Circuits: Terahertz (THz) and Beyond
ECE Special Seminar Series Co-sponsored by NYU WIRELESS — Fall 2018
Pioneering circuit designers will explain how they are exploring the outer limits of engineering capabilities

Live Stream
Out of Many, Many: The Path towards Scalable, Integrated, mm-Wave MIMO Arrays
Prof. Arun Natarajan, Oregon State University
Dec. 6, 2018
Past Streams
Channel Characteristics for Terahertz Wireless Communications
Daniel M. Mittleman, Brown University
Nov. 15, 2018
Enabling the Third Wireless Revolution through Transformative RF/mm-Wave Circuits, Wireless Systems and Sensing Paradigms
Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia University
Nov. 7, 2018
Wireless Above 100Ghz
Mark Rodwell, UC Santa Barbara
Oct. 11, 2018
Monolithic Phased Arrays: Radiofrequencies to Optical Frequencies
Hossein Hashemi, University of Southern California
Oct. 3, 2018
Terahertz Communications: From Nanomaterials to Ultra-broadband Networks
Josep Miquel Jornet, University at Buffalo
Sept. 27, 2018
Silicon-based Integrated Sensors with On-chip Antennas: From THz Pulse Sources to Miniaturized Spectrometers
Aydin Babahani, UCLA
Sept. 5, 2018
This seminar series, co-sponsored by NYU WIRELESS and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is organized by Professors Shaloo Rakheja, Davood Shahrjerdi, Ramesh Karri, and Theodore (Ted) Rappaport.
Circuits; Terahertz (THz) and Beyond features the most innovative and active researchers who are pushing the limits of electrical engineering. Over the Fall of 2018, eight pioneering circuit designers will explain how they are exploring the outer limits of engineering capabilities, as they forge new ground and develop new knowledge that had led to new devices and new theories that will impact the future of electrical engineering. Learn about the activities of these research pioneers and the methods and innovations that they are employing to create the future of communications, computing, and sensing.
The lectures will be archived for viewing and will be live streamed to the NYU WIRELESS Industrial Affiliate companies.
Silicon-based Integrated Sensors with On-chip Antennas: From THz Pulse Sources to Miniaturized Spectrometers | Aydin Babakhani, UCLA | 9/5/18, 11:00am | 370 Jay Room 1201 |
Terahertz Communications: From Nanomaterials to Ultra-broadband Networks | Josep Miquel Jornet, University at Buffalo | 9/27/18, 11:00am | 370 Jay Room 1201 |
Monolithic Phased Arrays: Radiofrequencies to Optical Frequencies | Hossein Hashemi, University of Southern California | 10/3/18, 11:00 am | 370 Jay Room 1201 |
Wireless above 100GHz | Mark Rodwell, UC Santa Barbara | 10/11/18, 11:00 am | 370 Jay Room 202 |
Enabling the Third Wireless Revolution through Transformative RF/mm-Wave Circuits, Wireless Systems and Sensing Paradigms | Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia University | 11/7/18, 11:00 am | 370 Jay Room 1201 |
Channel Characteristics for Terahertz Wireless Communications | Daniel M. Mittleman, Brown University | 11/15/18, 11:00 am | 370 Jay Room 1201 |
Out of Many, Many: The Path towards Scalable, Integrated, mm-Wave MIMO Arrays | Arun Natarajan, Oregon State University | 12/6/18, 11:00 am | 370 Jay Room 1201 |
All Seminars will be live streamed on this webpage.

Theodore (Ted) S. Rappaport
NYU Wireless
NYU WIRELESS is a vibrant academic research center that is pushing the boundaries of wireless communications, sensing, networking, and devices.
Centered at NYU Tandon and involving leaders from industry, faculty and students throughout the entire NYU community, NYU WIRELESS offers its industrial affiliate sponsors, students, and faculty members a world-class research environment that is creating fundamental knowledge, theories and techniques for future mass-deployable wireless devices across a wide range of applications and markets.
Every January, NYU WIRELESS hosts an annual recruiting day for all of its students and Industrial Affiliate sponsors, and hosts a major invitation-only wireless summit every April, in cooperation with Nokia Bell Laboratories, for the center’s Industrial Affiliates and thought leaders throughout the global telecommunications industry.