursday, February 20 |

Michele Polese
Research Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Boston

Towards Open, Programmable, and Intelligent Cellular Networks

Monday, February 24 |

Aziza Almanakly
Ph.D. candidate, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Building superconducting quantum networks

Wednesday, February 26 |

Dr. Haoning Tang
Research associate at Harvard University

Twisting Light with Nanomachines

Friday, February 28 |

Osvaldo Simeone
Professor, Information Engineering, King's College, London

Efficient and Reliable Information Engineering: From Neuromorphic to Quantum Computing

Monday, March 3 |

Zidong Wang
Professor of Dynamical Systems and Computing, Department of Computer Science, Brunel University London, U.K

Networked Control Systems with Communication Protocols: Challenges and Progress

Monday, March 3 |

Miguel Rodrigues
Professor, Information Theory and Processing, University College, London

Deep Learning for Inverse Problems: Theoretical Perspectives, Algorithms, and Applications

Wednesday, March 5 |

Jason Jangho Choi
Ph.D. candidate, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley

Towards Generalizable Safety for Robot Autonomy: Integrating Model-Based Analysis with Data-Driven Approaches

Wednesday, March 5 |

Dr. Joel I-Jan Wang
Research scientist, Engineering Quantum Systems (EQuS) group, Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT

Layering Quantum Innovation: From van der Waals Materials to Quantum Technology

Thursday, March 6 |

Jovan Stojkovic
Ph.D. candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Chasing the "Tail at Scale": Toward Cloud-Native Architectures

Wednesday, March 12 |

Dani S. Bassett
J. Peter Skirkanich Professor, University of Pennsylvania

Curiosity Styles in the (Natural & Artificial) Wild

Thursday, March 13 |