Computer Science Outreach | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Computer Science Outreach

Explore our programs designed to create opportunities for the NYU community and beyond.

Students Collaborating on laptop

The following is a list of Computer Science programs designed to create opportunities for high school and college students as well as faculty and teachers, both inside the NYU community and beyond.

Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE)

This selective program is for academically strong, current 10th and 11th grade New York City students with a demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)

Computer Science for Cyber Security (CS4CS) Summer Program

CS4CS is a FREE, full-day summer program providing an introduction on the fundamentals of cybersecurity and computer science for high school students. No background or experience in cybersecurity or computer programming is needed in order to apply, only your interest and enthusiasm.


The largest student-run cybersecurity event in the world, featuring international competitions, workshops, and industry events. Competitions are developed by undergraduate and graduate students associated with the OSIRIS Lab and the Center for Cyber Security at NYU Tandon in collaboration with student teams from across the globe.

Cybersecurity Service Scholarship

A successor to the ASPIRE (A Scholarship for Service Partnership for Interdisciplinary Research and Education) scholarship funded by the Federal Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, the Cybersecurity Service Scholarship prepares recipients for the real world by giving them strong technical training and teaching them to approach problems with a security mindset that looks beyond just the technology. CSS winners will be ready for some of the most crucial challenges of our time.

Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program

The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Scholarship Program (CySP) is authorized by Chapter 112 of title 10, United States Code, Section 2200. The purpose of the program is to support the recruitment of new cyber talent and the retention of current highly skilled professionals within the DoD cyber workforce. Additionally, this program serves to enhance the national pipeline for the development of cyber personnel by providing grants to institutions of higher education.