Available Positions | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Available Positions

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New York University, one of the largest and most highly regarded private universities, is seeking to add several tenured/tenure-track faculty members to its Department of Civil and Urban Engineering in the Tandon School of Engineering. The department collaborates closely with other schools and centers of the university engaged with public health, urban informatics and planning, etc.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, a current CV along with research and teaching statements, copies of three representative publications, and the names of at least three professional references. Recent teaching evaluations should be provided if applicable. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

Senior candidates wishing to explore the opportunity are encouraged to contact the department Chair, Prof. Magued Iskander.

Adjunct Faculty Position

Graduate Student Research Positions

School of Engineering Fellowships

School of Engineering fellowships include a stipend and a tuition remission. SOE fellowships are typically awarded to full-time PhD students. Applicants and current students are recommended to SOE fellowships by research-active faculty. Students should contact a faculty sponsor in their chosen research area.

Graduate Student Employment and Training (GSET) Program

These hourly positions are limited to full-time masters students in good academic standing. Students perform research, administrative, and clerical tasks. Positions are typically 15 - 20 hours/week for 10-14 weeks for each of the Fall and Spring semesters. Positions are advertised on CareerNet and Handshake.

Research Assistantships

These positions are sponsored by externally-funded research grants. Research Assistants are expected to devote up to 20 hours per week (academic year) and up to 35 hours (summer) to duties related to the sponsoring grant. Interested students should contact research-active faculty to investigate the availability of positions. The following labs and centers usually seek for research assistants

Postdoctoral Associate

The C2SMART Center may have available opportunities for Post-Doctoral Associates to participate in and lead transportation research projects being conducted at the center, as described below. Please reach out to Shri Iyer, Managing Director for the C2SMART Center, at shri.iyer@nyu.edu, for more information about potential opportunities.

Transportation engineering post-doctoral Associate

  • Perform data analysis, modeling, statistical analysis, and associated documentation per sponsor/client requirements
  • Visit field sites to administer surveys, record and collect data, participate in field tests, and deploy and test new equipment
  • Lead specific tasks that require creation and calibration of simulation models, development of performance measures, and studying and understanding trends/relationships from big datasets

Data and infrastructure post-doctoral Associate

  • Design automated solutions using big data in support of model and simulation development as well as data analysis
  • Develop web-based database solutions for the Center’s activities as well as individual projects and related data
  • Organize and help maintain C2SMART’s commercial and in-house software libraries per NYU and center-prescribed policies

Cybersecurity post-doctoral Associate

  • Research and identify cybersecurity issues encountered in automated implementations of transportation systems
  • Develop multi-disciplinary solutions targeted at intrusion detection and vulnerable transportation infrastructure
  • Prepare/design protocols to ensure automated systems are adequately identifying and preparing for cybersecurity threats
  • Lead outreach efforts to increase agency awareness of cybersecurity

Postdoctoral Fellowship

The C2SMART Center may have available opportunities for Postdoctoral Fellowship to participate in and lead research projects being conducted at the center, as described below. Please reach out to Shri Iyer, Managing Director for the C2SMART Center, at shri.iyer@nyu.edu, for more information about potential opportunities.


Smart Cities postdoctoral Fellowship

Successful fellows are expected to contribute to both methods and foundational knowledge in their core disciplines, as well as to novel data- and technology-driven applications for, e.g., improving the quality of city services; optimizing resource allocation and decision-making by local governments; securing smart urban infrastructure; addressing challenging urban problems including crime, environmental pollution and public health issues; and empowering urban citizens to better their communities and improve their quality of life.