Civil and Urban Engineering Minors | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Civil and Urban Engineering Minors

aerial highway


Undergraduate students can concentrate in a specialized academic discipline, by pursuing a minor in an approved concentration. Civil engineering students may select a minor in or out of the CUE department, with the approval of the undergraduate student advisers in both civil engineering and the minor discipline. Minors consist of 14-15 credits in the minor discipline. Some courses can be used to satisfy both (1) the minor and (2) elective course requirements in civil engineering.

Construction Management

Construction students outing

Construction managers plan, direct, coordinate, and budget a wide variety of construction projects from inception to completion, all the while managing time constraints, cost and quality. The goals of the minor are to teach fundamental technical and leadership skills and promote a greater understanding of relationships between construction and the other professions.

Learn more about the construction minor.


Photo of New York City street The purpose of the Civil and Urban Engineering undergraduate minor in Transportation is to open new avenues to NYU’s undergraduate students from all disciplines to be involved in these exciting developments in transportation engineering and planning. The main educational goal is to provide students with the necessary foundations to use advanced analytical techniques and to employ emerging publicly available big data sources not only to analyze and evaluate existing transportation systems but also to plan and engineer future systems such as hyperloop and autonomous vehicles. Students will have the opportunity to learn to use advanced simulation and spatial data analysis and visualization tools to assess the effects of implementing alternative designs of these emerging transportation systems.

Learn more about the transportation minor

Environmental Engineering

Cover photo for environmental engineering minor

Environmental engineers play an important role in designing and implementing projects that protect public health and ecosystems, and therefore play an important societal role in our highly impacted and changing world. The goal of the Civil and Urban Engineering undergraduate minor in Environmental Engineering is to expose undergraduate students to the fundamental principles of environmental engineering theory and practice, which can be applied to solving practical problems that involve evaluation and treatment of contaminated water, soils, and air. Students will develop knowledge and skills in mass and energy balances, reactor models, unit treatment processes, environmental chemistry and microbiology, water resource engineering, hydrology, and environmental contaminants. These skills, along with an emphasis on building analytical reasoning and critical thinking capabilities, can be applied to problem-solving in environmental engineering or additional engineering domains. Students are required to take a total of 15 credits.The minor is open to all undergraduate students.

Learn more about the environmental engineering minor

Structural Engineering

The view of city skyline

Structural engineering is one of the oldest recognized specializations within the civil engineering profession. Buildings, bridges, dams and tunnels are only a few examples of structures upon which our infrastructure is dependent. Structural engineers must have a strong understanding and be capable of both analyzing and designing structural elements and systems. This minor will prepare civil engineering students who intend to pursue a career in structural engineering, as well provide other students a foundation of understanding of structures or a platform from which to pursue further study.

Learn more about the structural engineering minor.